
Does Resident Evil have end credit scenes?


Resident Evil does not have end credit scenes.

Resident Evil

Resident Evil


When a mysterious T-virus pandemic ravages San Francisco, a deadly threat emerges on Alcatraz Island, unleashing a sinister force that threatens global destruction.

Runtime: 100 min

Box Office: $103M








User Score






User Score


6.6 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Resident Evil!

As the curtain opens on this gripping tale, a disembodied voice sets the stage for the world we're about to enter. In the early 21st Century, the Umbrella Corporation has risen to unprecedented heights of power and influence, its products ubiquitous in nearly every home. But beneath the surface of this seemingly innocuous global giant lies a dark truth: the company's true purpose is far from altruistic. The Umbrella Corporation, it turns out, is a mastermind behind the creation of deadly weapons, biological agents, and chemical warfare tools, all designed to further its own sinister agenda.

We find ourselves in the midst of this shadowy world as we're introduced to a lone figure clad in protective gear, his mechanical arms moving with precision as he handles samples of the notorious T-virus and its antidote. As he carefully stores the deadly pathogens away, save for one rogue sample which he carelessly discards, the air is thick with tension.

The scene shifts abruptly to a nondescript individual sipping coffee in a sterile office environment. The tranquility is short-lived, however, as an unseen force collides with him, sending his morning brew flying and setting off a chain reaction of events that will soon spiral out of control. The same individual boards an elevator alongside several coworkers, blissfully unaware of the horrors that await them.

Meanwhile, in the depths beneath Raccoon City, the Hive – a labyrinthine laboratory housing over 500 Umbrella Corporation employees – is abuzz with activity. As the bio emergency alarm sounds, signaling a breach in the lab's security, chaos erupts. Initially dismissed as a drill, the situation rapidly devolves into pandemonium as the lab's inhabitants frantically struggle to contain the crisis.

But it's not just the humans who are out of control – the cameras throughout the facility, all linked to the omnipresent Red Queen supercomputer, begin to malfunction and feed back through their lenses, offering a glimpse into the mayhem unfolding. The doors to the lab slam shut, trapping those inside, as toxic gas pours in, rendering everyone unconscious.

As this maelstrom reaches its crescendo, our elevator-bound friends find themselves trapped on level three, where they're helpless to stop the gruesome fate that awaits them. One desperate individual attempts to escape, only for the elevator to lurch upward at the last second, decapitating her with its cold, mechanical precision. The carnage is only just beginning, and the stage is set for a descent into madness and terror.

As the veil of amnesia lifts, Alice (Milla Jovovich) awakens to the harsh reality of her surroundings, her gaze drifting listlessly around the confines of a shower stall. The foggy haze clears, and she rises, her bare feet padding softly against the tile floor as she seeks solace in the familiar rhythms of her own personal space. The drawers of her bedroom yield few answers, their contents a jumbled puzzle that refuses to be deciphered. Her fingers close around the cold metal of a gun, its significance yet to be revealed.

As she ventures into the hallway, a snapshot of her life comes into focus: a photograph of herself, arm-in-arm with an enigmatic figure, whose identity remains shrouded in mystery. The silence is shattered by the rustling of leaves and the distant thrum of wings as birds take flight into the darkness. Alice's curiosity gets the better of her, and she steps outside, calling out into the void. Her voice is met with an eerie stillness until the sudden appearance of SWAT officers, their faces set in determined masks.

James (Colin Salmon), a.k.a. "One," the leader of this mysterious group, seizes Alice's arm, imparting upon her the knowledge that they are a team on a mission to destroy the Red Queen (Michaela Dicker) in the Hive, an underground facility teeming with 500 scientists. The clock ticks away, and James reveals that only five hours prior, a deadly virus had ravaged the compound, claiming every life within its walls.

As Alice's memories slowly resurface, she discovers herself to be one of three security guards entrusted with the safety of the Hive (a detail that will prove crucial in the unfolding drama). The team's journey takes them to an underground warehouse beneath the mansion, where a railroad track stretches out like a lifeline, terminating at a stationary train. Alice's queries regarding their identities and purpose are met with James' enigmatic smile.

As they prepare to embark on their perilous quest, Rain (Michelle Rodriguez) sets about reviving the dormant locomotive, her fingers moving with precision as she coaxes life from its metal heart. But just as the engine roars back to life, a jarring noise pierces the air, and Rain's composure is shattered by the sudden appearance of an officer lurking above. The team boards the train, Rain's anxiety palpable as she struggles to close the door.

Just as all seems set for their escape into the unknown, a figure tumbles from the shadows, his fall softened by the train's compartment. Alice's gaze lingers on this newcomer, whose features seem eerily familiar – a man with no memory, and an uncanny resemblance to the individual in her cherished photograph. The pieces of a complex puzzle begin to click into place as she grapples with the mystery of her own identity.

