In the misty woods of the Pacific Northwest, a legendary tale unfolds. For years, Mr. Meacham has regaled children with stories of a mystical green dragon. But when forest ranger Grace meets Pete, a mysterious 10-year-old claiming to live among the trees with his giant friend Elliott, she's drawn into an adventure to uncover the truth behind Pete's extraordinary bond and the secrets hidden in the woods.

In the misty woods of the Pacific Northwest, a legendary tale unfolds. For years, Mr. Meacham has regaled children with stories of a mystical green dragon. But when forest ranger Grace meets Pete, a mysterious 10-year-old claiming to live among the trees with his giant friend Elliott, she's drawn into an adventure to uncover the truth behind Pete's extraordinary bond and the secrets hidden in the woods.

Does Pete's Dragon have end credit scenes?


Pete's Dragon does not have end credit scenes.


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