
Does The Last House on the Left have end credit scenes?


The Last House on the Left does not have end credit scenes.

The Last House on the Left

The Last House on the Left


In this tense thriller, a fateful night at a secluded lakehouse turns into a nightmare for Mari and her friend, as they fall prey to the ruthless plans of a prison escapee and his cohorts. As they fight for survival, their only hope lies in reaching Mari's unsuspecting parents, but the tables turn when their attackers unwittingly seek refuge at the one place she could be safe, leading to a chilling reckoning.

Runtime: 110 min

Box Office: $46M








User Score


6.5 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in The Last House on the Left!

The film plunges into darkness as a midnight forest landscape serves as the somber backdrop for a fateful encounter. Police officers Morton (Michael Bowen) and Giles (Joshua Cox) are transporting John Krug (Garret Dillahunt), a notorious criminal, to his just desserts when an unexpected interruption arises. As Krug requests a brief pause to attend to nature's call, his entreaties fall on deaf ears with the lawmen. The car trundles along until it reaches a railroad crossing, where a train rumbles by, momentarily interrupting the journey. But before the officers can breathe a sigh of relief, chaos erupts as a truck careens into their vehicle. Two masked figures emerge from the wreckage, only to reveal themselves as Krug's younger brother Francis (Aaron Paul) and his girlfriend Sadie (Riki Lindhome). Giles, his body bearing the gruesome marks of violence, clings to life despite his precarious state. In a chilling display of brutality, Sadie terminates Giles' suffering with a bullet to the head, freeing Krug from his restraints. As the criminal's gaze lingers on Francis, he inquires about the well-being of their shared offspring, learning that all is well. Meanwhile, Morton, though gravely injured, still draws breath. In a gruesome display of power, Krug strangles him with the seatbelt, leaving both parties to ponder the dying officer's final thoughts as his life slips away. Francis pilfers the cash from Morton's wallet, allowing a few crimson droplets to stain the bills. As Krug claims Morton's cherished photograph of his two young daughters, he posits that the officer is consumed by the thought of all that he will never again have the privilege of seeing. With a cold calculation, Krug brings an end to Morton's suffering, sealing the fate of the doomed trio.

In a serene setting, 17-year-old Mari Collingwood (Sara Paxton) glides effortlessly through the crystal-clear waters of their family pool, while her mother Emma (Monica Potter) watches with a warm smile. As Mari emerges from the water, she inquires about her swimming time, only to be reassured by her mother that it's of little consequence. With the summer vacation approaching, Emma suggests they start packing and make the most of their getaway. Later, Emma picks up her husband, Dr. John Collingwood (Tony Goldwyn), from the hospital after he finishes a successful surgery.

As the Collingwoods set off for their secluded forest retreat, Mari takes the wheel, navigating through the winding roads that lead them to their picturesque summer home. Upon arrival, she notices a quirky sign indicating that the road ends at the lake, but her curiosity gets the better of her, and she decides to take the left turn, remarking on the absurdity of it all.

The family settles in, unloading their belongings as Mari chooses to occupy the guest house, which lies a short distance away from the main residence. The atmosphere is palpably heavy with grief, as the weight of their previous loss – the passing of their son Ben last year – still lingers. Mari's decision to spend time alone in the boathouse and take a quick dip in the lake serves as a momentary escape from the emotional undertones.

As John tinkers with the broken microwave, Emma's brother leaves behind a thoughtful gesture in the form of a bottle of wine, symbolizing his appreciation for their hospitality. Mari then asks her parents if she can borrow the car to visit her friend Paige in town. Although Emma initially suggests they spend the evening together as a family, John relents and provides Mari with the keys and some spending money, cautioning her to call home when she arrives.

Meanwhile, John and Emma plan a quiet, romantic dinner for themselves, looking forward to a peaceful evening amidst the serenity of their natural surroundings.

