Witnessing his father unjustly targeted by authorities, a young Black boy embarks on a journey to understand and challenge racial injustice, navigating the complexities of prejudice with humor and heart.

Witnessing his father unjustly targeted by authorities, a young Black boy embarks on a journey to understand and challenge racial injustice, navigating the complexities of prejudice with humor and heart.

Does Junior have end credit scenes?


Junior does not have end credit scenes.






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4.7 /10

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Movie Quiz

Junior: The Unconventional Pregnancy Quiz: Test your knowledge of the zany twists and turns in the 1994 comedy 'Junior'.

Who plays the role of Dr. Alex Hesse in the film 'Junior'?

Plot Summary

Austrian researcher Dr. Alex Hesse (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and his obstetrician-gynecologist colleague Dr. Larry Arbogast delve into the complexities of human reproduction, developing a groundbreaking fertility drug called “Expectane”. This innovative medication is designed to reduce the risk of miscarriage by neutralizing the antibodies that mistakenly perceive the embryo as foreign matter. According to Alex, the female body’s natural tendency to reject unwanted substances leads it to create antibodies that fight against the embryo, causing it to detach. Expectane cleverly counteracts these antibodies, allowing for successful embryo attachment.

In a remarkable display of the drug’s efficacy, Expectane has been successfully tested on a chimpanzee with a history of miscarriages, resulting in the primate being seven months pregnant.

However, their groundbreaking discovery is met with skepticism when Noah Banes (Frank Langella), the head of the University review board, informs Larry that the FDA has rejected their proposed drug after Alex and Larry’s presentation. With the drug unapproved by the regulatory agency, Alex and Larry are unable to continue their research or conduct further experiments.

Banes’ decision is a significant setback for the duo, but they refuse to give up on their project. When Larry implores Banes to reconsider, he is met with resistance, emphasizing that the rules are clear: Alex must empty his lab. Larry’s plea falls on deaf ears as Banes remains resolute.

Meanwhile, the University has recruited renowned geneticist Dr. Diana Reddin (Emma Thompson) and her ovum Cryogenics project, which will be setting up shop in Alex’s current lab space. Larry notices that Diana has brought an extensive collection of frozen eggs for her research, raising questions about the scope of her work.

In a separate development, Louise (Aida Turturro), the receptionist at Larry’s clinic, plays a peripheral yet important role in the unfolding drama.

As Alex faces a bleak future without a lab or funding in the USA, he contemplates starting anew in Europe. However, Larry proposes an alternative: they can still conduct the experiment, albeit with some creative modifications. A Canadian pharmaceutical company, Lyndon, has offered to fund their research provided they can find a willing volunteer. While Alex expresses concerns about the feasibility of recruiting a pregnant woman to take an unapproved drug, Larry suggests omitting the gender aspect and focusing on finding a suitable candidate.

In a surprising turn of events, Larry convinces Alex to participate in the experiment by impregnating himself with an ovum code-named “Junior”. Larry argues that this is not an unconventional approach, citing instances where other scientists have tested their own vaccines and drugs on themselves. According to Larry, all they need is for Alex to carry the embryo through the first trimester, which will provide valuable data before terminating the pregnancy.

Larry’s persuasive powers ultimately convince Alex to take a bold step forward, paving the way for an unconventional experiment that will test the limits of scientific inquiry and personal commitment.

Here’s my rephrased version:

Larry makes an audacious promise: he’ll procure the most elusive prize in Diana’s Cryogenic vault - a frozen egg labeled “Junior”. With cunning guile, Larry pilfers the egg and furtively fertilizes it using Alex’s (Alex) sperm. He then clandestinely injects the embryo into Alex’s abdominal cavity, where it begins to gestate.

Larry spins a web of deceit, telling Alex that the egg belongs to a colleague who obtained it through an anonymous donor program. As the weeks go by, Alex starts exhibiting telltale signs of pregnancy: tender nipples, morning sickness, cramping, and an insatiable craving for relaxation. Diana, sensing Alex’s distress, shares her lab space with him, fostering a bond that transcends their professional relationship.

