
Does Mayhem have end credit scenes?


Mayhem does not have end credit scenes.




As chaos descends upon the quarantined law firm, Derek Cho's day goes from bad to worse. Unjustly fired and now facing a mysterious virus that unleashes primal fury in its victims, he must join forces with a former client bent on revenge to take down the corrupt executives who wronged them both.

Runtime: 86 min









User Score






User Score


6.4 /10

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Check out what happened in Mayhem!

As Derek Cho's voiceover sets the tone, we're introduced to the ID-7 virus, a global menace that rewrites the neural code, erasing moral boundaries and unleashing humanity's basest instincts. This insidious pathogen, dubbed "Red Eye," is a silent killer, not in terms of its lethal potential, but in how it transforms individuals into ruthless agents driven by primal urges - a mere thought away from committing unspeakable acts. The first documented case of ID-7-driven murder involved Nevil Reed, whose violent outburst against his co-worker was deemed justifiable due to the virus's influence. This somber reality resonates deeply with Derek, a lawyer at Towers and Smythe Consulting, who once rode the optimism train into the firm, only to find himself perpetuating corporate gamesmanship and Machiavellian tactics to climb the professional ladder.

The morning after, Derek strolls into work, his spirits already dampened by the disappearance of his trusty mug. His day takes a turn for the worse when he's confronted by Melanie Cross, a frantic client in dire need of a loan extension. Her frustration is palpable as she accuses him of being powerless to help her. Meanwhile, Derek's superior, Cara, "The Siren," has been busy manipulating the system to pin the blame on a botched Vandacorp case on Derek himself. As he confronts her about the matter, he discovers that his mug has become her prized possession.

In an attempt to rectify the situation, Derek and Cara head to John Towers' office, only to be outmaneuvered by The Siren's silver tongue. The consequences of this failure are swift and severe: Derek is summarily fired by "The Reaper," a cold-blooded company executive with no regard for human emotion. As he packs up his belongings, Ewan, his friend and confidant, proves unable to offer solace or assistance. With the threat of disbarment looming over him, Derek's dignity is trounced as he's escorted out of the building by security, his spirit crushed beneath the weight of a world gone mad.

As Derek steps off the elevator, he's met with an eerie silence; the usually bustling ground floor of the building is now a quarantine zone. The ID-7 virus has infiltrated the ventilation system, and CDC agents have released a neutralizing agent into the air, estimating it will take eight hours to eradicate the contagion. But Derek knows his fate is sealed – he's infected, and the virus coursing through his veins grants him a license to unleash his pent-up rage.

With a fierce determination, he launches himself at the security guards, quickly overwhelming them before storming into the elevator. His intention: to reach the top floor and exact revenge on his boss, but fate has other plans. The elevator takes him down instead, depositing him in the basement where "The Bull" (André Eriksen), Towers' enforcer, awaits. The ensuing battle leaves Ewan lying lifeless at Derek's feet, a gruesome mistake that further inflames his ire.

Derek finds himself locked in an empty office with Melanie, another victim of the virus's insidious spread. As they devise a plan to escape and clear their names, they manage to get a phone call out to Vandacorp, ensuring Derek's innocence is acknowledged. United in their quest for vengeance, they hatch a plan to infiltrate the top floor and exact justice upon those responsible for their predicament.

Their first target: The Reaper, a notorious figure rumored to be the mastermind behind the chaos. After dispatching two security guards, they finally reach his lair, where they witness the mayhem unfolding below. The Reaper, unfazed by their presence, attacks Melanie, but she proves more than a match for him, using her power saw to exact brutal revenge.

With The Reaper neutralized, Derek and Melanie turn their attention to The Siren's office, where an army of co-workers stands between them and their goal. Using the key card provided by The Reaper, they bypass the defenders and reach The Siren, who requests her long-suffering assistant Meg (Claire Dellamar) retrieve a crucial key card from the microwave. But Meg has other plans – offered a promotion to betray her boss, she's destroyed the key card and now turns on The Siren, using scissors to deliver a fatal blow.

As their plan foiled, Derek and Melanie retreat to the IT department, determined to regroup and devise a new strategy to reach the top floor and exact their revenge.

As the wheels of manipulation began to turn, Derek and Melanie orchestrated a cunning plan to get Irene Smythe's attention. They persuaded the company's lone IT expert to breach Smythe's digital defenses, leveraging her coveted key card as collateral in exchange for Melanie's release from the shackles of debt. Unbeknownst to Smythe, she was unwittingly playing into their hands, agreeing to hand over the key card without hesitation.

Meanwhile, behind closed doors, Derek secretly freed Melanie from her restraints, subtly undoing the bolts that held her captive. As fate would have it, this subtle manipulation allowed Melanie to exact a deadly revenge on Irene Smythe, leaving her lifeless and motionless on the cold, hard floor. In the aftermath of this gruesome act, Melanie made her escape, leaving behind a trail of chaos and destruction.

As Derek ascended to the penthouse level, he was met with an unexpected offer from Towers: a full partnership in exchange for abandoning his thirst for vengeance. But Derek refused to be swayed, opting instead to confront his boss and settle the score once and for all. In a stunning turn of events, the company's board of directors gave Derek their blessing to eliminate Towers, and with a swift push, Derek sent his nemesis plummeting to his demise.

As the quarantine was lifted and the virus eradicated, Derek seized the opportunity to sign off on Melanie's loan extension, before quietly walking away from the company he once served. In a symbolic gesture of liberation, he traded in his corporate tie for an artist's canvas, embracing a new path alongside Melanie. As they vanished into the sunset, Derek offered a poignant warning to the audience: seize control of your own life before it slips away, forever lost in the shadows.

The final scene unfolded with a jarring splash, as Towers' lifeless body crashed onto the unforgiving concrete below, accompanied by a stark reminder that time is always running out.