
Does Knives Out have end credit scenes?


Knives Out has end credit scenes.

Knives Out

Knives Out


As legendary author Harlan Thrombey celebrates his 85th birthday, his unexpected demise sets off a tangled web of intrigue at his opulent estate. Enter suave detective Benoit Blanc, who unravels a complex dance of motives and alibis among the suspects - Harlan's own family and loyal staff - to reveal the surprising truth behind this puzzling whodunit.

Runtime: 131 min

Box Office: $316M







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User Score


7.9 /10

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Check out what happened in Knives Out!

As Fran, the meticulous housekeeper, navigates the labyrinthine corridors of Harlan Thrombey's opulent mansion, she unwittingly stumbles upon a ghastly discovery: the renowned author, slumped lifeless on his plush couch, his throat brutally slit. The tray of breakfast offerings lies shattered on the floor, a poignant testament to the chaos that has been unleashed.

Seven days later, Marta (Ana de Armas), Harlan's devoted registered nurse, awakens with a sense of unease, as if the darkness that shrouds her morning reverberates through every fiber of her being. As she stumbles downstairs, her sister's frantic summons to breakfast serves only as a jarring reminder of the impending inquisition. The investigators, Lt. Elliot and Trooper Wagner, arrive at the Thrombey estate, their presence accompanied by an air of tension and uncertainty.

As Marta navigates the somber atmosphere, she finds solace in the warmth of the family's reception. Her introduction to the eccentric clan is marked by a series of awkward encounters with Lt. Elliot, Trooper Wagner, and the enigmatic Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig), who punctuates their inquiry with an unsettling cadence on his piano.

The spotlight first falls on Linda Drysdale (Jamie Lee Curtis), Harlan's eldest daughter, whose icy demeanor and measured tone belie a tangled web of relationships within her family. Her husband, Richard (Don Johnson), appears as little more than a figurehead in her empire, while Walt (Michael Shannon), her brother, is revealed to have had a heated argument with their father on the fateful evening of his 85th birthday celebration.

As Marta becomes increasingly entangled in the mystery surrounding Harlan's demise, she begins to unravel the complex dynamics within the Thrombey family. The venomous disdain with which they speak of Walt's son, Jacob – a self-absorbed alt-right troll perpetually glued to his phone – serves as a stark reminder of the dark undercurrents that threaten to consume them all.

As Walt's memories are probed, a vivid recollection surfaces - a heated exchange with Harlan, who wanted to sever ties with the publishing company that Walt oversees on behalf of his father. With a mix of trepidation and urgency, Walt asks if he's being terminated, but Harlan soothes him with a reassuring pat on the cheek, promising to discuss it further the next day. However, when questioned by investigators, Walt presents a more innocuous version of events. Meanwhile, Walt turns the spotlight on Richard, alleging that he too had a contentious encounter with Harlan at the party in his office, where Harlan uttered the ominous phrase "You tell her, or I will!"

Richard's recollection corroborates this account, revealing that Harlan had presented him with incriminating photographs of his infidelity to Linda. Harlan warned Richard that he would reveal everything to Linda unless Richard confessed himself. But Richard tells investigators that the phrase was actually a reference to putting Harlan's mother, Great Nana, in a nursing home.

As the investigation unfolds, Joni Thrombey (Toni Collette), a widow and spiritual lifestyle guru, enters the scene. Though she claims to remain close to the family despite her husband's passing, it becomes clear that she is barely tolerated at family gatherings. Harlan, however, shows his appreciation for Joni by covering Meg's college tuition.

The enigmatic presence of Wanetta "Great Nana" Thrombey (K Callan), Harlan's mother, lingers throughout the investigation. Her senility and infrequent utterances make her a cryptic figure. The family is also reminded of Linda and Richard's son Ransom (Chris Evans), whose absence during the questioning raises eyebrows. Although his name is Ransom, everyone except the housekeeper Fran refers to him as Hugh.

Prior to the party, Jacob had been indulging in a private moment in the bathroom when he overheard Ransom and Harlan engaged in a heated argument through the vent. The tension was palpable, with Ransom warning Harlan, "I'm warning you." This outburst prompted Ransom's abrupt departure from the house.

Just as the family is reeling from these revelations, Benoit Blanc drops a bombshell: he was hired by an anonymous employer to uncover the truth behind Harlan's demise. Despite Lt. Elliott and Trooper Wagner's insistence that the blood pattern points to no one else being involved, Blanc remains resolute - he must unravel the mystery of why he was brought in to investigate.

