The Purge: Anarchy 2014

In a 12-hour window of chaos, societal norms dissolve and citizens unleash their darkest impulses. Amidst the carnage, a grieving sergeant Leo embarks on a quest for vengeance, only to find himself an unlikely guardian angel for four desperate strangers, whose lives hang in the balance as they navigate the brutal and unforgiving Purge.

In a 12-hour window of chaos, societal norms dissolve and citizens unleash their darkest impulses. Amidst the carnage, a grieving sergeant Leo embarks on a quest for vengeance, only to find himself an unlikely guardian angel for four desperate strangers, whose lives hang in the balance as they navigate the brutal and unforgiving Purge.

Does The Purge: Anarchy have end credit scenes?


The Purge: Anarchy does not have end credit scenes.






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6.4 /10

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Movie Quiz

The Purge: Anarchy Quiz: Test your knowledge of the 2014 horror-thriller The Purge: Anarchy and its chilling narrative.

Who is the waitress that takes a brief respite to visit her family?

Plot Summary

As the clock ticks away mere minutes before the Annual Purge commences, the employees of a quaint diner are in a state of anticipatory anxiety, awaiting their boss’s dismissal. In this tense atmosphere, the staff shares their plans for the evening, with one waitress, Eva (Carmen Ejogo), taking a brief respite to visit her father Rico (John Beasley) and daughter Cali (Zoe Soul). The family dynamic is palpable as Cali becomes entranced by an online video featuring Carmelo Jones (Michael K. Williams), a charismatic figure rallying against the oppressive New Founding Fathers and their egregious treatment of the poverty-stricken populace. Rico, however, is resolute in his disdain for the Purge, and his desire to avoid discussing it for the remainder of the night leads him to depart. Cali then asks Eva about her prospects of receiving a raise from her boss, only to be met with a somber reality check.

Meanwhile, Leo (Frank Grillo) is busily preparing himself for the impending chaos, his walls adorned with newspaper clippings chronicling the tale of a man who was acquitted and now plots to take revenge. His evening is interrupted by the arrival of Janice (Chad Morgan), who implores him not to pursue his plans, but ultimately departs as Leo’s resolve remains unwavering.

In a separate narrative thread, Shane (Zach Gilford) and Liz (Kiele Sanchez) are embroiled in a tumultuous relationship, their tension palpable as they navigate the streets. Their stop at a store is marked by unease, and it soon becomes clear that they are on the brink of separation. As they hit the road once more, a chance encounter with a punk sporting face paint and a crucifix-shaped mark on his forehead serves only to heighten their apprehension. The couple’s woes are compounded when a figure clad in a “God” mask waves at them from across the way.

As the clock strikes the hour just before the Purge begins, Shane and Liz find themselves stranded with a broken-down vehicle. A hasty inspection reveals that the wires have been deliberately severed, and it soon becomes apparent that they are not alone. The punks, led by the “God” figure, close in on the couple, their blades at the ready. With their situation growing increasingly precarious, Shane and Liz must scramble to escape the clutches of their attackers and find a way to survive the night ahead.

As the countdown to 6:00 nears its climax, Eva and Cali busily prepare dinner, their culinary endeavors a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding outside. Meanwhile, Shane and Liz frantically attempt to conceal themselves from the marauding Purgers, their desperation palpable as the sirens pierce the air, signaling the commencement of the Purge. Amidst this backdrop of anarchy, Leo takes his armored car for a spin, armed to the teeth with an arsenal that would make even the most seasoned warrior proud.

As the streets become a battleground, a truck driven by psychopaths careens through the neighborhood, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. A pair of machete-wielding enthusiasts are spotted, their eyes ablaze with a primal fury as they seek to unleash the beast within. Just moments later, Big Daddy (Jack Conley), a man known for his penchant for violence, takes aim with a machine gun and cuts down the couple, leaving no survivors.

