Wild 2014

Box Office



115 min




In this poignant true story, Reese Witherspoon stars as Cheryl Strayed, a woman shattered by addiction and heartbreak. Haunted by the past, she embarks on a solo 1,000-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail, seeking redemption and self-discovery amidst breathtaking landscapes and inner turmoil.

In this poignant true story, Reese Witherspoon stars as Cheryl Strayed, a woman shattered by addiction and heartbreak. Haunted by the past, she embarks on a solo 1,000-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail, seeking redemption and self-discovery amidst breathtaking landscapes and inner turmoil.

Does Wild have end credit scenes?


Wild does not have end credit scenes.






User Score


7.1 /10

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Plot Summary

As the sun rises over the rugged terrain in the year 1995, a resolute young woman, Cheryl Strayed (Reese Witherspoon), finally reaches the pinnacle of her arduous journey. Exhausted and battered, she collapses onto the cliffside, her massive backpack a testament to the trials she has faced thus far. As she tenderly removes one of her boots, the weight of her travels becomes poignantly apparent: her toenail, a casualty of the relentless pressure on her feet, is precariously perched on the edge of surrender. With a mixture of relief and frustration, Cheryl dispatches the offending digit, only to compound her woes by accidentally sending her boot tumbling down the cliff face. Her cries of despair echoing through the stillness, she strips off her remaining footwear and launches it into the void, as if exorcising the demons that have driven her to this moment.

As the camera flashes back in time, we find ourselves at the humble abode of a dusty motel, where Cheryl checks in with an imposing pack slung over her shoulder. The motel clerk’s queries - regarding her companions and home address - serve only to underscore the solitary nature of her quest. Despite her protests that she is traveling alone, the clerk persists in his requests, eventually suggesting she provide an alternative address for purposes of record-keeping. Cheryl hesitates before committing Paul’s (Thomas Sadoski) address to paper, a decision that would come to have far-reaching consequences.

In a subsequent conversation with Paul on the telephone, Cheryl finds herself navigating a minefield of emotions and unspoken truths. Her strained exchanges with her former acquaintance belie a deeper sense of longing and uncertainty, as she confesses her desire to connect with her estranged brother and the profound impact that this journey has had upon her very being. As Paul’s tone turns from curiosity to distraction, Cheryl is left grappling with the complexities of human connection in the face of her own personal wilderness.

As Cheryl embarks on her odyssey, fragmented glimpses of her past unfold like a cinematic tapestry, weaving together vivid scenes of intimate encounters, her mother’s carefree dance, and personal struggles with addiction. These haunting flashbacks punctuate her journey, underscoring the tumultuous landscape that has shaped her existence. Meanwhile, Cheryl’s physical preparation is marked by an almost comical struggle to don her enormous backpack, a testament to the daunting nature of the task ahead.

As she ventures outside, her eyes scour the horizon for a ride, and it is there that she encounters an unlikely duo - an older gentleman and his partner - who graciously offer her a lift to the trailhead. The serendipitous encounter yields a moment of nostalgia as Cheryl sings along to the oldies playing on their radio, her voice soaring with memories of childhood sing-alongs with her mother.

Upon arrival at the beginning of the trail, marked by a signpost and a travel log, Cheryl inscribes quotes and song lyrics, attributing them to both their original authors and herself. The act is a poignant expression of self-reflection and introspection, as she gazes uncertainly into the unknown, yet presses onward.

As she trudges along, her inexperience with hiking and camping becomes evident. Her first campsite is marred by struggles to erect her tent, while an embarrassing discovery - that she’s brought the wrong type of fuel for her stove - reduces her evening meal to a mushy concoction. Over the next few days, Cheryl perseveres at a glacial pace, subsisting solely on this unappetizing gruel.

Eventually, she reaches a literal crossroads, where the path ahead stretches out like an open-ended question. With the tantalizing prospect of returning to civilization beckoning her, Cheryl instead chooses to forge onward, driven by some unseen force that compels her to continue her quest.