As Richard (actor name) disappears into the office of the deceased Harlan, he's driven by a pressing need to uncover the truth behind the murder. His eyes scour the room, homing in on the locked drawer where he knows Harlan had planned to leave a crucial letter for Linda. With deliberate care, Richard uses a letter opener to pry open the drawer, revealing a sealed purple envelope that holds his hopes and fears. The anticipation is palpable as he rips open the envelope, only to find it blank - a revelation that prompts a sigh of relief and a muttered curse, accompanied by the careless toss of a decorative baseball out the window.

As Richard steps outside, Blanc (actor name) begins to recount the events leading up to Harlan's demise. The detective has pieced together a timeline of death, weaving together threads from the family members' testimonies. According to his investigation, after the party, Harlan retired to his study with Marta to engage in a game of Go and administer his medication. Later that night, around midnight, Joni heard a loud thud emanating from the study and went to investigate. Harlan, accompanied by Marta, greeted her at the door, assuring her that everything was in order after a minor mishap involving the Go board. Joni returned to her meditation, unaware of the impending doom.

Meanwhile, Walt was stationed outside on the porch, where he witnessed Marta departing in her car around midnight. Linda's light sleepiness made her a reliable witness to any late-night activity - she was awoken by the creaky stairs leading up to Harlan's study shortly after 1 am. Walt noticed Harlan descending the stairs in search of a snack, which he promptly returned to bed after being summoned back by his concerned friend. Later, Linda was again roused by the family dogs' insistent barking.

As Blanc saves Marta for last, he's aware that she possesses a unique vulnerability - a condition that renders her incapable of lying without inducing violent vomiting. In her role as Harlan's personal nurse and confidante, Marta has been privy to his innermost thoughts. When asked directly if Richard was cheating on Linda, Marta's response is an emphatic denial, followed by the sudden onset of vomiting into a decorative vessel. Blanc then presses her for a detailed account of what transpired after the party, eager to unravel the tangled threads of Harlan's final hours.

As the evening draws to a close, Marta (character) tenders her aid to Harlan, seeking to administer his prescribed medications and usher him off to bed. However, he insists on prolonging their Go game, teasing her about her uncanny ability to outmaneuver him. With a smile, she counters that she's not driven by the desire to win, but rather to create a harmonious pattern. Harlan, ever the playful one, pretends an earthquake has struck, sending the board tumbling to the floor.

As Marta retrieves her medical bag to dispense his nighttime medications, Harlan confides in her about the weight of his decisions regarding his family. His words are laced with a sense of uncertainty, as if he's struggling to distinguish genuine emotions from those artificially induced by his surroundings. He then produces a display knife, remarking on the blurred lines between reality and prop, before plunging it into the makeshift table – a stark reminder that this is no mere pretension.

The palpable affection between Marta and Harlan is evident in their tender exchange, as they share warm smiles and gentle banter. When Harlan requests something to alleviate his pain, Marta implies a dose of morphine, which he gladly accepts. However, her mistake becomes apparent when she realizes that the vial contains 100mg instead of the intended medication – a lethal dose that would claim his life in mere minutes unless she can find an antidote.

Panic sets in as she frantically searches her bag for the counteragent, only to come up empty-handed. Even if she were to summon the paramedics at this juncture, they would arrive too late to save Harlan's life. With time ticking away, Marta must confront the dire consequences of her mistake and strive to find a solution – any solution – before it's too late.

As Marta's desperation grows, Harlan seizes control of the situation, determined to shield her from the consequences of his impending demise. He knows that Marta's mother, an undocumented immigrant, will face deportation if authorities become involved in their tragedy. Undeterred by Harlan's protests, Marta attempts to flee downstairs, but he trips her, sending her crashing to the floor. This is the precise moment when Joni's knock echoes through the hallway, and as Harlan answers the door, Marta stands silently, her eyes welling up with tears.

As Joni departs, Harlan issues a series of instructions, emphasizing that Marta must follow his orders to the letter. He instructs her to make it obvious when she leaves, a move that will later confirm Walt's observations as she slips away into the darkness at midnight. As she drives off, Marta momentarily falters, unsure whether to turn before or after the security gate to evade detection by the cameras. However, she corrects her mistake and makes a stealthy entrance via a side gate, where the two dogs welcome her with wagging tails instead of warning barks. She then scales a trellis, which ultimately breaks apart beneath her weight, sending her tumbling to the ground. Yet, undeterred by this setback, she manages to slip through a false window onto Harlan's bedroom floor.

Marta quickly dons Harlan's robe and hat, assuming his identity as she makes her way downstairs. She pretends to be Harlan on a snack run, allowing Linda to catch the sound of creaking stairs and Walt to observe "Harlan" from the porch. This ruse serves as Marta's alibi, convincing all that Harlan was very much alive long after she had departed. Having successfully created her cover story, Marta exits through the trellis, her mission accomplished.

As she lands on the ground, Marta experiences a fleeting sense of triumph, but her elation is short-lived. In her momentary lapse of attention, she gazes up at the window and freezes in terror as Great Nana's gaze meets hers. However, instead of alarm or suspicion, Great Nana simply asks, "Ransom, are you back already?" Marta seizes this opportunity to flee into the night, believing herself to be in the clear.

As Marta grapples with the weighty responsibility of deciding the fate of her mother's future, she meticulously recounts the events of that fateful night to Blanc, leaving out crucial details in an effort to maintain a sense of control. Her truncated account, which essentially boils down to a game of Go, administering medication, and then departing, seems to satisfy Blanc's curiosity. He expresses his trust in her, citing her "good heart," and asks her to accompany him as he investigates the rest of the grounds, providing context for his findings. Marta, unable to extricate herself from the situation without incriminating herself, reluctantly agrees and manages to make a discreet exit to the bathroom, where she vomits into the toilet, desperate to purge the turmoil brewing within.

Later that day, the family gathers to pay their respects to Harlan, and Marta's anxiety reaches a fever pitch as she confronts the reality of her role in his demise. Meg intervenes, sensing her distress, and offers Marta an escape route from the emotional toll of the memorial service. As they retreat to a secluded sitting room, Marta is presented with the opportunity to partake in a joint, but she declines, opting instead to focus on processing her emotions. Meg shrugs off Marta's decision and carelessly tosses the joint into the flames.

As night falls, Marta returns home, where she finds solace in watching a Spanish-language television program alongside her mother. However, her tranquility is short-lived, as memories of that fateful evening resurface. She recalls her subsequent return to Harlan's study, only to find him slumped on the couch, a knife held precariously close to his own throat. Marta's pleas for him to desist fall on deaf ears, and she is left powerless as he takes his own life. Her initial shock gives way to horror as she flees the scene once more.

Upon her return home, Marta finds herself clinging tightly to her mother's hand, seeking comfort in the tactile reassurance. The camera then pans down her leg, a habitual fidgeter, and focuses on the white sneaker that has become an unwitting symbol of her emotional state throughout the ordeal. As the lens zooms in on the sole, it reveals a tiny drop of blood nestled between the laces, a macabre reminder of the events that have transpired.

As the morning sun casts its golden glow over the grounds, Marta (Marta) joins Blanc and the investigative team to meticulously examine the area where the events of the previous evening unfolded. Their search yields a tantalizing discovery: the security cameras, though ancient relics recording in VHS format, hold the key to unraveling the mystery. With the security guard's assistance, they locate the correct tape and Marta seizes control, feigning a malfunction that will allow them to scrutinize the footage later at headquarters. Meanwhile, she discreetly pilfers a large magnet from the fridge and scrambles the VHS tape, rendering it useless for any future analysis.

As the group proceeds toward the side entrance of the house, Marta's keen instincts alert her to the fact that her hasty retreat has left behind an incriminating trail: shoeprints in the muddy path. Blanc (Blanc) simultaneously recognizes the potential evidence and begins to formulate a plan to collect it. Playing dumb, Marta feigns ignorance and walks back toward the group, attempting to cover her tracks. The two dogs, oblivious to the tension, wander into the muddy path, further muddying the scene.

Upon arriving at the side of the house, Blanc hypothesizes that someone may have slipped back in through the trellis. One of the canines, as if sensing the gravity of the situation, trots over and deposits a broken piece of trellis in Marta's path. She quickly realizes that Blanc will soon deduce that someone climbed up the trellis and decides to take drastic measures: she tosses the trellis fragment far, prompting the dog to chase after it.

