
Does Jurassic World have end credit scenes?


Jurassic World does not have end credit scenes.

Jurassic World

Jurassic World


Twenty-two years after the gates of chaos opened on Isla Nublar, Jurassic World has become a reality. A fully functioning theme park, born from John Hammond's vision, thrills and terrifies visitors. But as the magic wears off, a desperate attempt to reignite fascination sparks a catastrophic chain reaction, unleashing primal fury upon the unsuspecting masses.

Runtime: 124 min

Box Office: $1.7B








User Score






User Score


6.9 /10

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Check out what happened in Jurassic World!

The cinematic canvas unfurls with a striking image: a dinosaur egg, its surface slowly fissuring as life stirs within. As the shell cracks open, a tiny, clawed creature emerges, its luminescent eye flashing like a beacon in the dark. This tender moment gives way to a warm and familiar scene, as the Mitchell family - Scott (Adam Buckley) and Karen (Judy Greer), along with their sons Zach and Gray (Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins) - gather at the airport, eager for a family vacation. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic tableau, Karen's concerns about her children's safety betray her worry.

As the boys depart, they find themselves whisked away to Isla Nublar, where they are transported to the site of Jurassic World, a futuristic theme park that promises thrills and wonder. The park's operations manager, Claire Dearing (Bryce Dallas Howard), greets her niece's arrival with a mixture of warmth and detachment, as she is busy overseeing the grand opening of the park. Her assistant, Zara (Katie McGrath), takes charge of the boys' day, as they navigate the bustling resort filled with hundreds of eager visitors.

Claire meets with three investors to showcase the park's cutting-edge science and innovative exhibits, including its most prized attraction: the Indominus Rex, a groundbreaking hybrid dinosaur. Her confidence in the park's capabilities is met with skepticism by her investors, who demand nothing but pure entertainment from their experience. With the meeting concluded, Claire reunites with her niece's sons, Gray's excitement tempered only by Zach's awareness of his aunt's busy schedule.

As she tends to her business, Claire encounters park employees Lowery (Jake Johnson) and Vivian (Lauren Lapkus), who brief her on the park's activity levels. Her next stop is a meeting with Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan), the enigmatic owner of Jurassic World, to inspect the Indominus Rex enclosure. The pair observes two significant cracks in the glass overlooking the enclosure, evidence that the massive predator has already attempted to escape its confines. Masrani's request for Claire to locate Owen Grady (Chris Pratt), the park's Velociraptor trainer and expert, is met with a hint of reluctance on her part, foreshadowing the complications that will soon arise.

Here's the rephrased text:

Owen (sternly) commands his Raptors, Blue, Charlie, Delta, and Echo - a quartet he's meticulously trained to obey, with himself proudly declaring Alpha. As the onlookers marvel at this feat of domestication, Barry (Omar Sy), his trusted training partner, lends an approving eye. However, Vic Hoskins (Vincent D'Onofrio), InGen's head of security, views the Raptors as mere park attractions rather than intelligent creatures worthy of respect - a notion Owen and Barry vigorously dispute.

As the chaos unfolds, a novice employee, attempting to corral a wayward pig in the enclosure, becomes unwittingly drawn into the Raptors' domain. Owen swiftly intervenes, extricating the employee and holding off the Raptors just as he makes his own escape, a testament to their unpredictable nature. The episode leaves no doubt that these creatures remain far from fully tamed.

Meanwhile, Zach and Gray, fueled by curiosity and a thirst for adventure, slip away from Zara's watchful eye to explore the park's vast expanse. For Gray, the wonders of the dinosaur realm hold an irresistible allure; Zach, however, indulges in an unsettling fascination with other girls (despite already being tied down), as they make their way to the Mosasaur exhibit. There, a colossal aquatic behemoth emerges, claiming a shark-sized snack before splashing its audience. Elsewhere, children delight in the petting zoo, where baby triceratops await eager riders.

As Claire journeys to locate Owen, she receives a distressing call from Karen, whose concern for her sons' whereabouts is rooted in her own anxieties about her impending divorce (a poignant glimpse into her struggles outside the office of divorce lawyers). Claire offers comforting reassurance before approaching Owen's bungalow, where she shares her concerns and sets him off to investigate the Indominus.

Upon returning to the Indominus enclosure, Owen notices ominous claw marks etched against the wall. Claire's alarm turns to panic as she realizes the Indominus might have escaped. Lowery and Vivian deploy the tracker embedded in Claire's head to locate her, while Owen and two colleagues scrutinize the enclosure. As it becomes clear that Claire is standing right beside them, a gruesome spectacle unfolds: the Indominus seizes one employee in its jaws, prompting Owen and his companion to flee as the beast pursues its next victim. The Indominus ultimately devours the other man, then turns its attention to the park's unsuspecting visitors. As chaos ensues, Owen resorts to cunning, slipping beneath a van and masking his scent by severing the fuel hose and dousing himself in gasoline. The Indominus narrowly misses him before proceeding to wreak havoc throughout the rest of the park.

As Masrani's authoritative voice commands from the control room, an elite ACU team ventures into the forest to apprehend the rogue Indominus. Initially, the silence is palpable, punctuated only by the faintest rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs. But then, a lone tracker stumbles upon the gruesome trail left behind by the beast's razor-sharp claws. His arm smeared with blood, he gazes in horror as the reality sets in: the Indominus has masterfully camouflaged herself, unleashing a merciless onslaught on the unsuspecting team, who valiantly attempt to subdue her using non-lethal methods.

