
Does The One I Love have end credit scenes?


The One I Love does not have end credit scenes.

The One I Love

The One I Love


As a couple's troubled union teeters on collapse, a mysterious retreat offers a chance to reconnect. But when the lines between reality and fantasy blur, they must confront the true nature of their relationship amidst a surreal journey of self-discovery and unexpected twists.

Runtime: 91 min

Box Office: $597K








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7.0 /10

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Check out what happened in The One I Love!

As Ethan (Mark Duplass) and Sophie (Elisabeth Moss) recount their love story to their therapist (Ted Danson), the air is thick with nostalgia and longing. They reminisce about that fateful night when they met at a party, and how their whirlwind romance unfolded like a dream. The highlight of which was, of course, jumping into their neighbor's pool, only to be startled by an unexpected interruption - a moment that would forever remain etched in their collective memory as the greatest night of their lives.

Fast-forward to their anniversary, where they attempted to recapture that magic, but this time, it fell flat. Sophie's disappointment is palpable as she laments, "Happiness used to be so easy, but no longer." The couple's inability to find common ground in their quest for forgiveness and trust becomes a recurring theme.

In an effort to reboot their relationship, the therapist sends them on a retreat, billed as a chance to "reset the reset button." And so, they arrive at this idyllic oasis, only to be met with an awkward silence that hangs heavy between them. Ethan's initial exploration of the property yields nothing but empty rooms and an eerie stillness.

It isn't until he stumbles upon a mysterious computer setup in "The Coop" house that things begin to take on a more interesting hue. The discovery of a guest book at the "Guest House" filled with testimonials from past visitors praising the retreat's transformative power only adds fuel to his curiosity.

Back at the main house, Ethan sets out to create a romantic atmosphere, complete with a delectable dinner, fine wine, and a relaxed evening vibe. As they share their experiences and reconnect on an emotional level, it seems as though they're finally on the same page. The night wears on, and they find themselves lost in each other's eyes, culminating in a tender and intimate moment.

But just as things are looking up, Sophie returns to the main house to change into something more comfortable, only to stumble upon Ethan asleep on the couch - a stark contrast to their earlier rendezvous. Her bewilderment is short-lived, however, as she soon finds herself back at the guest house, waiting for her partner. The night air is filled with the promise of new beginnings and rekindled passion.

As they settle in for the night, Sophie returns to the main house, only to find Ethan once more - this time, sprawled out on the couch, fast asleep. Her confusion gives way to a mixture of amusement and exasperation as she questions his sudden reappearance. The tension is palpable as Ethan's befuddlement turns to suspicion, while Sophie can't help but feel frustrated by her partner's apparent attempts to sabotage their budding connection. As the night wears on, the couple's fragile bond begins to fray, leaving them once again at a crossroads in their tumultuous relationship.

As Ethan returns to the guest house, he's met with a tangible reminder of their romantic escapade: the lingering evidence of a night well-spent. In an effort to recapture the magic, he lights up and lets the haze wash over him, eventually succumbing to the couch's inviting embrace. Sophie joins him, her presence a gentle awakening from his pot-induced haze. Apologetic and amorous, Ethan professes his love as they bask in each other's company.

The morning brings a jarring reality check. Ethan awakens to find Sophie cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the scent of sizzling bacon wafting through the air. The incongruity is palpable; Sophie's aversion to bacon was well-documented. As they sit down to breakfast, Ethan can't help but wonder if last night's argument was just a byproduct of their shared revelry. Sophie's nonchalant demeanor only adds to his confusion.

The tension between them becomes too much to bear, and Ethan decides to take matters into his own hands. He spirits Sophie away to the main house, where they find an empty kitchen and no signs of breakfast. The silence is palpable as they step outside, and Ethan shares the surreal events that have transpired. His words hang in the air like a challenge.

Seeking clarity, Ethan tests the waters by retreating to the guest house alone. He returns with a story: Sophie emerging from the shower, towel in hand, oblivious to his presence. Her response is telling – she's no longer angry, but instead, scared. The admission sends her scurrying back into the guest house, where she finds Ethan going through his morning routine.

The decision to leave this strange place behind is made, and they pack their bags with a sense of relief. A pit stop at a local diner provides a much-needed respite from the chaos. Over steaming cups of coffee, they attempt to process the events that have transpired. The desire to forget it all and move on is strong, but the temptation to explore this strange phenomenon lingers.

Sophie's perspective is telling – she believes their experience was genuine, not just a product of their altered state. For her, the magic was real, and she thinks it could be a game-changer for their relationship. Ethan's skepticism is palpable, his concerns about the morality of sleeping with an alternate version of himself valid.

As they return to the guest house, they establish a set of ground rules designed to mitigate the risks and maximize the benefits. They agree to enter the space separately, aware that it only works when approached alone. The first test subject is Ethan, who finds his breakfast and Sophie waiting for him, her absence earlier explained by her own need for some time apart.