As the sun beats down on the desolate landscape of Day 5, a glimmer of hope emerges for our parched protagonist as she stumbles upon a rusty truck and a solitary tractor rider. With an unrelenting determination, she hastens to intercept the driver before he vanishes into the dusty horizon, pleading for a ride back to civilization in exchange for a steaming hot meal. As she draws near, her eyes widen with recognition: it’s a lone male operator, his rugged features weathered from years of toil under the unforgiving sun. With a hint of wariness, he concedes that he is indeed working on his equipment, but our plucky heroine refuses to be deterred, proposing to wait patiently for him to complete his task. The driver’s gaze softens as she explains her plan to camp nearby and bide her time until the local eatery opens its doors. Finally, convinced of her unwavering resolve, he agrees to ferry her to her destination when he’s finished with his chores, instructing her to wait comfortably in the relative shade of his truck cab.

As Cheryl waits patiently in the truck, her curiosity gets the better of her, prompting her to rummage through the glove compartment and uncover a gun, which she thoughtfully returns to its resting place. The man finally joins her in the cab, his piercing gaze making her feel increasingly uneasy. His suggestion that she join him at his home for a hot meal and refreshing shower is met with reluctance, but he insists, swigging from a flask as if trying to drown out any lingering doubts. Cheryl’s attempts to deflect his generosity by suggesting he simply drop her off in town are ignored, and instead, he hands her the flask, his eyes never leaving hers.

As the awkwardness grows thicker than the morning fog, Cheryl tries to break the tension by casually revealing that she had been separated from her hiking partner, who had opted to press on ahead. The man’s response is a peculiar blend of curiosity and nonchalance, as if he were more concerned with the intricacies of his own relaxation routine after a long day’s work. His dashboard yields a surprise: a tangled mess of red licorice, which he grins at before offering Cheryl a piece, warning her to keep it under wraps from his wife, who disapproves of such indulgences.

Cheryl laughs politely, and the man drives her to his home, where she is welcomed by his warm-hearted wife. The couple’s rustic demeanor belies their kind and decent nature, as they treat Cheryl to a hearty meal and a clean change of clothes. As the evening wears on, Cheryl confesses that her earlier fib about being married was born from nervousness, but the man reassures her that he understands the impulse to fabricate.

The next morning, the man drives Cheryl into town, where she can procure the right fuel for her stove, before returning her to the trail. It’s then that Cheryl reveals the true nature of her earlier fabrication, only to be met with the man’s empathetic understanding. He shares his own struggles with quitting various aspects of life – marriages and jobs – but notes that he never felt like he had a genuine choice in the matter.

As Cheryl treks through the wilderness, her thoughts meander back in time, like leaves carried away by an autumn breeze. Fragmented flashbacks unfold before her inner eye, transporting her to a bygone era when she was just a carefree child, twirling around with her mother Bobbi (Laura Dern) and younger brother Leif (Keene McRae). The memories are bittersweet, revealing the turmoil that beset their childhood: the hasty departure from their rural Minnesota home, escaping the clutches of an abusive father, only to find solace in a poverty-stricken farmhouse where Bobbi struggled to provide a loving and happy environment.

As night falls, Cheryl retreats to her tent, surrounded by the serenity of nature. The soft glow of her reading light illuminates the pages of a book, transporting her back in time once more. In this flashback, we see a younger Cheryl dismissing her mother’s love for literature, scoffing at the author and his writing style. Unbeknownst to her then, Bobbi would later surprise everyone by enrolling in college, attending the same institution as her daughter – a coincidence that would bring them closer together.

The memories come flooding back: the awkward encounter in the college hallway where Cheryl barely acknowledged her mother’s presence; the subsequent apology and her mother’s understanding words of acceptance. And then there was Leif, home from school with a friend, greeted by Bobbi’s warm hospitality as she prepared a meal for them both. Cheryl’s annoyance at her mother’s priorities – prioritizing family over academia – is palpable, but Bobbi remains steadfast in her conviction that being a mother is the most important role she can fill.

