
Does Ray Meets Helen have end credit scenes?


Ray Meets Helen does not have end credit scenes.

Ray Meets Helen

Ray Meets Helen


In this whimsical drama, a former boxer turned insurance agent, Ray, must redeem himself by recovering stolen cash from an armored car heist. As he navigates the seedy underworld, he crosses paths with Helen, a widow struggling to make ends meet. Each fakes a high-society lifestyle, but their true selves shine through, leading them to fall in love with the qualities they're trying to hide.

Runtime: 100 min








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Check out what happened in Ray Meets Helen!

As fate would have it, Ray and Helen stumble upon life-changing windfalls, allowing them to reimagine themselves in ways previously unimaginable. Helen's chance encounter with a disheveled woman in a bar yields an unexpected inheritance, leading her to discover the woman's abandoned car and a poignant note inviting the finder to claim her old life. The note, coupled with a deed to the woman's flat, sets Helen on a path of self-discovery.

Meanwhile, Ray, an insurance investigator struggling with the harsh realities of his job, is forced to confront his own mortality when his blood sample is mislabeled and he receives devastating news about his health. His latest assignment – investigating a bank van robbery – takes an unexpected turn when he encounters a young boy making off with a large sum of cash. As Ray tracks down the boy, he's drawn into a world of crime and corruption.

Despite their newfound wealth, Ray and Helen find themselves returning to a familiar haunt: a luxurious French restaurant where they once felt out of place due to their modest means. This time, however, Ray, resplendent in his suit, invites Helen to join him for champagne and dancing. The evening is filled with laughter and generosity, as they freely dispense money to those in need.

However, the seeds of discord are sown as their newfound wealth begins to stir up old rivalries and new desires. It's only a matter of time before the truth about their respective pasts – and the secrets that come with them – begin to unravel. As Ray and Helen grow closer, they must confront the darkness that lurks beneath their new lives, including the reappearance of Mary's ex-lover on Helen's doorstep, threatening to upend her carefully constructed new reality. Despite these challenges, Ray and Helen find solace in each other's arms, forging a bond that will test the limits of their newfound wealth and sense of self.

As Helen steps away to make a crucial phone call, Ray finds himself alone in the corridor, his eyes wandering to a momentary glimpse of Harve's hasty departure from Ginger's apartment - a fleeting snapshot of a troubled relationship that seems to be reaching its breaking point, all while leaving behind whispers about Ray. Meanwhile, Helen's concerns for Mary's fate are momentarily put on hold as she hangs up the phone, only to have her resolve falter and ultimately abandon her plan to report the death to the authorities.

As Ray slips back into the apartment, he finds himself entangled in a web of conflicting emotions with Helen, who now appears more vulnerable than ever. Her invitation for him to stay over hints at a lingering attraction between them, one that still simmers beneath the surface. However, the following morning brings a sudden shift in dynamics as Ray rises before her, leaving Helen to navigate the complexities of their complicated past.

The day takes an unexpected turn when Harve pays Ray a visit, his concerns centered on Ginger's growing desire for public recognition of their relationship, which only serves to heighten his anxiety. In response, Ray makes a hasty exit, reappearing in his own neighborhood where he commandeers a taxi and pilfers a bicycle and backpack from the trunk.

This impromptu detour leads him to encounter Rita, an enigmatic figure who once served in the military and has now taken it upon herself to care for the young boy left in Ray's charge. As they bond over their shared experiences, Ray finds himself drawn into the world of this makeshift family unit, one that is surprisingly resilient despite being battered by life's challenges.

Meanwhile, a series of events unfolds with dizzying speed as Ray makes his way to a hospital appointment, only to find himself pursued by masked figures who may or may not be neighborhood watch. In a desperate bid to throw them off the scent, Ray scatters cash as he flees, ultimately attracting the attention of police officers who promptly order him to halt.

The tension builds as Helen's apartment becomes the focal point for a series of dramatic events. When Mary's ex-lover arrives, demanding answers about her whereabouts, Helen musters the courage to stand firm and rebuff his advances. In response, Ray finds himself at odds with a nurse who is more interested in padding her own pockets than attending to his medical needs.

As the situation continues to spiral out of control, Ray makes a fateful decision - one that sees him abandon all hope of reuniting with Helen as he instructs the taxi driver to make for Kildare County, where she claimed to reside. Little does he know that this decision will ultimately prove disastrous, leaving him to confront the harsh realities of his own mortality and the consequences of his actions.

As Helen's car glides back to her home, an unexpected discovery awaits her: a crumpled cash note flapping in the wind and a gruesome bloody handprint staining the doorframe, bearing the unmistakable mark of Ray (actor name). Her instincts piqued, Helen fetches a hammer from within, only to find the door still stubbornly locked. With no sign of Ray's prone form on the lawn, her unease grows. The sound of rustling grass suddenly breaks the silence as Ray stirs, his efforts to open the door met with a metallic click. Helen's hand instinctively reaches for the firearm she had stashed away, her aim hovering above Ray's recumbent figure before she finally fires - not at him, but mere inches above his head. The sudden report sends Ray tumbling to the ground, his body motionless and still.