As the reality of fatherhood dawns on Alex, he becomes overwhelmed by emotional turmoil. Larry, meanwhile, is busy schmoozing with Lyndon Pharmaceuticals executives at a maternity convention, promising them results within the week. Unbeknownst to Larry, Banes overhears his boasts and begins to suspect that something sinister is afoot.

At the conference, Alex and Diana cross paths once more, sparking a mutual attraction that complicates their professional dynamics. As the experiment nears its conclusion, Alex decides to defy protocol and continue taking Expectane, determined to bring the pregnancy to term. Larry had explicitly instructed him to stop taking the medication, warning that it would disrupt the embryo’s development.

Ten weeks later, Larry’s suspicions are piqued when he notices Alex’s burgeoning belly. Initially annoyed by the revelation, Larry agrees to keep the secret hidden, allowing their little white lie to continue. Meanwhile, Alex and Diana’s relationship blossoms, as they navigate the complexities of love amidst the chaos of experimentation.

Banes, however, is not so easily fooled. He uncovers evidence of Expectane components being purchased through Diana and becomes determined to uncover the truth. His investigation leads him to a stash of medication in Alex’s room, where he makes the startling discovery that Alex is indeed carrying a pregnancy - one that raises more questions than answers about the nature of their experiment.

As the evening wears on, Larry treats Diana to a dinner that doubles as a chance for her to confide in him about her unconventional experiment: freezing and labeling her own ovum, which she’s dubbed “Junior.” Little does Larry know, Alex is already hot on his trail, having pieced together the puzzle that Larry had pilfered the very egg that belonged to Diana. The revelation sparks a confrontation between Alex and Larry, with the latter admitting to the theft.

Meanwhile, Angela drops by Larry’s place, only to witness him tenderly touching Alex’s belly - a moment that leads her to believe they’re an unconventional couple. But as the truth begins to unravel, Alex finds himself revealing his pregnancy to Angela, who just so happens to be expecting herself. As fate would have it, Larry is also Angela’s attending physician, a circumstance that adds yet another layer of complexity to this already tangled web.

As tensions rise, Alex seeks out Diana at her lab, where he spills the beans about Junior being her own egg all along. Her reaction is one of stunned disbelief and anger, fueled by Banes’ attempt to hijack the experiment for his own gain. The University’s contract with Alex becomes a key factor in this power struggle, leaving him no choice but to make a break for it.

Diana’s visit to the retreat where Alex has been hiding in plain sight - disguised as a woman and blaming his rugged appearance on anabolic steroid use - drives home the point that motherhood is what truly matters. Larry, meanwhile, takes the experiment’s data to Lyndon Pharmaceutical, securing a partnership that promises to change everything.

As labor pains set in for Alex, he finds himself calling out for Larry and Diana, prompting the former to ready the hospital staff for an emergency c-section. But just as all hell is about to break loose, Banes tries to muscle his way into the spotlight, hoping to claim credit for the world’s first pregnant man.

Thanks to a colleague’s warning, Larry concocts a decoy plan that allows Alex to slip away and have a private delivery - all while keeping Banes at bay. As Diana rushes to the hospital, she finds herself caught up in Angela’s labor, serving as her coach through the contractions. Meanwhile, Larry delivers Angela’s baby boy, Jake, before reuniting with Diana to raise him as their own.

In the end, it’s not just about the biology - but about the love and acceptance that can bring two people together, no matter what challenges they may face.

As the calendar flips to mark another anniversary since the fateful gathering that brought the two families together, they embark on a collective getaway to commemorate the birthdays of Junior and Jake. The atmosphere is filled with joyous anticipation as Diana’s growing belly bears testament to her second pregnancy. Meanwhile, Angela’s enthusiasm for expanding their brood is tempered by the prospect of reliving the physical demands of childbirth, prompting her to pose an unconventional proposal to Larry: would he be willing to take on the task of carrying their next offspring? The prospect of a surrogate father figure sends ripples through the group as they attempt to persuade the initially hesitant Larry to take on this extraordinary responsibility.

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