Meanwhile, Owen's sharp words of rebuke echo through the staff room, where he lamentably critiques their complacency. He astutely notes that the Indominus had deliberately orchestrated her escape to instill chaos and panic. His orders for an immediate evacuation of Isla Nublar are met with urgency by Claire, who frantically contacts Zara, desperate to safeguard the two boys in her care. However, Zara's response sends a shiver down Claire's spine: she's lost sight of them amidst the pandemonium.

As Masrani summons Dr. Henry Wu (B.D. Wong), a veteran of the previous Jurassic Park debacle, to his office, he unleashes a barrage of criticism for Wu's involvement in the Indominus' creation and his failure to prevent such a catastrophe from unfolding once more. The weight of responsibility hangs heavy over Wu's shoulders as he stands before Masrani, haunted by the ghosts of Hammond's legacy.

In a world where parental worries loom large, Gray's heart remains heavy with the impending divorce of his parents. His friend Zach attempts to distract him with tales of adventure and fun, but even the promise of thrills on the gyrosphere ride can't lift Gray's spirits. As they embark on their own tour of the park, the Ankylosaurs' domain beckons, drawing them into a realm where danger lurks in every shadow.

As Zach tries to ignore the evacuation warnings and venture off the beaten path, Claire seizes the opportunity to track their location. The boys inadvertently stumble upon the Indominus, who dispatches another dinosaur with merciless ferocity. Hiding in fear, they watch as she destroys their pod, forcing them to flee for their lives. A desperate leap across the churning waters of a body of water leaves them clinging to life just as the Indominus's claws close in.

Owen and Claire converge on the wreckage of the pod, piecing together the boys' hasty retreat. The gruesome discovery of half-a-dozen Apatosauruses, brutally slaughtered and mangled beyond recognition, shocks Owen into a somber realization: the Indominus is killing for sport, her actions driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction and chaos.

As Zach and Grey navigate through what remains of the Jurassic Park Visitor Center, they hijack a van and head north into the park, their path soon intersecting with that of Owen and Claire. However, their reunion is short-lived, as the Indominus Rex appears on the scene, its ferocious nature sending the group scrambling for cover. In the chaos that ensues, Masrani and three other men take to the skies in a helicopter, but their aerial assault is short-circuited when they inadvertently burst into the Aviary, releasing a flock of Pterosaurs into the atmosphere. As the chopper crashes to the ground, its occupants meet their untimely demise, leaving Masrani as the sole survivor.

The Pterosaurs, now airborne and unhinged, begin to wreak havoc on the park's guests, with Zara stumbling upon Zach and Grey just in time to be snatched by a Pteranodon. Her subsequent demise at the jaws of a Mosasaur serves as a grim reminder of the danger that lurks within the park's boundaries. Panic sets in as the guests are picked off one by one, prompting the boys to seek shelter with Owen and Claire, who have managed to fend off two attacking dinosaurs.

As order begins to unravel, Hoskins seizes control of the park, his Machiavellian machinations centered on exploiting the Raptors as a means of quelling the chaos. However, Owen is having none of it, and after a heated confrontation with Hoskins, he agrees to lead the Raptors into battle - but only on his terms. With cameras attached to their heads, the Raptors join Owen in a treacherous jungle expedition, where they soon encounter the Indominus Rex once more.

This time, however, the Indominus seems to be communicating with the Raptors, its presence sparking an epiphany for Owen: the Indominus contains Raptor DNA within its own twisted being. As the Raptors turn on their human companions, Blue comes perilously close to delivering a fatal blow to Barry before Owen intervenes. The Raptors' betrayal is further underscored by the loss of one of their own, which meets its demise in a hail of gunfire from an unseen assailant.

As the quartet of survivors - Owen (Owen), Claire, and the boys - venture into the InGen lab, they're met with an unsettling sight: Hoskins attempting to pack up his belongings, a futile endeavor given the carnage that's soon to unfold. His plan to harness the Indominus rex as a weapon is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of one of the Raptors, its curiosity getting the better of it. Hoskins' friendly approach to the beast proves short-lived as it bites down on his arm and tears him apart, prompting the group to flee in terror.

Owen's subsequent encounter with the remaining Raptors is marked by a familiar pattern: he asserts dominance, and they calm down, only to be disrupted once more by the Indominus' return. Her brutal slaughter of Blue's companions serves as a stark reminder of her ruthless nature. Gray's astute observation - "The only thing that can beat the Indominus is more teeth" - sets the stage for Claire's desperate measures.

She dispatches Lowery (Lowery), the lone holdout in the control room, to release the Tyrannosaurus Rex from its cage. The ancient predator charges into battle with a ferocity that's matched only by the Indominus' unyielding ferocity. As the two titans clash, it becomes clear that the Indominus is an apex predator of unparalleled power. Just as all hope seems lost for the T-Rex, Blue intervenes, using her considerable strength to drive the Indominus toward the lagoon. The Mosasaur seizes its chance, emerging from the depths to drag the Indominus into the water and deliver a gruesome demise.

As the dust settles, Owen, Claire, and the boys regroup at a survivors' base in Costa Rica. Scott (Scott) and Karen's tearful reunions with their sons serve as a poignant reminder of the human cost of the chaos that has engulfed them. With their priorities reevaluated, Owen proposes a new mantra for survival: "Stick together." And so, they depart into an uncertain future.

The film concludes with the Tyrannosaurus Rex standing sentinel over Isla Nublar, its mighty roar echoing through the stillness as a testament to the indomitable will of these prehistoric giants.