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I See You

I See You


As a desperate search unfolds for 12-year-old Connor, Detective Greg Harper's world begins to unravel. His marriage to Jackie (Helen Hunt) falters amidst infidelity and pressure from the investigation, blurring reality and sanity. But when malevolent forces invade their home, threatening Connor's life, the Harpers' darkest secrets are exposed, shattering the illusion of a perfect family facade.

Runtime: 96 min

Box Office: $1.2M








User Score


6.8 /10

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Check out what happened in I See You!

As secretive dwellers known as phroggers, teenagers Mindy (character) and Alec infiltrate the seemingly tranquil suburban home of Detective Greg Harper (actor), his counselor wife Jackie (actor), and their angsty teenage son Connor. While Mindy insists on maintaining a low profile within the walls of the Harper residence, Alec takes it upon himself to psychologically manipulate the family by surreptitiously tampering with photographs, flipping on televisions, and engaging in nocturnal mischief that leaves Detective Greg feeling increasingly perplexed. The family's growing unease is further fueled by the mysterious disappearance of Jackie's treasured sunflower-adorned mug, which Alec has covertly hidden away.

As tensions within the Harper household continue to simmer, Connor and Greg remain consumed by their marital woes following a revelation about Jackie's past infidelity. Jackie's husband, meanwhile, struggles to reconcile his emotions, ultimately expressing his frustration in a most uncharacteristic manner - by hurling his phone through a window. When a repairman arrives to mend the damage while the Harpers are away, Alec convinces Mindy to let him inside, unaware that her lack of familiarity with the home might raise suspicions. Jackie's return finds her bewildered to discover an unexpected visitor in her domain, and her confusion deepens as he explains that it was her own daughter who allowed him entry.

As she reports the incident to the authorities, Jackie's frustration grows when she discovers that a number of silverware pieces are missing from her kitchen utensils - although Alec is responsible for the disappearance. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Moriah Davis tasks Detective Greg and his long-time partner Ray Spitzky (actor) with investigating the mysterious disappearances of Michael King and 12-year-old Justin Whitter, whose sudden vanishing act while riding his bike through the woods has left the community reeling.

At the crime scene, the detectives uncover a green pocketknife eerily reminiscent of those wielded by Cole Gordon, a notorious individual they had previously incarcerated for killing six other boys. Although Greg and Spitzky initially suspect they may be dealing with a copycat, Davis sees fit to assign them to track down Gordon's two surviving victims in order to preclude any potential attempts to reopen the case.

Their first port of call is former victim Tommy Braun, whose disfigured visage serves as a stark reminder of his harrowing ordeal. As Spitzky listens intently to an audio recording of his original interview with Tommy, the traumatized individual reveals that he self-mutilated in response to a series of disturbing events that transpired within the confines of a mysterious "little house in the trees" - an enigmatic locale that seemingly defies detection.

As Todd (actor name) stands before Jackie, professing his love from beneath the roof where Alec's malevolent gaze watches over them, the atmosphere is thick with tension. The sound of shattering ceramic marks the arrival of a new level of chaos as Alec's hand wields the destructive force of Jackie's sunflower mug, its fragments raining down upon Todd's unsuspecting head. Unbeknownst to Jackie, it was Alec who dealt the blow, not Connor.

As she tenders to Todd's wound in the basement, Jackie momentarily departs, leaving him alone to treat his injuries. Meanwhile, Mindy senses an opportunity to escape the toxic environment and slips into the basement to retrieve her hidden backpack. However, her plans are foiled by the sudden appearance of Todd, who is frantically searching for a cloth to dress his wound.

Greg's unexpected homecoming finds Todd still kneeling in the basement, oblivious to the danger lurking behind him. Mindy, still hiding, bears witness as Greg strikes down Todd with calculated precision, silencing him permanently. She quickly scrambles to gather her belongings, only to be forced into hiding once more as Jackie returns to find Todd's lifeless form.

Fearing that Connor will be mistakenly blamed for the events transpiring around them, Jackie concocts a plan to conceal Todd's true fate and convinces Greg to assist in disposing of his body in the nearby woods. As their parents venture out, Connor stumbles upon a mysterious discovery – the missing silverware – hidden within the washing machine.

