Pieces of a Woman 2020

As a Boston couple on the cusp of parenthood, Martha and Sean's world shatters when a home birth turns to tragedy. The aftermath unfolds as Martha embarks on a poignant year-long journey through grief, confronting fractious relationships with her husband, mother, and the publicly vilified midwife in a court battle that tests her resilience.

As a Boston couple on the cusp of parenthood, Martha and Sean's world shatters when a home birth turns to tragedy. The aftermath unfolds as Martha embarks on a poignant year-long journey through grief, confronting fractious relationships with her husband, mother, and the publicly vilified midwife in a court battle that tests her resilience.

Does Pieces of a Woman have end credit scenes?


Pieces of a Woman does not have end credit scenes.






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7.0 /10

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Movie Quiz

Pieces of a Woman Quiz: Test your knowledge of the emotional journey and events in the film 'Pieces of a Woman'.

What significant life event is Martha and Sean anticipating at the beginning of the movie?

Plot Summary

On a crisp September 17th morning in Boston, Martha (Vanessa Kirby) and Sean (Shia LaBeouf) are on the cusp of welcoming their new addition, with Martha’s growing belly a testament to the impending arrival. Sean’s construction job provides a steady income, while Martha takes maternity leave from her corporate gig, preparing for motherhood. A thoughtful gift from Elizabeth, Martha’s mother, arrives in the form of a brand-new minivan, which Sean receives with a mixture of gratitude and skepticism. As they prepare their nursery, Sean presents Martha with framed ultrasound photos, a tender gesture that fills her heart.

As labor pains intensify, Martha’s planned home birth with midwife assistance becomes complicated when her original caregiver is unavailable. Enter Eva (Molly Parker), a skilled and reassuring professional who calms Martha’s fears and assures her that the normal discomforts of childbirth are merely a precursor to meeting their little one. As Martha’s contractions grow more frequent, Eva guides her through the process, coaxing her into the bathtub for temporary relief.

The bath provides some respite, but soon Eva and Sean must navigate Martha into the bedroom as she reaches full dilation. With Martha’s encouragement, Eva coaches her through the final push, monitoring the baby’s heart rate with each passing moment. A sudden dip in the baby’s vital signs sends Eva into high alert, instructing Sean to dial 911 and explain the emergency situation.

As the ambulance rushes to their doorstep, Eva continues to guide Martha through the delivery, finally presenting her with a precious newborn girl. But in this moment of triumph, tragedy strikes as the tiny infant’s complexion turns blue. With clockwork precision, Eva springs into action, attempting to resuscitate the struggling baby while Sean hurries to lead the paramedics into their home.

In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, Martha clutches her lifeless daughter, a desperate cry for help on the horizon. The arrival of the ambulance brings with it a glimmer of hope, as medical professionals rush to intervene in this heart-stopping crisis.

As the calendar flips from October to December, Martha’s grief-stricken numbness slowly gives way to a sense of determination. The seemingly mundane routines of daily life – trudging to work, running errands – now serve as a coping mechanism for her emotional turmoil. A chance encounter with an old friend of her mother’s offers a fleeting respite from the pain, as they reassure her that Eva, the woman responsible for her baby’s demise, will face justice for her wrongdoing.

The couple’s visit to the coroner only fuels their anger and frustration. The official’s inability to provide a clear cause of death, coupled with the news that proceedings have begun against Eva, leaves Sean seething with resentment. As they navigate the bureaucratic labyrinth, Martha’s sister Anita and mother Elizabeth become increasingly entwined in the drama.

The family’s disagreement over the spelling of their baby girl Yvette’s name sparks a deeper argument about the funeral arrangements. Martha’s decision to forego traditional burial practices and instead donate the baby’s body to science sends shockwaves through the household. Sean’s pleas for her to reconsider are met with cold indifference, leaving him feeling helpless and desperate.

As December arrives, Martha’s actions become increasingly isolating. Her decision to proceed with the donation despite Sean’s wishes drives a wedge between them, as Elizabeth attempts to intervene on behalf of her son-in-law. The once-shared nursery now serves as a battleground for their emotional struggles. When Sean initiates sex, it becomes an awkward and uncomfortable attempt at reconnection, ultimately ending in his solitary tears.

The distance between Martha and Sean grows, as they find themselves struggling to reconcile their grief and their relationship. The shattered ultrasound photo – a poignant reminder of the life that was lost – lies broken, much like their communication. As they drift further apart, the question remains: can they find a way to heal together, or will their pain ultimately tear them asunder?

On January 13th, Sean’s attempts to return a car to his brother-in-law Chris (Benny Safdie) at the dealership are met with resistance, leading to a heated exchange. Meanwhile, Anita confronts Martha about her mother’s persistent calls, only to uncover that Martha has been lying about being busy with work, when in reality she had quit her job. As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Sean finds himself entangled in an affair with Suzanne, who assures him that their case against Eva is virtually airtight and could yield a lucrative civil settlement. In a separate development, Martha lets loose at a nightclub, engaging in a passionate tryst with a stranger.

The next day, the family’s dynamics are further strained when Sean and Martha engage in a heated confrontation, with Sean hurling insults and an exercise ball at his sister-in-law. The atmosphere is palpably charged as they gather for a meal, where Suzanne’s revelation that she’ll be handling Eva’s trial sparks a full-blown family meltdown. Martha becomes increasingly agitated as Elizabeth reveals her intentions to use the trial as a means of processing her grief over their stillborn child. The tension culminates in Martha storming out, leaving Elizabeth to deliver a searing rebuke to Sean: she never liked him and doesn’t want him around.

As Sean prepares to depart for Seattle, Martha drives him to the airport, symbolizing the disintegration of their family’s bonds. Fast-forward to March 22nd, when Martha attends Eva’s trial, her emotions on full display as Suzanne summons her to testify. During cross-examination, the defense attorney probes Martha about her conversation with Sean regarding the hospital visit, implying that the baby was born healthy but ultimately succumbed to some unknown factor. Overwhelmed by emotion, Martha becomes tearful and asks for a brief recess.

As she steps away, she retrieves the long-developed photos of their child taken immediately after birth, when Martha held her in those precious moments. The poignant images serve as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences of their family’s fractured dynamics.

As Martha takes the stand at the trial, her words are laced with conviction as she delivers a poignant testimony. In the courtroom gallery, Elizabeth and Anita bear witness to Martha’s emotional plea, their faces etched with concern. With unyielding sincerity, Martha asserts that Eva’s actions were motivated by a desire to save the baby, rather than any fault or negligence on her part. Her gaze shifts toward her mother, as she reiterates that no trial or compensation can revive what’s lost, nor would she want it to. For Martha, accepting financial reparation would imply that Eva’s life was diminished solely for the purpose of monetary gain, a notion she refuses to entertain.

In the aftermath of this emotional ordeal, Martha finds solace in the natural world. The apple seeds she had tenderly placed outside have begun to germinate, a subtle yet profound reminder of her daughter’s sweet essence (a scent that Eva had possessed, reminiscent of fresh apples). As the seasons unfold, Martha, her mother, and sister gradually rekindle their bond, rediscovering the warmth and comfort that once filled their lives. On April 3rd, Martha makes a solemn pilgrimage to the bridge where Sean once toiled on their shared project, scattering Eva’s ashes amidst the serene surroundings.

Years later, as a young girl discovers an apple nestled within the branches of a ripe apple tree, her mother, now at peace, emerges from the house to announce that dinner is ready.

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