
Does Barbarian have end credit scenes?


Barbarian does not have end credit scenes.




As night falls on a secluded town, a job seeker's chance encounter with an Airbnb anomaly sets off a descent into terror. Unbeknownst to her, a sinister stranger has already claimed the rental, sparking a dark and unsettling coexistence that will force her to confront unspeakable fears within the labyrinthine walls of her temporary home.

Runtime: 102 min

Box Office: $45M








User Score






User Score


7.0 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Barbarian!

As the evening sun dipped below the rundown Detroit landscape of Brightmoor, Tess Marshall ( actress's name ) arrived at her rental house, only to discover it had been double-booked by a mysterious figure named Keith Toshko. Initially rattled by Keith's presence, Tess's unease slowly gave way to a sense of calm as she and her unlikely roommate bonded over shared stories and laughter. As the night wore on, Tess found herself growing more at ease in the company of this enigmatic stranger.

However, her tranquility was short-lived. Upon waking in the dead of night, Tess was met with an unsettling sight: her bedroom door stood ajar, its hinges creaking softly in the silence. Keith, ever the soothing presence, assured her that he had not touched the door, his words offering little comfort as Tess's anxiety spiked. As she struggled to shake off the feeling of unease, she couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this house might be hiding.

The next morning brought a new set of challenges, as Tess prepared for a job interview in a neighborhood plagued by urban decay. Her caution was well-founded, as a menacing homeless man chased her back into the house, his cries echoing through the desolate streets. In the aftermath of the confrontation, Tess found herself trapped in the basement, stumbling upon a hidden corridor that led to a room filled with an assortment of disturbing artifacts: a camcorder, a stained mattress, a bucket, and a gruesome handprint that seemed to stare back at her.

Keith's return to the house brought some much-needed relief, but his investigation into the hidden tunnel only served to raise more questions. As Tess followed him deeper into the labyrinthine passageway, she stumbled upon a subterranean world filled with shadows and secrets. It was there, in the heart of this dark underworld, that they were ambushed by a figure from their worst nightmares: "The Mother," a deformed and deranged individual who would stop at nothing to claim dominion over this twisted domain.

Two weeks later, the house's owner, AJ Gilbride (actor), found himself facing a very different kind of challenge. Fired from his television series due to allegations of rape against his co-star, AJ was left reeling as he struggled to come to terms with the devastating consequences of his actions. As he prepared to sell the house and pay off his legal debts, AJ's journey took him to Detroit, where he hoped to find solace in the familiar surroundings.

Instead, he discovered a hidden tunnel, its secrets waiting to be unearthed like an archaeological dig into the past. As AJ delved deeper into the mystery, he found himself face-to-face with Tess, who had been trapped in this subterranean world for what felt like an eternity. Together, they began to unravel the dark history of the house, a tale that would lead them down a rabbit hole of horrors and despair.

As the story unfolded, a haunting flashback to the 1980s revealed the original owner of the house, Frank, a monster who had spent years abducting women, raping them, and imprisoning them in the very tunnels they now called home. It was a grim reminder that some secrets were better left buried, and that the horrors of the past would always linger, waiting to pounce upon unsuspecting victims like Tess and AJ.

Here is a rephrased version of the section:

As the present unfolds, the enigmatic Mother confines Tess and AJ within a claustrophobic enclosure, dictating that they assume the roles of her own children. AJ is subsequently taken by the Mother, who forcibly nurses him with an unsettling intimacy. This fleeting distraction allows Tess to make a daring escape with the help of Andre, the mysterious homeless individual encountered earlier, who warns her that the Mother will unleash her wrath once nightfall arrives.

Meanwhile, AJ finds himself drawn to a room that the Mother seems reluctant to approach. Inside, he discovers Frank, whose lifeless body belies the sinister truth - Frank's crimes are laid bare for all to see. As AJ prepares to call the authorities, Frank takes his own life with a concealed revolver, adding another layer of darkness to this already foreboding tale.

Undeterred by the authorities' dismissal of her claims, Tess returns to the house and retrieves her car keys, ultimately using them to deliver a crushing blow to the Mother's unsuspecting form. Seemingly mortal, the Mother is left lying in a crumpled heap as Tess descends into the depths of the basement to rescue AJ.

However, AJ's assumption that the approaching footsteps belong to the Mother proves tragically misguided, resulting in him mistakenly shooting Tess with Frank's gun. As the pair makes their escape, they find that the Mother has vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the faintest whispers of her malevolent presence. It is then that Andre reveals the chilling truth - the Mother is a product of Frank's heinous crimes against his own flesh and blood.

As night descends once more, the Mother reappears, exacting a gruesome revenge upon Andre before chasing Tess and AJ up a water tower. AJ loses his grip on reality as he pushes Tess off the tower to save himself, but she survives the fall only to be shielded from further harm by the Mother's body.

As AJ confronts the horror of his actions, the Mother revives and exacts a gruesome retribution upon him, blinding him with her bare hands. It is then that Tess finds the strength to exact her own brand of justice, ending the Mother's reign of terror once and for all as the sun rises on a new dawn.