The anonymous message that follows sets off a chain reaction, drawing Connor into the dark world of "phrogging" videos. Unbeknownst to him, Alec lurks in the shadows, wearing a frog mask as he captures Connor and binds him with sinister intentions. Mindy stumbles upon Alec's act of terror, her horror at his descent into madness evident on her face.

As she confronts Alec, their struggle sends Mindy crashing to the ground, leaving her unconscious. The deranged Alec attempts to make off with her, depositing her in the back seat of Greg's vehicle as he falters in his attempt to start the engine. Jackie and Greg return from their clandestine burial mission, only to find themselves on the cusp of a new nightmare: Connor, bound and gagged in the bathtub, a green pocketknife lodged into a bar of soap beside him.

Greg vows to bring the perpetrator to justice, while Jackie rushes Connor to the hospital, leaving Alec to seethe in frustration as he hides from their returning gaze.

As Alec cowers in the garage, a sense of dread washes over him when Greg climbs into his vehicle and drives away with Mindy still unconscious in the backseat. The weight of their situation becomes crushing as Alec realizes that Greg has been secretly abducting and murdering boys all along. Meanwhile, Mindy lies quietly recovering in the back of the car, her eyes slowly focusing on a jersey belonging to Justin Whittier, alongside other incriminating evidence that reveals Greg's sinister motives.

As Greg pulls over, Mindy seizes the opportunity to escape into the nearby woods, her mind racing with a desperate plan. She dials 911, hoping to summon Spitzky and expose Greg's heinous crimes, but the connection drops before her phone's location can be traced.

Mindy stumbles upon a hidden trailer, where she finds evidence of Greg's previous victims: Michael King and Justin Whittier. The boys reveal that Greg has been taunting them, planning to kill them, and is currently digging a grave outside. They beg Mindy to rescue them, but before she can act, Greg sneaks up behind her and suffocates her with a plastic bag.

Greg, enraged by the discovery of Mindy's camcorder, which captures their own illicit activities at the Harper house, sets his sights on Alec. He drags Mindy's lifeless body into the living room, instructing her to stand up before coldly executing her with his service pistol. Greg then cleverly stages a self-defense scenario, planting a second handgun in Mindy's hand and wiping his fingerprints clean.

With Mindy's body now a prop in his twisted game, Greg begins searching the house for Alec, his service pistol at the ready. Meanwhile, Alec has been listening to the commotion from the garage, his heart pounding as he readies an axe to take on Greg.

As the silence is broken by the sound of gunfire, Alec creeps through the house, his eyes fixed on the horror that awaits him: Mindy's lifeless body, a victim of Greg's calculated brutality.

Here's my rephrased version:

The unsuspecting Greg is led downstairs by the alluring sound of music emanating from Alec's (Alec) record player, only to be met with a brutal attack from behind. As Alec swings his ax wildly, Greg manages to overpower him and deliver a devastating blow that leaves Alec stunned. In a momentary lapse of self-preservation, Greg takes out his own knife and stabs himself in the kitchen sink before turning to plant it on Alec's lifeless body - only to find that Alec has vanished into thin air. The sound of a hammer cocking signals the return of Alec, who now holds a gun pointed directly at Greg. With a sinister smile, Alec reveals he knows Greg's true intentions and coldly shoots him down just as the police arrive on the scene.

As the authorities rush to respond to the chaos, a distraught Alec cradles Greg's lifeless body in his arms, overcome with grief. Meanwhile, Spitzky (Spitzky) bursts into the house, taking in the grisly scene before him - Greg's limp form lying sprawled across the kitchen floor and Alec standing frozen, gun still clutched in hand. With a swift move, Spitzky dispatches Alec with a bullet to the chest, leaving the wounded man gasping for air as he whispers Spitzky's name, revealing that their partnership was built on a foundation of vengeance against Greg, who had tormented them as children.

As the police rescue the two captive boys from the woods and Spitzky unearths evidence in the back of Greg's SUV, Jackie and Connor return home to find their yard overrun with police cars. The usually stoic Jackie is visibly shaken by the sight of her husband's lifeless body and the eerie silence that follows. Meanwhile, Alec's final moments are marked by a poignant flashback, as he relives his childhood days spent with Tommy Braun, walking along a railroad track where they received their first pocket knife from none other than Greg himself - a cruel reminder of the trauma they endured at his hands.