The group then enters the house, ascending to the upper floors. Marta leads them to a false window accessible via the trellis, which Blanc examines with great interest. He notes that the rug leading from the window bears signs of fresh mud on the window ledge, further solidifying his theory. The tranquility of the moment is shattered by the sudden appearance of Ransom (Ransom), who rolls up to the house in his sleek BMW. The two dogs, sensing a threat, rush forward and bark aggressively at him, prompting him to scowl with annoyance. As the investigators meet him on the porch, he rebuffs their attempts to engage him, leaving them none the wiser about his intentions.

The dynamics of the Harlan family are put to the test as their estranged member, Ransom (played by), returns with an air of apathy, absent from both the funeral and memorial services that preceded the will reading. His tardiness sparks resentment among his relatives, who have already been seething since Harlan's 85th birthday celebration, where petty squabbles over politics escalated into a full-blown argument. Joni's impassioned plea for compassion towards undocumented immigrants was met with Richard's belligerent insistence on upholding the law, prompting Marta to remain steadfastly silent despite her own family's precarious immigration status - an ongoing joke throughout the film.

As the tension simmers, Blanc, a seasoned investigator, enters the fray, offering words of comfort to Marta before departing to complete his inquiry. Meanwhile, one of the dogs inadvertently brings him a crucial piece of evidence, prompting a eureka moment that sets the stage for the will reading's dramatic revelations.

The family gathers, expecting a windfall from Harlan's estate, but instead, they're met with an amended will leaving everything to Marta, including his publishing rights. The news sends shockwaves through the room as the relatives' faces fall, and Ransom, seated in the corner, can't help but laugh at their predicament before making a hasty exit.

Marta, reeling from the unexpected turn of events, is bombarded by her family's demands for answers she can't provide. As they continue to harass her outside, she tries to escape in her car, only to be foiled when it refuses to start. Just as all hope seems lost, Ransom appears in his sleek BMW, beckoning Marta to join him. With a newfound sense of freedom, she escapes the chaos and climbs into the passenger seat, as they drive away from the turmoil, leaving their troubles - and their family's drama - behind.

As the family struggles to comprehend the sudden and inexplicable severing of ties by Harlan, a shocking revelation comes to light: Joni's been siphoning funds meant for Meg's education. In a flashback, Harlan solemnly promises to sign one final check for her, making it clear that his generosity has an expiration date.

As they frantically search for loopholes in the will, the executor dismisses their efforts as nothing more than a hasty Google search. One potential avenue is the slayer statute: if Marta is found responsible for Harlan's demise, she'll be left with nothing. This added motivation prompts Harlan to help her cover it up.

Ransom takes Marta to a diner, where he encourages her to eat and breaks his silence about their newfound circumstances. He acknowledges that they've been cut off and perhaps it's time he started living for himself. Yet, he still craves the truth. Ransom reminds Marta that she's recently eaten and can't lie without feeling physically ill. With an empty bowl placed before her, he implores her to reveal everything.

Later on, as the hours tick by and Ransom's beer bottles accumulate, he proposes a Faustian bargain: he'll help Marta evade accountability in exchange for her granting him his rightful share of Harlan's estate. He hates his family with a passion and knows how much Harlan favored Marta. Ransom had always believed himself to be the only one capable of outmaneuvering Harlan at Go, but Marta proved him wrong by consistently besting him. However, he'll only assist her if she agrees to this deal.

Marta acquiesces, and Ransom takes her back to her family's home. At some point during the night, Meg calls Marta, attempting to persuade her to renounce her inheritance altogether, insisting it's the morally correct decision. This unexpected appeal leaves Marta stunned, as she'd always considered Meg a friend. Marta assures her that Harlan's money will be used to pay for tuition and hangs up. Meg looks back to find her entire family waiting, all eager to reclaim their rightful share of Harlan's estate.

As Marta emerges from her humble abode, she's met with an unexpected invasion of press and news vans, their cameras and microphones pointed squarely at her. The reason for this sudden attention becomes clear: she's the sole beneficiary of Harlan's vast estate, a windfall that has left Walt, ever the opportunist, eager to capitalize on her newfound wealth. As she attempts to slip away unnoticed, Walt appears out of nowhere, his cane at the ready as he tries to persuade her to let him guide her through this trying time. Marta, however, is not one to be swayed by threats or empty promises. She asserts her independence, declaring that Harlan's resources are now hers to command, and firmly shuts the door on Walt's persistence.