As they forcibly breached the secured steel portal, the group's initial excitement gave way to trepidation as they ventured deeper into the mysterious Hive. Their path led them through a cavernous hallway where the transparent wall on one side offered a haunting view of the flooded facility on the other. Suddenly, a lifeless body drifted into view, her vacant eyes seeming to stare straight through Alice (Mila Kunis). James (Tom Hardy) matter-of-factly explained that the amnesia-inducing gas released during the virus's spread would wear off within an hour, but the group's attention was soon diverted by the eerie sight of the dead woman's hand thudding against the window.

As they continued their search for the Red Queen's chamber, Alice and her companions stumbled upon a massive room, one door leading to their quarry. With a mixture of curiosity and caution, Alice peered through a viewing portal into the chamber, unaware that it concealed a terrifying secret: a colossal monster lurked within. The group's leader, Kaplan (Guy Pearce), cautiously entered the Red Queen's domain, only to discover that the room was shrouded in darkness. A flicker of electricity illuminated the space, and Kaplan's quick thinking allowed the team to access the chamber.

However, their euphoria was short-lived. As Dana (Helen Mirren) and James ventured into a smaller adjacent room, Kaplan's discovery of the crucial code sequence proved too little, too late. The entrance to the cube room slammed shut, trapping them inside. A laser beam materialized, hurtling towards the group with deadly precision. James attempted to dodge its path, but it was too late; one unfortunate individual lost their fingers, while Dana fell victim to the merciless beam, her head severed from her body.

The group's screams were abruptly silenced as Kaplan frantically worked to override the defenses. However, just as he succeeded in reactivating the system, James found himself cut down by a new laser beam that had taken him by surprise. As Alice and Kaplan fled through the end door, they activated the room's technology, only to be confronted by a holographic projection of a young girl. Her chilling message left no doubt: they were all doomed to perish in this foreboding underworld.

As Rain's curiosity gets the better of her, she stumbles upon a mysterious woman, only to be met with a vicious bite that sends her reeling. J:D rushes over, his gun drawn, and puts an end to the woman's struggle by shooting her leg out from under her. The woman, far from defeated, becomes even more ferocious, prompting Rain to take matters into her own hands and unleash a hail of gunfire that ultimately claims the woman's life. Meanwhile, Matt has been quietly observing the chaos, his eyes fixed on the handcuffs binding him as he plots his escape.

But before he can make a move, the group is suddenly surrounded by an unholy horde of undead, their moans and groans growing louder as they close in. Spencer, Kaplan, Rain, and J:D find themselves fighting for survival, their initial hesitation giving way to desperation as the zombies converge on them from all sides. Amidst the chaos, Matt makes a break for freedom, his struggles punctuated by the sound of gunfire and screams.

As the situation becomes increasingly dire, Alice finds herself separated from the group, her senses heightened as she navigates the treacherous landscape. She stumbles upon a room filled with cages, their metal bars twisted and mangled as if something had burst forth from them. Her attention is drawn to the sound of scratching and snarling, and she soon comes face-to-face with a zombie dog, its once-luxurious coat now stripped bare by the ravages of time. The beast gives chase, forcing Alice to flee for her life.

She takes refuge in a nearby room, slamming the door shut behind her just as a zombie closes in. With a fierce determination, she delivers a series of swift punches and kicks that send the undead monstrosity crashing to the floor. As she catches her breath, a wave of nostalgia washes over her - memories of James' words about his security guard training come flooding back, reminding her of her own martial arts background.

With newfound confidence, Alice prepares for the next onslaught, her gun at the ready as a pack of zombie dogs bursts into the room. She mows them down with precision shots, her movements fluid and calculated. Just when she thinks she's gained the upper hand, another canine predator drops from the ceiling, prompting Alice to adapt once more - this time using her surroundings to outmaneuver her new foe.

Here's my rephrased version:

As Matt meanders through the labyrinthine offices, he finds himself drawn to Dr. Lisa's cubicle, a spot previously glimpsed on the elevator ride earlier in the film. Suddenly, chaos erupts when a zombie crashes into the window, sending Matt scrambling for cover. The scene then shifts to the central hub where hordes of undead roam free. In a jarring turn of events, the door Alice had been monitoring is breached, and a grotesque behemoth bursts forth, unleashing mayhem.

Meanwhile, back in the cubicle, Matt's attention is piqued by an approaching figure - none other than Lisa (Heike Makatsch), who initially exudes innocence before her true nature is revealed. With feral intent, she lunges at Matt, only to be thwarted by Alice's swift and deadly jab to the back of her neck. The sudden turn of events sparks a flashback in Alice, transporting her back to a conversation with Lisa about infiltrating the Umbrella Corporation and securing the deadly virus for public exposure.

As the dust settles, Matt's voice cracks with anguish as he reveals that Lisa was his sister. His words are laced with bitter resentment as he recounts how one of the building's workers had attempted to recruit Lisa only to betray her - a claim that Alice knows to be untrue. The revelation underscores the sinister forces at play in this apocalyptic world, where allegiances are tenuous and trust is a luxury few can afford.