As Leo navigates this treacherous landscape, he happens upon a scene of brutal brutality – a man being mercilessly beaten to death – but his attention is elsewhere, distracted by the inferno-ravaged bus hurtling through the streets behind him. Back at the house, Cali ventures out to find Rico, hoping to share a meal with her loved one. Instead, she discovers a note that reveals the harsh reality: Rico’s condition is terminal, and he has made arrangements for the wealthy patrons of a prominent family to “purge” on his lifeless corpse in exchange for financial support that will ensure Eva’s future.

As the women grapple with the weight of their impending loss, they are startled by the sound of commotion outside. Peering out the window, they behold a SWAT-like team of heavily armed men converging upon their building. The cacophony is soon interrupted by another percussive intrusion – this time, it’s their lecherous neighbor Diego (Noel Guliemi), who bursts into the room brandishing a shotgun and hell-bent on claiming them as his own. As he wraps his hands around Eva’s throat and slavers over her face, another loud banging echoes through the halls, signaling the arrival of an unexpected guest – one whose intentions are far from friendly. With Diego’s brutal demise at their hands, the armed men proceed to apprehend Eva and Cali, leading them to a fate that is as uncertain as it is ominous, under the watchful gaze of Big Daddy.

As Leo drives by the ladies’ building, his initial instinct is to ignore the chaos unfolding before him - a group of men attempting to force the women into their truck. However, he’s drawn in by the fierce resistance put up by the ladies, and his sense of justice compels him to take action. With calculated precision, Leo takes down the perpetrators with his gun, his back turned to the unfolding drama. Unbeknownst to him, Shane and Liz have slipped into the car, seeking refuge from the violence.

As Big Daddy emerges from the truck, wounded but not defeated, Leo’s attention is redirected. He offers Eva and Cali a place in his car, and they hesitantly accept, their eyes widening as they spot Shane and Liz hiding in the backseat. A tense standoff ensues, with Leo holding them at gunpoint, only to be interrupted by Big Daddy’s machine gun firing up. Reluctantly, Leo decides to take everyone with him, despite his reservations.

Their impromptu road trip is cut short when Leo’s car breaks down on the outskirts of town. Eva proposes a solution: in exchange for safely delivering her and her companions to her friend Tanya (Justina Machado), she’ll procure a new set of wheels. Leo agrees, arming everyone with guns as they embark on their journey.

As they navigate the treacherous terrain, Shane becomes ensnared in a trap, leaving the group vulnerable to attack. Purgers from all corners emerge, seeking to eliminate them. However, Leo’s marksmanship skills prove invaluable, taking down most of the attackers. Shane manages to free himself, and the five continue their perilous journey.

The Purgers refuse to relent, unleashing a flamethrower-wielding squad on the group. In desperation, they make a break for a nearby tunnel, with Cali attempting to reason with Leo about his motivations, only to be ignored. As the Purgers wreak havoc on bystanders hiding in the area, Shane and Liz return fire while Leo, Eva, and Cali flee.

Shane’s shoulder is wounded, but he and Cali manage to take down the flamethrower-wielding driver. With quick thinking, they target the tank, blowing up the Purgers in a fiery explosion.

As the journey-weary group finally arrives at Tanya’s abode, a warm reception awaits them in the form of a sumptuous dinner spread laid out by her mother and sister Lorraine (Roberta Valderrama). The evening takes an unexpected turn with the introduction of Tanya’s father and brother-in-law Roddy (Niko Nicotera), whose presence only serves to heighten the tension. Amidst the convivial atmosphere, Shane’s bullet wound receives tender attention from the ladies, while Leo prepares to make a swift exit in his car - a luxury that is soon revealed to be an illusion, as Eva confesses there is no vehicle to speak of and her reliance on Leo for safe passage. Undeterred, Leo resolves to reach his destination by any means necessary.

Meanwhile, Eva’s concerns about Tanya’s erratic behavior prove well-founded, as the intoxicated hostess makes unsettling comments about purging her emotions - a disturbing trend that culminates in Lorraine’s shocking discovery of an illicit affair between Tanya and Roddy. Seizing the opportunity, Lorraine pulls out a gun and ends Tanya’s life with a fatal shot. The room falls silent, except for the sound of Roddy’s panicked attempts to reason with Lorraine as he holds Liz hostage.