The debriefing session is crucial, as Ethan shares his experience with Sophie. Their discussion yields a set of rules: have fun, but don't get too comfortable; honesty is key; and if things start to feel off, they'll pack up and leave. The goal is to strike a balance between the thrill of exploration and the need for emotional intimacy. Fifteen-minute sessions, alone in the guest house, become their new normal.

As the evening unfolds, Sophie takes center stage. Meanwhile, Ethan sets a timer on his phone, marking the passage of time within the guest house's walls. Inside, Sophie discovers Ethan engrossed in painting her portrait, their conversation flowing as smoothly as the drinks they share.

Back at the main residence, however, Ethan's patience wears thin. As the minutes tick by, he grows restless, deciding to make a move on his counterpart. He peers through the window of the guest house, only to be met with an unexpected sight: the other Ethan tenderly massaging Sophie's back. The scene ends abruptly as Sophie catches wind of his presence and beats a hasty retreat.

The following evening, dinner at the main house becomes a battleground for emotions. Sophie confides in Ethan that the alternate version of him represents what she once thought their marriage could be. As they retire to bed, Ethan's nocturnal awakening sets in motion a new sequence of events. He dons a disguise, sneaking over to the guest house to record a clandestine conversation, only to return to his own quarters with a sense of mischief.

The next morning, Sophie and the other Ethan engage in a lively repartee at the guest house, their banter punctuated by laughter and ease. As she departs, Ethan makes a stealthy return to reclaim the recording device he had earlier concealed. But his efforts are rewarded with nothing but static, leaving him none the wiser.

Sophie's turn arrives, and the narrative takes a new turn. The other Ethan resides in a loft above, proposing a game of tic-tac-toe with an air of playful camaraderie. As they play out their match, he broaches the topic of their lost intimacy, his words laced with longing. The scene concludes on a tantalizing note, leaving the audience wondering if a kiss is imminent.

The evening's events unfold in a flurry of activity as Sophie receives a text from her doppelganger. Her laughter echoes through the room, leaving Ethan perplexed by the other man's phone. In the morning's light, Sophie confronts the other Ethan about his betrayal, and he responds with regret, acknowledging that their relationship had reached a breaking point.

He expresses gratitude for her perseverance in salvaging their marriage, and they share a tender kiss. As the day wears on, Ethan seeks to clarify the situation with Sophie, revealing his own confusion and desire to reassert his commitment to their union. With her assent, he finds solace in their bond, ready to navigate the complexities that lie ahead.

As the afternoon wears on, Ethan's phone blows up with a series of cryptic messages that have him both perplexed and uneasy. One pertains to a disgruntled individual who took issue with Ethan's 2:00 am wake-up call, instructing him to consult Sophie for future directional queries. His mother's concern is more poignant still, as she frets about the disconnection she sensed during their previous conversation. And then there's the message that cuts through the ambiguity, revealing the location of his very own abode.

Intrigued by these developments, Ethan retreats to the main house and shares his findings with Sophie, speculating that the other Ethan might be behind the mysterious communications. She dismisses this notion as implausible, leaving him to ponder the possibilities further.

As the evening descends, Ethan concocts a ruse, announcing his intention to run errands at the store while secretly parking outside the guest house. His surveillance pays off when Sophie is about to enter through the front door, unaware that he's watching from the shadows. Seizing the opportunity, Ethan slips in through the side door, assuming the guise of the other Ethan.

Sophie is enchanted by his empathetic ear and philosophical musings on her emotional state, finding solace in his words as if they were tailor-made for her. Her thoughts are consumed by this doppelganger's insight, making it impossible to shake off their lingering presence. The pair's physical intimacy ensues, with Sophie still oblivious to Ethan's true identity.

As the night wears on, a disheartened Ethan returns to the main house, where he's met with Sophie's inquiry about the absent groceries. He fabricates an excuse, claiming the shop had closed its doors for the day. The deception is short-lived, as he soon finds himself drawn back to the guest house, seeking answers from the enigmatic Sophia.

His probing questions are met with a knowing glint in her eye, as she alludes to his wife's prophetic awareness of impending events. This is not just a fleeting phenomenon, but a recurring pattern that has been unfolding over time.

Meanwhile, at the main house, Sophie exits the guest house, pauses, and then reenters, seemingly oblivious to the reality unfolding before her eyes. Cut to the other Ethan, now merged with the real Sophia, basking in their tender affection as they succumb to desire. The real Ethan's timely arrival finds him face-to-face with his wife, whose expression is a mix of confusion and alarm.

The couple's heated exchange escalates into a full-blown argument, culminating in their departure from the guest house, back to the main residence where their marital discord will surely intensify.

