First Snow 2007

Box Office



101 min




In this gripping drama/thriller, fast-talking salesman Jimmy Pearce's life takes a drastic turn after his car breaks down in a desolate desert town. Seeking guidance from a mysterious fortuneteller, Jimmy uncovers a chilling fate: he will meet his demise when the season's first snowflakes fall, setting him on a desperate quest to defy destiny.

In this gripping drama/thriller, fast-talking salesman Jimmy Pearce's life takes a drastic turn after his car breaks down in a desolate desert town. Seeking guidance from a mysterious fortuneteller, Jimmy uncovers a chilling fate: he will meet his demise when the season's first snowflakes fall, setting him on a desperate quest to defy destiny.

Does First Snow have end credit scenes?


First Snow does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

First Snow Movie Quiz: Test your knowledge about the film First Snow, its characters, and pivotal moments.

What unusual discovery does the dog make at the beginning of the film?

Plot Summary

The curtain opens on a serene present-day scene: a woman (Alia Shawkat) strolling through the park with her dog, whose sudden bout of excavation uncovers a macabre surprise - two adult skeletons entwined in death. The juxtaposition is jarring, setting the tone for the narrative that follows.

We leap backward to 1820 Oregon, where Otis “Cookie” Figowitz (John Magaro) toils as a cook for a ragtag group of trappers hired by a lucrative fur company. Cookie’s culinary struggles are compounded by his meek nature, which sets him at odds with the boisterous and bullying members of the party.

That night, under the cover of darkness, Cookie embarks on a scavenging mission that brings him into contact with King-Lu (Orion Lee), a fugitive fleeing from a group of Russian pursuers after killing one of their own. As they converse, Lu’s hunger becomes apparent, and Cookie’s empathetic nature compels him to share his meager rations. Their unexpected bond is cemented when Cookie invites Lu to share his tent for the night, discreetly hiding the stranger from prying eyes.

The following morning, the trappers set off toward Fort Tillicum to collect their wages, but not before one of their number taunts and provokes Cookie, only to be swiftly silenced by King-Lu. The two men part ways as the others continue on their journey.

Cookie, now alone, wanders the wilderness in search of sustenance, attempting to catch fish before seeking solace at a local watering hole - a bar within Fort Tillicum’s walls. It is here that he eavesdrops on a conversation about the pioneering arrival of the first milk cow on the territory, courtesy of Chief Factor (Toby Jones), a wealthy Englishman. The calf and mate of this dairy duo had unfortunately succumbed to their arduous journey, leaving only the original cow to begin anew.

The tranquility is soon disrupted by a belligerent patron, whose verbal jabs prompt a larger man into action, leading to a brawl that spills outside. As the patrons assemble to watch the commotion, another individual approaches Cookie, entrusting him with the care of their infant. Cookie’s gentle touch calms the crying child, and his attention is piqued by the presence of King-Lu, who has also entered the bar. The two men share a moment over drinks before departing the establishment, leaving the infant in their wake.

As Cookie (name not provided) and Lu stroll through the landscape, their footsteps mark the rhythm of a conversation that spans their work, travels, and aspirations. Their meandering path leads them to Lu’s humble abode, where they spend hours gathering whatever nature has to offer. It is here that Cookie shares his dream of establishing a hotel or bakery in San Francisco, a notion that stirs the imagination.

Their idyllic scene is interrupted by an unexpected discovery - Chief Factor’s cow, left unattended and vulnerable to the elements. Cookie confides in Lu about their find, and together they devise a plan to coax milk from the cow, driven by Cookie’s desire to create his signature oily cakes. As Cookie approaches the bovine, he speaks softly, expressing empathy for the bereaved mother and her lost calf.

The men return with the precious liquid, using it to craft a batter that will soon become the talk of the Fort. The aroma of freshly baked goods wafts through the air, enticing a crowd of eager customers who are willing to pay top dollar for a taste of Cookie’s creations. As the days pass, the duo rakes in a tidy profit, carefully milking the cow and introducing new flavors to their oily cakes. However, concerns about the ethics of their actions begin to gnaw at Lu, while Cookie worries about the risks of getting caught.

Their entrepreneurial endeavors are momentarily disrupted by the arrival of Thomas (Jared Kowalski), a young boy who has been tasked with watching over the cow. When he is denied a cake after being cut off in line, his disappointment turns to disdain as he looks upon the men with scorn. Later, they receive an unexpected request from Chief Factor himself, who is impressed by their culinary skills and invites them to join him at his estate to bake blueberry clafoutis for an upcoming meeting.

As Cookie and Lu prepare the dessert, Lu confides in Cookie about his concerns that Factor might recognize the unique flavor of the cow’s milk. They travel to Factor’s estate, where they meet a captain (Scott Shepherd) and Totillicum (Gary Farmer), a Native American chief. The presentation of their pastry is met with widespread acclaim, and Factor offers them tea with cream, noting that the cow’s milk production has been dwindling lately. This revelation sends Cookie and Lu into a state of unease.

Their visit culminates in a heartwarming moment as they are taken to see the cow, who greets Cookie with a gentle nuzzle, as if recognizing an old friend.

As the sun dips below the horizon, Cookie (actor name) and Lu’s unease grows, their once thriving business now a liability they can no longer afford. The decision to discontinue operations hangs precariously in the balance as they weigh the risks against the potential reward. Lu, ever the pragmatist, sees an opportunity to make one last, lucrative sale before abandoning ship, but Cookie’s trepidation only intensifies. As night begins to fall, they venture out once more, seeking a fresh supply of milk from the nearby cow. However, their caution is short-lived, as Lu’s hasty attempt to signal Cookie ends in disaster - literally. A snapped branch sends him tumbling through the air, leaving his partner scrambling to reach him. In the chaos that ensues, the milk goes uncollected, and Factor’s men are unwittingly alerted to their presence.

As the dust settles, Lu escapes detection by hiding out until the goons depart, but not before making off with a small stash of cash. Meanwhile, Cookie finds himself at the mercy of fate, his head injury sustained in the fall leaving him reeling. He stumbles into the care of a kindly couple, who nurse him back to health and provide a brief respite from the turmoil that has beset their lives.

In the days that follow, Lu sets out on a solo journey, seeking solace in the gentle lapping of the river against his canoe as he drifts downstream. His destination - the shack they once called home - holds a certain allure, despite the danger lurking within its walls. It is here that he finds himself face to face with Factor’s minions, who have beaten him to the punch, but cleverly avoids their notice.

As Lu makes off with his ill-gotten gains, Cookie, still recovering from his ordeal, stumbles into a new reality - one in which he finds himself an unexpected guest in the home of a caring couple. His thoughts consumed by concern for his missing partner, he sets out to track down Lu’s whereabouts, only to stumble upon a familiar face - Thomas (actor name), who has been watching him from afar.

A sense of unease settles over Cookie as he makes his way to the cow, only to discover that their once-tranquil haven is now encircled by an ominous fence. His journey takes on a new dimension when he arrives at the shack, where Lu awaits, battered and bruised but none the worse for wear. The two friends are reunited in a tender embrace, blissfully unaware of the perilous path that lies ahead.

Their reunion is short-lived, however, as Cookie’s head injury begins to exact its toll. Fatigued and disoriented, he decides it’s time to take a load off, and Lu, faced with an impossible decision, chooses to lay down beside his friend, their bodies strewn across the very ground where death will later claim them.

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