As pandemonium erupts within the control room's confines, Matt and Alice (pandemonium's unwitting architects) find themselves forced to retreat back to the Red Queen's eerie domain, pursued by an unrelenting horde of undead followers. With escape seemingly impossible, they seek guidance from the enigmatic hologram - the ethereal visage of the Red Queen herself. Her haunting presence offers a macabre tutorial on the T-virus, a creation designed to prolong life but ultimately mutating into a catastrophe that sealed the fate of those trapped within the underground facility.

The camera lingers on the motionless form of J:D (a chilling harbinger of doom), as Rain's multiple bite wounds silently scream her impending demise. As Alice implores the Red Queen for escape strategies, the latter agrees to aid them in their quest to flee the labyrinthine complex. Together, they locate a sewer entrance and descend into its darkness, only to be confronted by an unrelenting horde of reanimated corpses attacking from both directions.

The group scrambles atop the pipes, a desperate bid for survival, as Kaplan's leg becomes a canvas for a zombie's insidious bite. Rain, already a walking target, succumbs to additional bites on her arms, and in a moment of frozen terror, hesitates to dispatch J:D's reanimated form with her trusty gun. When she utters his name, the undead J:D lunges towards her, his jaws snapping mere inches from her flesh. Her paralysis shattered by adrenaline, Rain exacts revenge, sending J:D back into the realm of the dead.

As the survivors reach safety on the other side, Kaplan's valiant efforts to rejoin them are thwarted when the pipe he's traversing gives way, leaving him plummeting towards certain doom. Yet, through sheer force of will, Kaplan miraculously recovers and instructs his companions to abandon him, electing instead to face his mortality alone. With a gun poised at his mouth, Alice bears witness to Kaplan's final act of defiance - shooting the undead J:D with precision, only to reveal that it was merely a ruse, as Kaplan stands upright in the pipe's center, defiant and very much alive.

As Alice, Rain, Spencer, and Matt navigate the labyrinthine corridors, their footsteps echoing through the desolate surroundings, Alice's imagination takes hold. She envisions people scurrying about, only to shift her gaze to a laboratory window where scientists are injecting the T-Virus into a rabbit. The scene shifts to reveal a vat of eerie green liquid, accompanied by the promise of a vaccine. As Rain grows increasingly ill and frail, Alice reveals the lab's true nature to her friend, but it's too late; they arrive to find the area submerged in water, the vaccines nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, Spencer's past comes flooding back as he relives a pivotal conversation between Alice and Lisa, detailing their plan to expose the Umbrella Corporation's sinister activities. Consumed by guilt and a desire for redemption, Spencer decides to take drastic measures to destroy the Hive before any secrets can be revealed. In a flashback sequence, we see him operating machinery, deliberately releasing the T-Virus into the facility, and then hastening his departure. This revelation sets in motion a chain of events that will have far-reaching consequences.

As the group struggles to come to terms with their situation, Spencer reappears, gun drawn, aiming at Matt - unaware of the zombie lurking behind him. The chaos is short-lived as Spencer dispatches the undead threat and makes his escape, but not before Alice grasps the truth about his betrayal. The TV flickers back to life, broadcasting a message from the enigmatic Red Queen, who dismisses Spencer's claims with a mischievous tone: "I've been a bad girl."

The narrative then shifts to follow Spencer as he treks through the woods, driven by a desperate desire to find solace in the vaccine. His reverie is interrupted by an unsettling sound, and he looks up to behold the unholy visage of the Licker, its monstrous form slowly descending from the ceiling. Spencer's shock gives way to panic as he attempts to flee, but it's too late; the Licker claims him as its own, ending his tortured journey in a gruesome display of violence and despair.

As Alice returns to the flooded laboratory, she's met with a somber revelation from the Red Queen: in order to obtain the crucial code needed to unlock the door, she must sacrifice Rain, who's now a helpless, dying shell of her former self. Rain, despite her weakened state, affirms this grim decision and passes Alice a fire axe retrieved from the lab's walls. The infected woman's repeated pleas for Alice to end her life are met with hesitant reluctance, until finally, Rain instructs Alice to deliver the fatal blow - which she does, striking the screen instead of Rain's prone form. The Licker, sensing its prey, emerges and begins to batter against the glass, eventually shattering it and vanishing as mysteriously as it appeared.

In a stunning twist, Kaplan, presumed dead, reenters the scene, only to be met with a sense of false security. The trio's brief respite is shattered when the Licker returns, and they hastily make their way outside to the awaiting train. Alice locates the vaccine, but not before the reanimated Spencer, now a mindless zombie, rises from the dead. With a mixture of revulsion and regret, Alice coldly dispatches her former ally with a brutal axe blow, abandoning her wedding ring as she departs the train.

As Kaplan navigates the train back to the mansion, he injects Rain with the vaccine, and the two share a poignant moment before her eventual demise. Just as Alice is about to deliver the finishing blow, