
Does Office Christmas Party have end credit scenes?


Office Christmas Party does not have end credit scenes.

Office Christmas Party

Office Christmas Party


In the midst of a holiday crisis, a hard-partying branch is forced to go all out to save its soul. When the CEO's ultimatum looms large, a ragtag team must band together for one last hurrah - a Christmas party for the ages - to charm a crucial client and secure their future.

Runtime: 105 min

Box Office: $115M








User Score






User Score


5.9 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Office Christmas Party!

As Josh Parker, Chief Technical Officer at Zenotek, navigates the tumultuous terrain of his impending divorce, he returns to the office where his coworkers await with their own set of quirks and insecurities. Mary, the fastidious Human Resources Administrator, is perpetually at odds with Meghan's provocative displays of dress code defiance and Jeremy's gruff demeanor. Alison, still reeling from her husband's infidelity, finds solace in her single status, while Nate attempts to deflect unwanted attention by feigning a romantic entanglement.

Josh's friend and coworker Tracy Hughes is busy developing a revolutionary new software program for the company, one that has the potential to revolutionize online access. Their palpable chemistry notwithstanding, Josh has never mustered the courage to take their professional relationship to a more personal level. As he leaves the office with Clay Vanstone, the branch manager and his trusted friend, they embark on a Christmas shopping expedition designed to boost office morale.

Their journey takes them across the Clark Street Bridge, where Clay ponders the theoretical velocity required to clear its imposing span. The lighthearted banter is interrupted by an impromptu detour through a department store, culminating in Clay's ill-fated encounter with the Christmas tree. Meanwhile, Alison finds herself engaged in a conversation with Fred, an awkward accountant, just as Carol, the CEO and Clay's sister, arrives on the scene, her icy demeanor striking fear into the hearts of their employees.

Carol's impromptu meeting summons a diverse cast of characters, including Josh, Tracy, and others. She reveals that Zenotek's sagging sales have led to a series of branch closures, prompting Tracy to showcase her innovative program as a potential solution. However, Mary's attempts to foster office camaraderie with a cheese platter are swiftly squashed by Carol, who deems such frivolities an unwarranted expense. With the Christmas party officially canceled, the stage is set for a season of change and uncertainty at Zenotek.

As tension simmers beneath the surface, Clay retreats to his office seeking solace, with Josh and Carol closely following in tow. The trio's dynamic is strained, a lingering aftereffect of Carol's long-standing resentment towards Clay, whose father bestowed the company upon him rather than her. In an effort to mend fences, they attempt to reason with Carol, pleading with her to reconsider shutting down the branch and risking the jobs of their colleagues. Her response is conditional: if they can secure a crucial contract with Walter Davis (Courtney B. Vance), she may be willing to spare everyone's employment.

Undeterred by their initial rejection, Josh, Clay, and Tracy meet with Walter, presenting their pitch with conviction. However, his apathy towards Zenotek's culture is palpable, leaving the trio scrambling for a Plan B. As Walter departs, they hatch a clandestine plan to host an impromptu party, hoping to showcase their camaraderie and winning personalities. Clay extends an invitation to Walter, who agrees to attend, sparking a flurry of last-minute preparations.

Meanwhile, Carol pauses at Josh's apartment en route to the airport, her doubts about securing the contract running deep. She presents Josh with a tantalizing offer: a job at Zenotek's New York branch, complete with double the salary and benefits. The prospect of abandoning Clay weighs heavily on his mind as he grapples with the decision.

As the party gains momentum, Josh returns to work, relying on Carla (Da'Vine Joy Randolph), the trusty security guard, to keep things in check. Joel (Sam Richardson) takes to the DJ booth, while Nate's desperation to prove he has a girlfriend leads him to hire an escort named Savannah (Abbey Lee). His arrangement with her pimp, Trina (Jillian Bell), is marked by erratic mood swings.

As the festivities reach their crescendo, Clay dons his Santa suit and makes a spectacular entrance, careening down the stairs in a reckless display. In a surprising revelation, he confesses to Josh that he has exhausted his savings – a staggering $300,000 – which he intends to distribute as bonuses among the partygoers.

As the winter wonderland gathering reaches its climax, Walter's arrival sets the tone for an evening of revelry and introspection. Josh and Clay endeavor to make him feel included, but it becomes apparent that Walter's mind is elsewhere. Amidst the festivities, he slips away, his expression a testament to his growing unease, and engages in a somber conversation with Mary. Meanwhile, Josh and Tracy decide to bring some whimsy to the proceedings by donning oversized snowman costumes and putting on a show for their fellow partygoers.

The evening's more subdued moments unfold as Alison and Fred retreat to a quiet corner of the party to discuss their desires. Their passion ignites in a playroom designed for children, but the mood takes an unexpected turn when Fred's sudden regression into childhood mannerisms sends Alison fleeing.

As the night wears on, Nate becomes increasingly anxious to showcase Savannah's charms to his colleagues. However, she delivers a shocking revelation: the $200 he provided Trina was only intended to secure her services for one hour, and if he wants her to remain by his side for the remainder of the evening, he'll need to pony up an additional $2,000. Nate hastily departs to procure the funds, leaving Savannah to entertain his coworkers with a more... illicit activity.

In the ensuing chaos, Mary unwittingly stumbles upon a bag of substances and inadvertently injects them into the snow machine, causing it to spray its contents all over Walter's face. As he becomes intoxicated, he sets off in search of Clay, seeking to indulge in a night of revelry.