As Mari spends time with Paige (Martha MacIsaac) at the general store, the two friends engage in casual conversation about their plans to indulge in recreational activities. Meanwhile, a young teenager named Justin (Spencer Treat Clark) ambles over to the counter, his hands laden with an assortment of junk food items. He requests cigarettes, prompting Paige to demand proof of age before making a sale. In a clever compromise, Justin offers Paige a premium batch of marijuana from his motel room in exchange for the desired cigarettes. Paige agrees to the proposal, and Justin proceeds to select clean bills from his stash to make the purchase. Mari then drives them all to the motel, dropping off Justin and Paige at the designated location. As they exit the vehicle, they inform Mari that she'll be reunited with them within a couple of minutes. However, Mari's attention is soon diverted by a maid who approaches her, inquiring about a misplaced room key. With time ticking away, Mari decides to enter the motel room, where she finds Justin and Paige already indulging in a joint. Although slightly perturbed that she wasn't included in the initial sharing, Mari eventually sits down to join them, partaking in the communal experience.

As they continue their revelry, Emma (uncredited) reaches out to Mari via phone call, expressing concern over Mari's lack of communication since arriving in town. Mari reassures her friend that everything is indeed fine, and as their conversation begins to wind down, Emma warns Mari about an impending storm. Mari responds by stating that she'll spend the night at Paige's residence and hangs up.

In a moment of levity, Paige takes to dancing on the bed while under the influence. Mari then turns her attention to Justin, inquiring about his family dynamics. He reveals that he's had to keep moving due to his father and uncle, but shares that his mother has passed away. Mari reciprocates by sharing a personal tragedy of her own – the loss of her brother. As the atmosphere becomes increasingly somber, Paige attempts to shift the focus towards something more uplifting, remarking that Justin could be quite charming if he didn't have an unsettling demeanor. In a bid to revamp his image, Paige persuades Mari and herself to give him a makeover, with Justin obligingly donning his uncle's shirt as part of the transformation.

As if the tension hadn't already reached a boiling point, the door swings open and Krug (actor name), Francis, and Sadie burst into the motel room, like a stormy tempest unleashing its fury upon the unsuspecting occupants. Sadie, seemingly without a care in the world, strips off her shirt and wanders around topless, searching for a replacement garment to cover her modesty. Meanwhile, Francis's gaze falls upon Justin (actor name), who still wears his borrowed shirt, but Francis commands him to keep it on, as if some unseen force binds them together.

Krug's ire is piqued by the presence of the two teenage girls, and he turns a fiery glare upon Justin, accusing him of violating the rules. Justin pleads innocence, claiming he had no idea they would return so soon, and attempts to justify his actions by saying he thought he could dispose of the incriminating evidence. Krug's patience wears thin, and with a swift punch to the stomach, he silences Justin's protests. A newspaper flies through the air, landing at Justin's feet, bearing the news of their failed escape attempt. The headlines scream out the truth: pictures of Krug and Sadie, captured by a hidden camera inside the police car.

As the weight of their predicament settles upon them, Mari and Paige promise to remain silent, hoping to avoid further wrath. Francis seizes Paige from behind, his knife glinting in the dim light, as if anticipating her betrayal. Mari hastily hands Sadie the keys to her car, a desperate attempt to ensure their safety. Krug's apology rings hollow, however, for he cannot afford to risk them leaving the motel room. Paige manages to break free and flees into the bathroom, only to discover that her phone is as useless as a broken promise.

Undeterred, she attempts to signal for help from the window, but the police car in the parking lot remains oblivious to their plight. Francis bursts through the door, his eyes blazing with fury, and tosses Paige onto the floor, her head striking the sink with a sickening crunch. He then crushes both Mari's and Paige's phones beneath his boot heel, as if determined to snuff out any remaining glimmer of hope.

As Justin is forced to gaze upon the helpless Mari, Krug's cold, calculating voice whispers in his ear: "You're responsible for this mess." The room is bathed in an atmosphere of dread and despair, the darkness closing in like a suffocating shroud.

