
Does Titus have end credit scenes?


Titus does not have end credit scenes.




As war-weary Roman general Titus Andronicus returns from a 40-year campaign against the Goths, he unleashes a brutal vendetta when he kills Tamora's eldest son. This sparks a cycle of gruesome revenge, as Tamora, now married to Emperor Saturninus, exacts her own bloody retribution, plunging Rome into chaos and horror.

Runtime: 162 min

Box Office: $2.3M








User Score






User Score


7.1 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Titus!

In the opening scene, a young boy (Osheen Jones) is eating lunch in a 1950s-style kitchen while he plays war with his surrounding toys. A bomb blast outside the window frightens him under the table from where he is rescued and taken to a Roman Amphitheatre, where an invisible audience cheers. An army resembling the Terracotta Army enters; Romans under the command of Titus Andronicus (Anthony Hopkins), the general at the center of the play, return victorious from war. They bring back as spoils Tamora (Jessica Lange), Queen of the Goths, her sons, and Aaron the Moor (Harry Lennix). Titus sacrifices Tamora's eldest son, Alarbus (Raz Degan), so the spirits of his 21 dead sons might be appeased. Tamora eloquently begs for the life of Alarbus, but Titus refuses her plea.

Meanwhile, Caesar, the Emperor of Rome, has just died. His two sons, Saturninus (Alan Cumming) and Bassianus (James Frain), squabble over who will succeed him. The Tribune of the People, Marcus Andronicus (Colm Feore), announces the people's choice for new emperor is his brother, Titus. He refuses the throne and hands it to the late emperor's eldest son Saturninus, much to the latter's delight. The new emperor states he will take Lavinia (Laura Fraser), Titus' daughter, as his bride to honor and elevate the family. She is already betrothed to Saturninus' brother, Bassianus, who steals her away.

Titus' surviving sons aid in the couple's run for the Pantheon, where they are to marry. Titus, angry with his sons because in his eyes they're being disloyal to Rome, kills his son Mutius (Blake Ritson) as he defends the escape. The new emperor, Saturninus, dishonors Titus and marries Tamora instead. Tamora persuades the Emperor to feign forgiveness to Bassianus, Titus and his family and postpone punishment to a later day, thereby revealing her intention to avenge herself on all the Andronici clan.

During a hunting party the next day, Tamora's lover, Aaron the Moor, meets Tamora's sons Chiron (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) and Demetrius (Matthew Rhys). The two argue over which should take sexual advantage of the newly-wed Lavinia. Aaron easily persuades them to ambush Bassianus and kill him in the presence of Tamora and Lavinia, in order to have their way with her. Lavinia begs Tamora to stop her sons, but Tamora refuses. Chiron and Demetrius throw Bassianus's body in a pit, as Aaron directed them, then take Lavinia away and gang rape her. To keep her from revealing what she saw and endured, they cut out her tongue as well as both of her hands, replacing them with tree branches. When Marcus discovers her, he begs her to reveal the identity of her assailants; Lavinia leans towards the camera and opens her bloodied mouth in a silent scream.

Aaron brings Titus' sons Martius (Colin Wells) and Quintus (Kenny Doughty) back to Rome and frames them for the murder of Bassianus with a forged letter outlining their plan to kill him. Angry, the Emperor arrests them. Later on, Marcus takes Lavinia to her father, who's overcome with grief. Titus and his remaining son, Lucius (Angus Macfadyen), begs for the lives of Martius and Quintus, but the two are found guilty and are marched off to execution. Aaron enters, and tells Titus, Lucius, and Marcus that the emperor will spare the prisoners if one of the three sacrifices a hand. Each demands the right to do so. Titus has Aaron cut off his (Titus's) left hand and take it to the emperor. Aaron's story is revealed to have been false, as a messenger brings Titus the heads of his sons and his own severed hand. In Renaissance semiotics, the hand is a representation of political and personal agency. With his hand chopped off, Titus has truly lost power. Desperate for revenge, Titus orders Lucius to flee Rome and raise an army among their former enemy, the Goths.

Titus's grandson Lucius the Younger (Lucius's son and the young boy from the opening scene), who helped Titus read to Lavinia, complains she will not leave his books alone. In the book, she indicates to Titus and Marcus the story of Philomela, in which a similarly mute victim "wrote" the name of her wrongdoer. Marcus gives her a stick to hold with her mouth and stumps. She writes the names of her attackers on the ground. Titus vows revenge. Feigning madness, he ties written prayers for justice to arrows and commands his kinsmen to aim them at the sky so they may reach the gods. Understanding the method in Titus's "madness", Marcus directs the arrows to land inside the palace of Saturninus during an orgy he is currently holding. Saturnius is enraged by this added to the fact Lucius is at the gates of Rome with an army of Goths.

A few months later, Tamora delivers a mixed-race child, fathered by Aaron. To hide his affair from the Emperor, Aaron kills the nurse and flees with the baby into the countryside. Lucius, marching on Rome with an army of Goths, captures Aaron and threatens to hang the infant. To save the baby, Aaron reveals the entire plot to Lucius, relishing every murder, rape and dismemberment.

Tamora, convinced of Titus's madness, approaches him along with her two sons, dressed as the spirits of Revenge, Murder, and Rape. She tells Titus she (as a supernatural spirit) will grant him revenge if he will convince Lucius to stop attacking Rome. Titus agrees, sending Marcus to invite Lucius to a feast. "Revenge" offers to invite the Emperor and Tamora and is about to leave, but Titus insists "Rape" and "Murder" stay with him. She agrees. When she leaves, Titus's servants bind Chiron and Demetrius. Titus cuts their throats, while Lavinia holds a basin in her stumps to catch their blood. He plans to cook them into a pie for their mother.

The next day, during the feast at his house, Lavinia enters the dining room. Titus (dressed as a chef) asks Saturninus whether a father should kill his daughter if she is raped. When the Emperor agrees, Titus snaps Lavinia's neck, to the horror of the dinner guests, and tells Saturninus what Tamora's sons did. When Saturninus demands Chiron and Demetrius be brought before him, Titus reveals they were in the pie Tamora enjoyed, and kills Tamora. Saturninus kills Titus after which Lucius kills Saturninus to avenge his father's death.

Back in the Roman Arena, Lucius tells his family's story to the people and is proclaimed the new Emperor. He orders his father Titus and sister Lavinia to be buried in the family monuments, Saturninus will be given a proper burial, Tamora's body will to be thrown to the wild beasts, and Aaron be buried chest-deep and left to die of thirst and starvation. Aaron is unrepentant to the end. In the final shot, young Lucius picks up Aaron's child and carries him away out of the arena into the sunrise.