As the days pass (Day 10), Cheryl’s physical struggles intensify, as she battles her heavy pack and encounters the harsh realities of nature: rattlesnakes, torrential rainstorms, and treacherous terrain. On Day 12, her path converges with that of Greg (Kevin Rankin), a seasoned hiker who has been averaging over 20 miles a day. Their chance encounter in a sun-drenched stream yields a candid conversation about the challenges they’ve faced on the trail. Greg’s words sting, as Cheryl confesses to being embarrassingly slow, but he offers sage advice and shares his knowledge of the trail ahead. Their parting ways are cordial, with plans to meet again at Kennedy Meadows, a bustling oasis on the Pacific Crest Trail where many hikers will converge, seeking resupply and camaraderie before tackling the next leg of their journey.

As Cheryl arrives at Kennedy Meadows on Day 14, she’s met with thunderous applause from Greg and the other hikers, all rugged men who’ve been on the trail for days. Greg offers to buy her a drink, and she indulges in her long-craved Snapple lemonade and potato chips. The group is impressed by Cheryl’s determination, but they can’t help teasing her about her behemoth pack, affectionately dubbed “Monster.” This lumbering behemoth has been her constant companion since the start of her journey.

As she takes a package from her friend Aimee (Gaby Hoffmann), filled with fresh clothes and supplies, Ed, the campsite’s resident expert, offers his assistance in repacking her gear to lighten the load. He gently pokes fun at the many items she’s brought along that seem unnecessary, like heavy camera equipment, condoms, and a plethora of books. Despite his advice to trim down her literary collection by ripping out read pages, Cheryl remains devoted to her books.

Ed also diagnoses the cause of Cheryl’s pesky toenail loss: her boots are too small. He advises her to contact REI, which will send a new pair to the next pickup station, where they’ll be waiting for her. When Greg suggests bypassing the snow-covered section and taking a bus instead, Cheryl remains resolute in her goal to hit 1,000 miles, opting to adjust her finish line to the Bridge of the Gods in Oregon.

Fast-forward to Day 25, as Cheryl boards a bus from Kennedy Meadows to continue her journey near Reno, Nevada. Along the roadside, she encounters Jimmy Carter, who claims to work for Hobo Times magazine. Despite her insistence that she’s just hiking the PCT, he persists in asking invasive questions about her current residence and job status, snapping a photo without permission. Cheryl grows increasingly irritated with his persistence and tells him to leave, watching as he drives away.

As Cheryl (continued) her arduous journey along the winding trails of the Sierra Mountains, the rugged terrain and unpredictable weather conditions proved no match for her unyielding determination. Undeterred by the treacherous path, she pressed on, braving icy rivers, snow-capped peaks, and dense forests, her footsteps echoing through the silence. Her encounters with fellow travelers were brief but enlightening, such as the chance meeting with two snowboarders who, in a flash of camaraderie, offered directions before disappearing into the whiteness. When asked if she was lost, Cheryl confidently replied “no”, and continued on her quest.

The serenity of her campsite was shattered by an unexpected visitor - a striking red fox that darted away as soon as she approached. This fleeting encounter seemed to foreshadow the challenges yet to come. Days passed, and Cheryl’s perseverance was rewarded when she finally reached the point where her journey began, only to find herself faced with the disconcerting spectacle of her boots tumbling down a sheer cliff face.

With remarkable resourcefulness, she strapped on her sandals, fortifying them with duct tape for added support, and resumed her trek. The milestone of Day 49 brought with it a welcome respite, as Cheryl discovered a cache of new boots waiting for her at the next stopping point on the trail. Her spirits soared when she encountered another woman hiking the PCT - Stacey Johnson, whose warm smile and words of encouragement were a balm to her weary soul.

As they broke bread together, Stacey regaled Cheryl with tales of fellow hiker Greg, who had ultimately succumbed to the trail’s unforgiving demands. This revelation left Cheryl astonished, her own resilience and resolve deepened by the knowledge that she was still hiking when even an experienced trekker like Greg had been forced to concede defeat.

As the memories of her life before the hike flooded back, Cheryl recalled a poignant conversation with Bobbi, where they commiserated about their mundane existence as waitresses. Bobbi’s words lingered in her mind - “I don’t regret being married to an abusive man because it brought my children into my life.” This candid admission served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices that often accompany our most cherished experiences.