As she sifts through her mail, Marta uncovers a cryptic message that sets her heart racing: a blank envelope containing the top half of Harlan's toxicology report, along with a handwritten note scrawled in menacing tones, "I know what you did." Panic sets in as she reaches for her phone to call Ransom, seeking guidance and reassurance.

Meanwhile, Blanc has been keeping Great Nana company, regaling her with tales of the day's events. His words are met with a stony silence from his elder companion, whose eyes seem to bore into his very soul. Blanc persists, sensing that she possesses secrets worth uncovering, but is forced to leave her side as the scene cuts away.

Just as it seems things can't get any more chaotic, firefighters arrive at the county medical examiner's office, where a raging inferno has consumed the building. The team, including Elliott, Wagner, and Blanc, rushes to the scene, only to discover that the toxicology report and crucial blood samples have vanished into thin air. Marta and Ransom soon join the fray, their faces etched with concern as they survey the devastation.

As they try to make sense of the destruction, Ransom turns his attention to Marta, asking if anyone has attempted to blackmail her for a copy of the toxicology report. Marta's eyes dart towards her phone, where a mysterious email from an unknown sender awaits, its contents both tantalizing and terrifying. The clock ticks away, and they soon find themselves racing against time to reach the meeting spot at 1690 Columbus Street by 10 am.

Blanc, ever vigilant, has spotted their arrival and gives chase, joined by Elliott and Wagner. Marta's nerves are stretched to the breaking point as she frantically tries to lose her pursuers, weaving through side alleys in her trusty (if aging) vehicle. Ransom chides her for not taking his car, while Blanc continues to try and contact her via phone, his persistence eventually giving way to frustration.

As they concoct a plan to obtain the toxicology report and destroy it once and for all, Elliott's timely arrival at Marta's window serves as a jarring reminder that in this game of cat and mouse, nothing is as it seems.

As the curtain closes on the apparent resolution, Marta (character) and Blanc find themselves leading Ransom away from the scene, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded mere moments before. Blanc's inquiry about whether Ransom had requested Marta's driving services elicits a confirmation from her, followed by an unexpected detour into the abandoned laundromat at 1690 Columbus Street. The desolate atmosphere and eerie silence are palpable as Marta searches for something, only to stumble upon her medical bag and a still figure slumped in a chair. As she approaches, her phone's flashlight illuminates the ghastly sight of Fran, the Thrombey housekeeper, whose face bears the telltale signs of an overdose.

Marta's shock gives way to compassion as she rushes to Fran's side, coaxing her into revealing the truth: "You did this." The moral dilemma that unfolds as Marta weighs her options - choosing between Fran and her mother's fate - ultimately yields to her good heart. With the 911 operator on the line, she begins CPR on Fran, a testament to her selfless nature.

Meanwhile, outside in Marta's car, Blanc remains oblivious to the drama unfolding mere feet away, lost in his own musical world. The sudden arrival of an ambulance jolts him back to reality, and he finds Marta shaken but truthful about the events that had transpired. As they return to the Thrombey home, the gravity of their situation becomes clear, with Fran's condition uncertain.

Back at the estate, Meg offers a heartfelt apology to Marta as she begins to recount her tale of accidental manslaughter. However, Blanc interrupts, his voice dripping with disdain as he lambasts the family for their entitled behavior. Marta's confusion is palpable as she asks what is happening, only to be whisked away by Blanc, who whispers orders to Wagner before retiring to make his final report to the investigators.

As Blanc's understanding of his past and Marta's story begins to unfold, a long-held sense of incompleteness finally finds its closure. The revelation stems from Marta's narrative, which reveals Ransom's fixation on her relationship with Harlan, stemming from a perceived injustice in the amended will. This perceived slight sparked a heated argument at the party, fueled by Ransom's discovery of the new will and his subsequent threats against Harlan.

As Wagner intervenes, Blanc recounts the entire tale: Ransom is aware that the only way to prevent Marta from inheriting Harlan's wealth is for her to be held responsible for his demise. In a calculated move, Ransom frames Marta, anticipating that she would be blamed if she were not present at Harlan's side when he passes away.

Following their confrontation, Ransom secretly returns to the party via the trellis, mirroring Marta's earlier actions, which Great Nana had witnessed. With his background in medicine, Ransom manipulates the situation by switching the contents of two vials and removing the morphine counteragent from Marta's medical bag. He expects Marta to mistake the labels and inadvertently administer a lethal dose of morphine to Harlan.