As the gang and their female companions set off in Mari's car, a sense of unease settles over the group as they leave the chaos behind. Francis clings tightly to Paige, while Sadie wraps her arms around Mari, forming an unbreakable bond between them. In the front seat, Krug takes the wheel, with Justin by his side, navigating the twists and turns of the winding road. The girls attempt to flag down another police car they spot in the distance, but their cries for help are stifled as they're held firmly in place. Eventually, the forest looms into view, and the group approaches a fork in the road, where Krug consults Francis's map to pinpoint the location of the main highway. Mari takes charge, guiding them leftward, earning praise from Krug and Sadie for her calm demeanor. As they drive on, Mari's eyes are fixed on the cigarette lighter, which is conveniently situated directly before her. With a calculated move, she uses her foot to activate it, and when it's ready, she seizes the opportunity to burn a small mark onto Sadie's forehead. Paige and Francis clash in the backseat as Krug struggles to regain control of the car, which eventually careens into several trees. Wounded, Paige manages to escape the wreckage, but Mari remains trapped. As Krug attempts to quell the growing chaos, Mari makes her move, opening the door and attempting to make a break for it. However, Sadie's grip is too strong, holding her back. Francis, reeling from his broken nose, unleashes his fury on the girls, kicking them mercilessly. Sadie, enraged by the impending disfigurement, turns her anger on Mari, pummeling her with a vengeance. Meanwhile, Justin watches in horror, paralyzed by fear and unable to intervene. Paige and Mari make another desperate bid for freedom, attempting to flee into the forest. But Krug is too quick, catching Mari before she can escape, and orders Sadie and Francis to round up Paige once more.

As Paige flees through the forest, she finds herself at a construction site, desperately crying out for help that goes unnoticed amidst the cacophony of machinery. Undeterred, she attempts to draw closer, only to be tackled by Sadie (character name not provided). After a brief struggle, Paige manages to break free and make another bid for escape, but Francis once again intervenes, clothes-lining her with brutal efficiency. The would-be rescuer pulls out his gun, poised to deliver the final blow, but Sadie intervenes, revealing that Krug's orders were to capture Paige alive. As the group returns to their leader, Krug begins to taunt Justin (character name not provided), presenting him with a twisted choice: which girl should he claim as his own? When Justin refuses to comply, Krug takes matters into his own hands, forcing Justin to grope Mari (character name not provided) while Paige looks on in horror. Her protests only seem to amuse Krug, who responds by brutally stabbing her multiple times, leaving Francis to join in the assault from behind. As Mari cradles Paige's lifeless form, Krug orders her to lie and tell Paige everything will be okay, but when she refuses, he loses his temper, tearing off Mari's shorts and holding her down as Sadie assists. The group's depraved act culminates with a horrific rape, leaving Mari broken and degraded. Even the perpetrators seem momentarily affected by their actions, before Krug's cruel nature reasserts itself.

As the gang prepares to depart, Mari seizes an opportunity, striking Krug in the head with a rock and making a desperate escape. Though Krug attempts to gun her down, his aim is consistently off, allowing Mari to reach the lake and begin swimming away. The storm finally arrives, and Krug's companions abandon him, leaving Justin to accompany the sociopath as they vanish into the darkness.

As the four strangers trudge through the rain-soaked woods, they stumble upon the welcoming haven of the Collingwoods'. Emma and John, fresh from dinner, are startled by the insistent knocking at the door. Opening it to find Krug, Justin, Francis, and Sadie drenched to the bone, they invite them in to escape the torrential downpour. As the storm rages on outside, Krug, feigning a breakdown, requests assistance with their stranded vehicle, claiming they're mere coincidence-struck travelers who have stumbled upon this haven. The Collingwoods, gracious hosts that they are, offer shelter and warmth. John promptly tends to Francis' injured nose, while Emma busies herself brewing coffee for the group and hot chocolate for Justin. Krug remarks on the serendipity of their arrival, as if fate has smiled upon them.

As the power flickers and ultimately fails, John ventures outside to fire up the backup generator, leaving Emma to host their uninvited guests. With the darkness deepening, she inquires about their purpose for being there, given that this is her first encounter with these individuals. Francis' blade gleams momentarily, but Krug's calming presence forestalls any sinister intentions. The group soon finds themselves huddled around the fireplace, where John expertly tends to Francis' injuries.