As the relentless march of time unfolds, Bobbi’s reality is shattered by the crushing diagnosis: late-stage spinal cancer has taken hold. The prognosis is dire, and her life expectancy is tragically short-lived. In March 1991, at the tender age of 47, Bobbi’s indomitable spirit succumbs to the merciless ravages of disease. Cheryl, her daughter, is left reeling from the sudden loss, careening into a vortex of despair that threatens to consume her.

The trauma is compounded by the heart-wrenching necessity of putting down her mother’s cherished horse, a beloved companion that had been a constant in Bobbi’s life. This agonizing act of mercy sends Cheryl spinning further out of control. As she begins to disengage from the world around her, she finds solace in fleeting encounters with strangers, seeking brief moments of escape and respite in hotel rooms, alleys, and other secret spaces.

Despite her crumbling existence, Cheryl still returns home to Paul, her husband, yet her growing addiction only serves to further estrange them. Her descent into the abyss is marked by an introduction to heroin, a potent and pernicious substance that insidiously seeps into every pore of her being. The culmination of this downward spiral comes when Paul stumbles upon Cheryl in a drug den, entwined with a stranger in a moment of raw vulnerability.

The consequences are severe: Paul’s discovery sparks an argument that ultimately leads to the couple’s decision to divorce, as the fragile bonds between them begin to fray and snap.

As Cheryl traverses the arid expanse of northern California’s desert landscape, a sense of desperation washes over her as she approaches a water station on Day 56 of her journey. The dry, cracked earth stretches out before her like an unforgiving canvas, and her parched throat cries out for relief. But when she finally arrives at the water station, her hopes are cruelly dashed: the tank lies empty, its once-promising waters now a mere mirage. Undeterred, Cheryl presses on, her eyes scanning the dusty terrain in search of a solution to her growing thirst.

Her quest leads her to a stagnant puddle, teeming with mosquitoes that buzz annoyingly around her head. With her trusty water filtration pump at the ready, she sets about purifying the murky liquid, adding a crucial iodine tablet to ensure its safety for consumption. As she waits patiently for the water to be treated, two hunters appear on the horizon, their own search for water drawing them to this desolate oasis.

Cheryl welcomes the pair, explaining her situation and offering to share her pump with them. However, one of the hunters proves less than chivalrous, his suggestive comments and leering gaze making her feel uneasy and vulnerable. With a sense of foreboding, Cheryl decides it’s time to leave, packing up her gear as the hunters prepare to depart in the opposite direction.

But fate has other plans. Unbeknownst to Cheryl, one of the hunters – the same creep who had earlier made her feel uncomfortable – returns to the scene, his eyes lingering on her new clothes with a predatory intensity. He queries her about why she returned to this spot, hinting that she may have been lying about leaving. Cheryl’s nerves are stretched taut as she tries to downplay her actions, but just as the tension becomes unbearable, the other hunter calls out to his companion, breaking the spell.

In the brief window of opportunity, Cheryl seizes the moment to pack up and make a hasty retreat, fleeing the area with all due haste.

As Cheryl embarks on her 62nd day on the trail, she finds herself at the threshold of Oregon, crossing into the charming town of Ashland, where the air is alive with the free-spirited energy of hikers and hippies. Within its eclectic shops, Cheryl ventures into a makeup store, seeking to revitalize her appearance. However, the astute saleswoman gently reminds her that true beauty begins with personal hygiene, prompting Cheryl to reevaluate her priorities. As she exits the store, she encounters an enigmatic stranger distributing flyers for an upcoming concert. Despite her initial reservations, fueled by recent traumas and a lingering sense of unease, he presents her with a flyer, inscribing her name on the guest list. His warm smile and gentle manner seem to pierce through her defenses.

The following evening, Cheryl indulges in a much-needed respite at a local motel, where she indulges in a rejuvenating shower and applies a fresh coat of makeup. As she prepares for a night out, she finds herself drawn to the concert, where the stranger awaits with a drink and a playful teasing remark about her transformation from a rough-around-the-edges hiker to a radiant beauty. The evening unfolds in a haze of intimacy, as Cheryl allows herself to be swept up in the moment, eventually retiring to the stranger’s side.