However, events unfold differently than Ransom had anticipated. Marta, relying on her medical instincts rather than the labels, correctly administers the proper medications to Harlan, unaware that the vials have been tampered with. Had Harlan allowed Marta to summon medical assistance and sought treatment, he would likely have survived.

Ransom's plan is further complicated when two dogs at the side gate awaken Linda, disrupting his original scheme to return the counteragent to Marta's bag later that night and incriminate her further. The discovery of Harlan's slit throat prompts Ransom to take additional measures. Knowing that the medical examiner would likely conclude suicide based on the blood pattern, Ransom orchestrates events to ensure a deeper investigation into Harlan's death.

He dispatches Blanc an envelope containing cash and an article about Harlan's passing, effectively "hiring" him to investigate further. This deliberate manipulation sets Blanc on a path of discovery, ultimately leading to the unraveling of the truth behind Harlan's tragic demise.

As Ransom's sinister plan unfolded, a sudden development threw him off guard - he was forced to abandon the funeral, leaving him no choice but to sneak back into Marta's house to recover the counteragent from her bag. Unbeknownst to him, Fran had been watching his every move, and her sharp instincts led her to suspect that Ransom was up to something nefarious. Leveraging her connection to a medical examiner's office, Fran obtained a copy of the toxicology report, which she then used to threaten Ransom into submission. In a desperate attempt to silence her, Ransom created a duplicate of the threat and slipped it into Marta's mailbox. But Fran remained one step ahead, hiding a copy of the report in the drawer with the joints, which Blanc would later reveal to the investigators.

As the cat-and-mouse game continued, Fran arranged to meet Ransom at 1690 Columbus Street at 8am that same day, intending to confront him about his duplicitous actions. However, Ransom was one move ahead, chloroforming her and stabbing her neck with a syringe full of morphine before departing the scene, leaving behind a trail of destruction. His next step was to send an anonymous email to Marta, inviting her to meet at the same location at 10am, where she would find Fran's lifeless body. But Ransom underestimated Marta's capacity for selflessness, as well as Fran's unwavering loyalty, when Marta sacrificed her own future - and that of her mother - to save her friend.

The tables were turned when Marta received a call from the hospital, informing her that Fran was on the mend and would be ready to speak soon. Enraged by this sudden twist, Ransom confessed to his heinous crimes, belittling Marta for not deserving the compensation she sought. He claimed that he was born into privilege, whereas Marta wasn't. However, his tirade was abruptly halted when Marta responded with a projectile vomit attack, splattering her attacker's face. Wagner and Elliott rushed to her aid, but Marta waved them off, insisting she was fine as she wiped the remnants of their conversation from her mouth.

As the truth begins to unravel, it becomes clear that Fran's words were nothing but a deceitful facade. The reality hits hard when Ransom (actor name) matter-of-factly confesses to her murder, captured on Wagner's phone with shocking clarity. His resigned tone belies the gravity of his actions as he utters the ominous phrase "In for a penny, in for a pound" before lunging towards Marta, brandishing a knife from the display case. The pair falls to the floor, the blade lodged deep in Marta's chest – or so it would seem. However, she's still breathing, and to everyone's surprise, there's no blood. Ransom's expression contorts as he realizes his mistake, having grabbed a prop knife instead of the real thing.

As Blanc has one final conversation with Marta, he reveals that he's known her true identity since the moment he spotted the telltale drop of blood on her shoe. Despite this knowledge, he chose to believe in her good heart, and it seems she'll make the right decision after all. Her gaze drifts towards the warm, smiling portrait of Harlan, a poignant reminder of the man who's now gone.

Meanwhile, outside, Richard is engaged in a heated argument with the investigators while Ransom is taken away in handcuffs. Unbeknownst to them, Linda has stumbled upon a devastating secret – Harlan's blank letter to her, left unsealed by Richard. Using her lighter, she heats up the back of the envelope, revealing Harlan's words in invisible ink. The revelation that Richard has been cheating on her is like a punch to the gut, and Linda's cigarette falls from her lips as her gaze turns icy towards her husband.

As the family watches Ransom being driven away, their attention shifts to the house, then upward, where Marta stands on the second-floor balcony, sipping from a mug bearing the defiant declaration "My house." Her presence is a stark reminder that this property has become a hub of secrets, lies, and betrayal – but for Marta, it will always be home.