As the storm rages on outside, Justin excuses himself to use the bathroom and inadvertently stumbles upon a photograph of Mari adorning the kitchen refrigerator. Emma's calm demeanor belies her concern as she explains that Mari is their daughter. Justin's reaction is sudden and intense – he collapses onto the floor, overcome by emotion. With Krug's counsel, Justin composes himself, reappearing as if nothing were amiss.

Meanwhile, in a parallel scene, Mari's battered form struggles to reach the boathouse, only to emerge from the lake, her condition eerily mirroring the desperation and turmoil that grips the strangers within the Collingwoods' home.

As the evening wears on, John extends an invitation to his unexpected guests to make themselves at home, recommending the quaint guesthouse situated behind the main house. Unbeknownst to them, Justin takes it upon himself to pay homage to Mari's memory by draping her necklace around his cup in the kitchen, a gesture that fails to go unnoticed by Krug. As Emma lights up the candlelit pathway to the guesthouse, she warns them that if they require anything during their stay, they should not hesitate to venture back to the main house.

Meanwhile, John and Emma engage in a hushed conversation, sharing their unease about their mysterious visitors. Their concerns are momentarily interrupted by the sound of a rocking chair creaking on the porch, which leads them to discover Mari's lifeless form. The gravity of the situation becomes apparent as John rushes to Mari's side, carefully carrying her into the living room and attempting to stem the bleeding with a makeshift cauterization technique.

As Emma ventures back into the kitchen to retrieve medical supplies, she stumbles upon a telling clue - Mari's necklace wrapped around Justin's cup. Her eyes widening in horror, she pieces together the truth about their true identities. As John tends to Mari's wounds, he is met with the devastating realization that her suffering was not limited to physical harm alone.

Emma shares her own traumatic experience, having witnessed Mari wearing the same necklace before she departed. The revelation sparks a fire of fury within John, who acknowledges to Emma that their only hope lies in being prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure Mari's survival. Given the remoteness of the nearest medical facility and their lack of transportation, they must rely on their trusty boat to navigate the treacherous waters ahead.

As the storm rages on outside, a more sinister drama unfolds within the guesthouse's walls. Sadie emerges from her shower, her vulnerability momentarily forgotten as she slips into bed beside Krug, who has already succumbed to slumber. Meanwhile, Justin feigns sleep on the couch, his eyes fixed intently on Krug's pistol, lying tantalizingly close at hand. The silence is broken only by the sound of Sadie's gentle snores and the distant thunder.

In the boathouse, John prepares for a night of reckoning, but his plans are foiled when he discovers that the keys to the boat have gone missing. His gaze falls upon the tools nearby, and with calculated precision, he selects a hammer as a makeshift weapon to settle scores. In the kitchen, Emma's eyes drift towards the knives on display, her mind racing with the possibilities.

Just then, Francis stirs from his chair, claiming the thunderstorm outside has roused him from slumber. His arrival is met with Emma's warm smile and an offer of wine, cleverly designed to distract him from Mari's photograph on the refrigerator. But as Francis settles into the living room, Emma sees her chance to strike, smashing a wine bottle over his head before plunging a butcher knife deep into his chest.

Enraged and reeling, Francis charges at Emma, only to be met with a merciless counterattack that leaves him struggling to stay upright. The two of them tumble into the kitchen, where John arrives just in time to join the fray. Together, they pummel Francis, their blows punctuated by the sound of shattering glass and splintering wood.

As the fight spills out into the dining room, Emma and John pin Francis's head down in the sink, the water flowing like a cold, dark tomb. But before they can deliver the final blow, Francis's hand becomes tangled in the garbage disposal, its blades spinning with deadly efficiency. John seizes the opportunity to strike, driving the hammerclaw deep into Francis's skull and ending his suffering once and for all.

