
Does Gemini have end credit scenes?


Gemini does not have end credit scenes.




In the cutthroat world of Tinseltown, a gruesome crime shatters the bond between a glamorous movie star and her fiercely loyal assistant. As the investigation unfolds, the assistant's relentless pursuit of justice forces her to reexamine the blurred lines between loyalty, trust, and the darker side of fame.

Runtime: 93 min

Box Office: $173M









User Score






User Score


5.4 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Gemini!

In the City of Angels, Jill LaBeau (personal assistant extraordinaire) finds herself entwined in the drama-filled life of Hollywood starlet Heather Anderson. The latter's sudden decision to drop out of an upcoming film sends shockwaves through the industry, leaving director Greg and his team reeling. As night falls, Jill is dispatched to a late-night diner rendezvous with Greg, where she must convey Heather's news. Heather herself appears at the diner, accompanied by an awkward fan named Sierra, who snaps a selfie that will soon go viral on social media.

The paparazzi descend upon Heather like vultures, clamoring for answers about her ex-boyfriend Devin and rumored new love interest Tracy. Heather and Jill retreat to the latter's apartment, where Heather requests a specific firearm - a .22 snub nose - citing concerns over personal safety in light of the backlash from her film departure. Despite initial hesitation, Jill agrees to lend Heather the gun, which she promptly loads with bullets.

The unlikely duo heads to a local nightclub, where they reunite with Tracy and share a romantic kiss before parting ways. As the night wears on, Heather and Jill make their way to Heather's opulent mansion, where Jill finds herself spending the night under its lavish roof. When Heather awakens to find a motion light flickering outside, Jill reassures her it's likely just a curious coyote - but little do they know, this is merely a harbinger of the chaos to come.

Jill wakes up the next morning to discover that she has accidentally discharged the gun while rummaging through Heather's purse. The sound of shattering glass fills the air as a nearby coin case meets its demise. Jill confesses her mistake to a stunned Heather, but her concerns are soon eclipsed by the horror that awaits them: Heather lies lifeless on the floor, victim of a brutal gunshot wound - and Jill's own gun is now the prime suspect.

The police arrive at the mansion, led by the no-nonsense Detective Ahn, who brews a soothing cup of tea as he begins to question Jill. As she struggles to come to terms with the senseless tragedy that has unfolded before her, Jill finds herself increasingly isolated and desperate for answers - and an unexpected phone call from Tracy only adds fuel to the fire.

As Jill returns to her apartment after a crucial meeting with Heather's agent, she's confronted by a cluster of police officers within the complex. Desperate to avoid detection, she attempts to blend in and slip away unnoticed, but Detective Ahn (played by [actor name]) is hot on her trail. He apprehends her and takes her to a nearby diner, where he reveals that the evidence is stacked against her: her fingerprints are found on the gun and shell casings, and her hands bear telltale signs of gunpowder residue. As they converse, Jill's attention is drawn to an individual surreptitiously recording their conversation - none other than Stan.

Meanwhile, Jill decides to alter her appearance by dyeing her hair blonde and pays a visit to Greg as he prepares for a trip to Scotland. As they discuss the potential motives behind Heather's murder, the police knock on the door, prompting Greg to answer while Jill makes a swift exit out the back. She then tracks down Devin to a local watering hole, where she attempts to extract information about his whereabouts the previous night and morning. However, Devin proves evasive, instead inquiring about Heather's relationship with Tracy. After Devin departs without providing any concrete answers, he leaves behind his hotel key at the bar - an oversight that allows Jill to snoop through his belongings while he's otherwise occupied.

As she rummages through his possessions, Jill discovers a rare coin similar to those found at Heather's estate. When Devin and his companion return to their hotel room, Jill retreats to the closet and listens in as Devin requests his girlfriend provide him with an alibi for Heather's murder, claiming that having one will simplify everything.

Jill soon finds herself seeking Tracy's assistance, and the latter agrees to help. As they head to her residence, Jill reveals her discovery of the rare coin, which she believes might be linked to those taken from Heather's mansion. Tracy discounts this theory, suggesting it's merely another item Devin already possesses.

As night falls, Jill becomes privy to a cryptic phone conversation between Tracy and an unknown party. She overhears Tracy discussing the possibility of bringing someone "up to the cabin" before something untoward occurs. As she explores the house further, Jill stumbles upon the coins taken from Heather's estate. Her suspicions piqued, she decides to make a stealthy exit from the premises.

As Jill revved up her motorcycle and sped away from Tracy's house, she successfully evaded the relentless pursuit of the police car hot on her tail. Finding refuge at a local laundromat, she took a moment to gather her thoughts while listening to a cryptic message left by Detective Ahn (voiced by). The soothing hum of washing machines and the gentle rustle of dryers served as a calming backdrop for Jill's racing mind.

As she gazed out at the mundane scene unfolding before her, the television in the corner of the laundromat caught her attention. A breaking news report was airing, revealing that the police had retracted their identification of Heather as the murder victim. The revelation sent Jill's thoughts careening back to their encounter with Sierra, the enthusiastic fan they'd met at the diner. A sudden jolt of insight struck her as she scrolled through social media accounts on her phone - it wasn't just Sierra's physical resemblance to Heather that was uncanny; both women shared a striking Gemini tattoo on the back of their necks.

The next morning, Jill returned to the cabin perched atop a hill, her motorcycle purring softly as she pulled into the clearing. As she stepped inside, she found herself face-to-face with an unexpected truth: Heather, very much alive and unharmed, sat amidst the quiet chaos of the cabin. But it was Sierra who lay lifeless on the floor, her presence explained by a chilling revelation - Heather had shot and killed Sierra after catching her breaking into the house that fateful morning, but her fear had kept her silent.

Jill's anger boiled over as she confronted Heather, her fury eventually giving way to a cathartic release of pent-up emotions. In a shocking display of vulnerability, Heather apologized for her actions, allowing Jill to unleash her wrath in a visceral display of frustration and relief. As the dust settled, Heather's tears mingled with Jill's as they processed the traumatic events that had transpired.

In the days that followed, Jill found herself helping Heather prepare for a televised interview about the incident, her presence both a comfort and a constant reminder of their shared trauma. Detective Ahn's uninvited visit to observe the proceedings added an air of tension to the proceedings, his watchful gaze a sobering reminder of the stakes involved in their story.