Just as Josh and Tracy are on the cusp of sharing a romantic moment, a stumbling Jeremy interrupts their intimacy, providing them with an opportunity to rejoin the party. There, they find Clay and Walter lost in a sea of merriment, with Walter proclaiming his undying love for Zenotek and expressing his desire to collaborate with the company. The crowd erupts in cheers, convinced that their jobs are secure.

In a separate thread, Carol's flight is grounded due to treacherous weather conditions. She boards an Uber for the ride home, only to find herself engaging in conversation with her driver, Lonny (Fortune Feimster). As they chat, Carol reveals her position as CEO of Zenotek, and Lonny shares a tantalizing tidbit about having recently dropped off partygoers at that very location.

As Carol (Carol) reenters Zenotek, her fury is palpable as she confronts the wanton destruction surrounding her. The once-peaceful office now lies in disarray, with company property carelessly discarded on the floor. Her anger directed at Clay, she demands an explanation for his party's recklessness. Josh intervenes, revealing that Walter's contract had been terminated, rendering the entire celebration a futile exercise. In the midst of this chaos, Walter (Walter) is found mere moments from making a catastrophic mistake, having misjudged the tenuous Christmas lights that ultimately snap beneath his weight, sending him crashing onto a nearby filing cabinet. The subsequent trip to the hospital leaves Carol and her team reeling as Mary discloses that Walter had previously confided in her about being fired by his own branch, nullifying any possibility of a contract with Zenotek. Enraged and betrayed, Carol unleashes a scathing rebuke upon her team, hinting at Josh's own contemplation of leaving for a lucrative opportunity in New York. Clay, visibly wounded by these revelations, departs the scene, his heart heavy with the weight of his own perceived failure.

Meanwhile, Nate's world is turned upside down as he discovers that Savannah has compromised one of his colleagues in a compromising position within the office bathroom. Fuming and humiliated, Nate demands a refund from Savannah just as Trina arrives outside, her intimidating presence accompanied by a menacing bodyguard. Clay intervenes, producing a bottle to momentarily distract the pair, allowing Savannah to spin a narrative that diminishes Nate's significance, labeling him "rich and an idiot." Emboldened by this assessment, Trina and Savannah continue their revelry, leaving Nate to stew in his own embarrassment.

Josh attempts to confide in Tracy about his predicament, only for her to reveal that Carol had also approached her with a tempting offer to relocate to New York – but with a tripled incentive package. Tracy, however, politely declines this opportunity, preferring the familiarity and security of her current situation. Undeterred, Josh resolves to find Clay, though their search is soon disrupted by Nate's admission that he had hired a prostitute. This revelation, though damaging to his reputation, ultimately proves insignificant in light of Nate's ability to pinpoint Clay's location through his phone signal.

Mary arrives on the scene in her minivan, offering a ride to Josh and Tracy as they join forces to locate their errant colleague. Carol, begrudgingly accompanying them, is eventually led to a seedy nightclub where she finds Clay pouring out his troubles to Trina, who empathizes with his stress due to her own high-pressure work environment. Noting that he possesses $300,000 but mistakenly believes it's stored in a personal safe, the group sets off with Savannah to claim this fortune. However, Carol must first confront and dispatch Trina's intimidating bodyguards before the four can embark on their ill-fated quest.

As Josh expertly navigates the minivan through the urban landscape, he zeroes in on his friend Clay's destination: the iconic Clark Street Bridge. With a sense of urgency, Josh closes in on Clay, who's hell-bent on making a reckless jump across the bridge. In a desperate bid to intervene, Josh and Carol converge on the scene, attempting to hail down their troubled colleague and persuade him to pull over. Josh's apology for having considered abandoning his post only serves to further galvanize Clay, who insists that he'll follow suit. However, before things escalate any further, Carol takes matters into her own hands, expertly maneuvering the vehicle away from the bridge and swerving onto a nearby ramp.

The consequences of their actions are swift and severe: a catastrophic crash ensues, leaving Clay's car mangled against an electrical grid. The aftermath is far-reaching, as the citywide internet outage wreaks havoc on daily life. In the hospital, where Clay, Trina, and Savannah receive treatment for their injuries, the gravity of their situation becomes crystal clear: unless they can find a way to rectify the situation, their jobs will be irreparably damaged.

Meanwhile, back at Zenotek, Josh, Tracy, and Mary spring into action, determined to devise a solution. Leveraging Tracy's cutting-edge program, they successfully hack the system, restoring the city's internet connection and ensuring the continued viability of their careers. As news of their triumph spreads, Carol receives a notification on her phone from the hospital, signaling that all is well with their jobs.

The aftermath of this ordeal sees Josh and Tracy share a romantic moment, while Nate and Alison also find themselves drawn to each other. In a heartwarming display of reconciliation, Clay and Carol put aside their differences, embracing the holiday spirit alongside their colleagues. The icing on the cake comes when Walter, who's been observing from the sidelines, reveals that he'll be joining the Zenotek team.

As the dust settles, the group sets out to collect Clay and Carol from the hospital, where they plan a celebratory breakfast. Despite medical advice warning against it, Clay and his companions have no intention of curbing their enthusiasm – and it's clear that this is just the beginning of an unforgettable adventure.

As a ripple effect of emotional recalibration, the once-turbulent dynamics between Clay (insert actor name) and Carol slowly begin to stabilize, allowing for a newfound sense of harmony to take hold. Meanwhile, the serendipitous convergence of Josh and Tracy's paths leads to an unexpected romantic connection, as if fate has conspired to bring these two souls together in a beautiful dance of love and mutual understanding. As the relationships within this quartet continue to evolve, the stage is set for a rich tapestry of emotions to unfold, replete with moments of tenderness, vulnerability, and ultimately, the promise of a brighter future.