As they enter the main residence, the quartet discovers an unexpected harmony among themselves. The two Sophies and Ethans have decided to put aside their initial unease and engage in a convivial dinner party, replete with warm conversation and laughter. Meanwhile, beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic gathering, the real Ethan remains ill at ease, his discomfort palpable despite the jovial atmosphere. The other Sophie, ever perceptive, probes the real Sophie's concerns, wondering whether she is more troubled by their own actions or those of her doppelganger and the other Ethan.

In a separate corner, the two Ethans engage in a candid conversation that reveals the tensions simmering beneath their façade. The real Ethan perceives his counterpart as intent on sabotaging his relationship, but the other Ethan counters that he is merely reflecting the insecurities of the real one. This subtle dance of emotions and motivations sets the stage for the evening's events.

As night falls, the four individuals retreat to the main house, where they indulge in a lively game of cards. The other Ethan proves an affable host, his charm and wit captivating all, including the real Sophie, whose joie de vivre seems contagious - much to the chagrin of her companion, who becomes increasingly agitated.

As tensions rise, the real Ethan makes a hasty exit, seeking solace in the confines of "The Coop" house. There, he uncovers a treasure trove of files documenting past guests' experiences and stumbles upon an audio recording of a couple rehearsing their mimicry. The revelation serves only to deepen his unease.

Meanwhile, back at the guest house, the real Ethan finds himself trapped, unable to escape as the sounds of merriment and splashing water carry through the walls, a poignant reminder of his isolation.

The next morning, the other Sophie arrives at the guest house, her words dripping with a mixture of sadness and resignation. She reveals that the other Ethan has fallen deeply in love with the real Sophie - an unexpected development that threatens to upend their carefully crafted plan. According to the other Sophie, this is precisely why the real Ethans are trapped: they have failed to fulfill their role as the catalyst for change.

As the morning sun casts its warm glow over the scene, the real Ethan asks a poignant question: does the other Sophie possess genuine emotions, or is she simply a simulacrum? Her response - "I am real" - hangs in the air like an unspoken promise.

As the dual identities converge at the main residence, the authentic Sophie and her counterpart in redone reality, Ethan (played by a doppelganger), prepare to embark on an excursion. Meanwhile, the alternate Sophie, sporting one of the genuine article's apparel, infiltrates the premises, exploiting the confusion that ensues. The real couple, oblivious to the duplicity, engage in a discussion about their weekend getaway, with Ethan revealing the sinister underpinnings of the retreat.

In a parallel narrative, the other Ethan, mistakenly assuming he is conversing with the genuine Sophie, receives a confession from his supposed paramour – the alternate Sophie. With an impassioned declaration of love, she convinces him to abandon the real Sophie and remain by his side. The duplicity is palpable as the other Ethan's heart is shattered into pieces.

As chaos erupts, the genuine couple retreats to a secure location, sealing themselves away from the turmoil. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ethan implores his wife to remember their commitment and the love they share, emphasizing that he may not possess the suave demeanor of his doppelganger but is her husband, and she will not be torn asunder by this supernatural maelstrom.

The confrontation between the two Elohims reaches a boiling point as they clash in a frenzy of anger and frustration. The other Ethan's desperation to escape the reality he has created culminates in a futile attempt to break free from the confines of his own existence, only to be thwarted by an unseen force field that sends him crashing to the ground.

As the dust settles, the real Ethan surveys the wreckage, standing between two Sophies – one devastated and the other impassive. With a sense of resignation, he declares, "We have to go," and seizes hold of the unemotional Sophie, whisking her away from the chaos.

The couple's journey next takes them to the office of their marriage therapist, where they are met with an eerie silence. The therapist's absence, coupled with the unsettling realization that their sessions may have been orchestrated by some higher power, leaves them bewildered and perplexed. As they ponder the enigmatic nature of their experience, Ethan and Sophie reluctantly return home, forever changed by their brush with the unknown.

As the morning sun casts its warm glow over the familiar landscape of their domestic life, Sophie (actress name) and Ethan's relationship seems to have reached a newfound equilibrium. With the weight of their marital woes momentarily lifted, they find themselves feeling refreshed and rejuvenated in the comfort of their own home. Sophie, emboldened by this sense of renewal, takes it upon herself to tackle the morning's culinary duties, descending into the kitchen to whip up a hearty breakfast.

As she busies herself at the stove, Ethan (actor name) ambles into the room, his curiosity piqued by the savory aroma wafting through the air. "What's for breakfast?" he inquires, his tone laced with a hint of anticipation. Sophie, beaming with pride, responds with a cheerful certainty: "Bacon!" Little does she know, however, that her husband is on the cusp of a profound realization - one that will send him scurrying to reconsider their entire relationship. As he pauses, his mind racing with the implications of this epiphany, Ethan's voice takes on a measured cadence: "I'll be right there." And with those enigmatic words, he disappears from view, leaving Sophie to wonder what secrets her husband has unearthed in the fleeting moments since they first set foot in their home that morning.