Leo seizes the initiative, taking down Roddy with a well-placed shot before turning his attention to Lorraine. In a flash, she is also neutralized, leaving the group of five to make a hasty retreat once more. However, their escape is short-lived, as Big Daddy and an armed entourage await them outside, hell-bent on capturing Leo, Eva, and Cali. The group’s desperate search for an alternative exit route ultimately proves futile, leading them into the clutches of a menacing gang of biker punks who have been lying in wait.

As the group is forcibly escorted to a sinister facility, they are met with a gruesome reality - an auction-style slaughter, where wealthy patrons eagerly bid on their own demise. The five individuals are paraded before a crowd of callous onlookers, who revel in the impending violence. With calculated precision, Leo devises a plan to escape this nightmarish scenario, sneaking past the Purgers and dispatching one perpetrator with stealth and skill. He claims the man’s night vision goggles and weapon, using them to take down three more foes and bring their arsenal to his cohorts. The rich audience is left aghast as Leo’s actions are met with a mixture of fear and awe. As he brandishes the weapons, the Purgers’ initial advantage begins to wane.

In a desperate bid to survive, Leo brings the arms to his group, where they eliminate one more Purger before making a daring escape attempt. The event organizer, an elderly woman with a cold demeanor, summons backup as the group prepares for their uncertain fate. Amidst the tension, Shane offers a heartfelt apology to Liz, who responds with a declaration of love mere moments before he falls victim to a hail of bullets. Crushed by grief, Liz cradles his lifeless body and weeps.

The ensuing chaos is punctuated by an explosion that signals trouble on the horizon. With explosives prohibited in this twisted world, the Purgers’ instincts scream warning - and rightly so. The mysterious stranger from the first film, whose path had crossed with the Sandin family, makes a dramatic entrance, leading an army of avengers led by Carmelo. Together, they unleash a torrent of firepower on the remaining Purgers, then extend an olive branch to Leo, Eva, and Cali, offering them a chance to flee. However, Liz chooses to stay behind, driven by a burning desire for vengeance against those who had taken Shane’s life.

As she prepares to purge her anger, Carmelo and his men pledge to safeguard her, allowing her to exact her revenge without fear of reprisal. Meanwhile, Leo tracks down the event organizer, forcing her to surrender her vehicle at gunpoint - a poignant reminder that even in the darkest corners of humanity, there is always room for mercy.

As the sun rises on a ravaged metropolis, signaling the imminent conclusion of The Purge, Leo (character not specified) sets his sights on Warren Grass (Brandon Keener), a man whose reckless actions had claimed the life of Leo’s son during the previous iteration of the annual bloodletting. The weight of this injustice drives Leo to seek vengeance as he breaks into Warren’s home mere minutes before the all-clear is sounded. With Cali (character not specified) pleading with him to reconsider, Leo ignores her entreaties and confronts Warren, his wife, and their fragile existence.

As the clock ticks down, Leo’s simmering anger boils over, and he exacts a measure of retribution by awakening Warren from his slumber. The air is thick with tension as Warren acknowledges his past transgressions, only to be interrupted by a blood-curdling scream. The sound heralds the arrival of Big Daddy (character not specified), who rains gunfire upon Leo’s prone form, pronouncing that this was no time or place for heroism.

Just as all hope seems lost, Warren Grass rises from his bed, firearm in hand, and silences Big Daddy with a well-placed shot. The sudden turn of events sends the armed entourage led by Big Daddy into a panicked retreat, while Eva (character not specified) and Cali take up arms to defend themselves.

As the sirens pierce the night air, signaling the conclusion of The Purge, Eva urges Warren to retrieve his vehicle, permitting them to transport Leo to the hospital. Upon arrival, Cali expresses her gratitude to Leo for sparing Warren’s life, a mercy that echoes throughout the evening as the city’s helicopters buzz overhead, bearing witness to the devastation wrought by humanity’s darker impulses.

With Leo’s battered form being carried into the emergency room, Eva and Cali can’t help but reflect on the events of the fateful night, their faces etched with worry and concern for the man who had given them a second chance.

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