As John and Emma creep into the guesthouse, armed with a deadly arsenal consisting of a butcher knife and a fire poker, their sinister intentions become all too clear. With stealthy precision, they approach the bedroom where Krug and Sadie lie entwined in bed, only to be confronted by Justin's pistol-wielding gaze. A tense standoff ensues as John slowly inches across the room, his eyes locked on the weapon, until it's finally handed over to him. As he prepares to cock it, a sudden noise awakens Sadie, prompting John to fire a warning shot that grazes her neck and jolts Krug into action.

The bedroom erupts into chaos as Sadie leaps onto John, their bodies locked in a fierce struggle for control of the gun. Meanwhile, Emma is beset by a barrage of bed frames hurled by the enraged Krug. Amidst the mayhem, John manages to toss Sadie into the bathroom, where she emerges with a shower pole that becomes her instrument of vengeance against the hapless John. Justin attempts to intervene on behalf of his friend, but is swiftly dispatched by Sadie's merciless blows.

As John lies helpless and defeated, Emma seizes the opportunity to reclaim the pistol and deliver a fatal shot that strikes Sadie through her left eye, ending her violent rampage. Meanwhile, Krug has unwittingly stumbled into a scene of carnage in the house, where he's met with a gruesome discovery: Francis' lifeless body lies sprawled on the kitchen floor.

Krug's expression contorts with rage as he surveys the blood-soaked table and realizes that his tormentors are none other than the Collingwoods. His anger boiling over, he storms off into the night, unaware of the sinister events that have transpired in the guesthouse. Little does he know, Mari has been secretly placed in a boat by her family, who were driven to desperation by their own desperate situation.

As John and Emma regroup, they devise a new plan to eliminate Krug. John sets out with the fire poker, intent on making good on his threat to kill the monstrous figure. However, he's met with an unexpected surprise when he finds his wallet placed deliberately on the table in front of the fireplace - a stark reminder that Krug has discovered their connection to Mari. The realization sends a chill down John's spine as he confronts the brutal truth: Krug knows that Mari is none other than their own daughter.

As the tumultuous storm rages outside, a sinister game of cat and mouse unfolds within the confines of the house. Upstairs, Krug taunts John to join him, his malevolent presence palpable as he orchestrates a deliberate dance of misdirection. The sound of an object rolling across the floor serves only to heighten the tension, as John's frustration grows with each passing moment. It isn't until Krug's gaze drifts out the window that John realizes their escape plan involves the boat, and in a bold move, he bursts into the room, unaware of the trap that awaits him.

Thinking Krug has escaped through the open window, John attempts to shout a warning to Emma, only to find himself ambushed by his tormentor. The ensuing battle is brutal and intense, with both combatants exchanging blows as they fight for dominance. In a cruel twist, Krug sends John tumbling down the stairs, leaving him battered and broken on the floor below.

As Krug stands over his wounded adversary, his sadistic grin grows wider still, taunting John with a gruesome revelation about Emma's fate. Enraged by the injustice of it all, John unleashes his fury upon Krug, shattering furniture and trading blows in a desperate bid for survival. But just as all hope seems lost, Krug's own demise is precipitated by the unexpected arrival of Justin, who finds himself face-to-face with the monster.

The ensuing chaos is marked by a series of electrifying moments: Krug's incredulous reaction to Justin's sudden bravery, his own vicious retaliation against the young man, and Emma's heroic intervention with a fire extinguisher. As the storm finally begins to subside, John, Emma, Mari, and Justin make their escape in the boat, leaving the carnage of their tormentor behind.

Later, Krug awakens to find himself at the mercy of his most ruthless foe yet. Bound by his own wounds and unable to move, he finds himself at the mercy of John's calculated cruelty. With a merciless efficiency, John has rendered Krug immobile, his body a canvas of gruesome cuts that will forever immobilize him from the neck down.

As the full horror of his situation dawns on Krug, John seals his fate by placing his head in the broken microwave and turning it on. The screen fades to black as the sound of Krug's exploding head echoes through the silence, a fittingly gruesome denouement to this descent into madness.