The next morning dawns with a quiet sense of resolution. Cheryl takes a moment to reflect on her journey, then makes a phone call to Paul (Paul), leaving him a message that is both poignant and liberating. She shares that she wrote his name in the sand on a beach that morning, as she often does when she finds herself by the ocean’s edge – a ritual that has become synonymous with her introspective moments. However, this time, she notes that she will no longer be repeating this act, signaling a subtle yet significant shift in her emotional landscape.

As Cheryl navigates the relentless rain towards Mount Hood State Park, her determination to reach the supply station is only matched by the desperation of the man within its walls, who is on the cusp of closing up shop for the day. Her impassioned plea to reopen the mail office in exchange for a promised drink with him proves too great to resist, and he begrudgingly agrees to retrieve her package containing fresh clothes and vital supplies. As she awaits the package’s arrival, three intrepid young hikers burst into the station, their eyes scanning the room until they lock onto Cheryl - the lone female trailblazer whose quotes and lyrics have become a familiar refrain along the Pacific Crest Trail. Their recognition is met with a mixture of surprise and admiration, as if they’ve stumbled upon a legendary figure.

The man’s reluctance to reopen the mail office again becomes apparent when the young hikers arrive, but Cheryl’s persistence and the prevailing rain-soaked atmosphere eventually wear him down. As he retrieves her package, she points out the futility of his initial refusal, and he grudgingly complies, producing a bundle of supplies that will bring much-needed relief to those braving the elements.

The package itself holds a special surprise - a heartfelt letter from Paul, whose pride in Cheryl’s progress is palpable. His words serve as a reminder that even amidst the harsh conditions of the wilderness, there are those who care deeply about her journey and its significance.

As night falls, Cheryl finds herself enveloped by the camaraderie of the young hikers, with whom she camps out beneath the star-studded sky. The following morning, the man from the supply station arrives at their campsite, bearing a steaming cup of coffee and a sweet, flaky doughnut - a small token of appreciation that is met with laughter and good-natured teasing from her new friends. It’s during this moment of warmth and connection that Cheryl learns she has been dubbed “Queen of the PCT” by the trailgoers who have been inspired by her story and the uplifting messages she has left behind at the trail markers. As she savors the title, it becomes clear that her journey is not just about reaching a destination, but about forging connections along the way.

As Cheryl’s thoughts wander back to her friend Aimee (played by character name), the memories of their coffee meeting unfold like a cinematic montage. Aimee’s words pierce Cheryl’s defenses, as she confesses her addiction and promiscuity without shame, but it’s the revelation that she might be pregnant and uncertain about the father’s identity that sends her reeling. With Aimee’s prodding, Cheryl reluctantly purchases a pregnancy test at a store, the lines blurring between reality and fantasy as she scans the shelves for solace.

The test confirms her worst fears: she is indeed with child, but her emotional turmoil reaches a boiling point. In a poignant moment of self-reflection, Cheryl realizes she’s not ready to be a mother and decides to terminate the pregnancy. As she grapples with her own mortality and the loss of her mother, she resolves to embark on a solitary journey along the Pacific Crest Trail to rediscover the woman her mother raised her to be.

The passage of time is marked by the milestone of Day 80, when Cheryl encounters an unexpected trio: an older woman, a young boy, and their wayward pack llama. The boy’s innocent curiosity sparks a conversation about Cheryl’s troubled past, which culminates in his heartwarming serenade. Tears streaming down her face, Cheryl continues on her odyssey.

The culmination of her journey unfolds on Day 94 at the Bridge of the Gods, where Cheryl shares a poignant reflection on the trials she’s faced and the unexpected blessings that have led her to this moment. As she walks across the bridge, she contemplates whether the mistakes of her past have ultimately brought her to where she is meant to be.

In a stirring coda, the film pays homage to its real-life inspiration, Cheryl Strayed, whose own journey on the Pacific Crest Trail serves as a testament to human resilience and transformation.

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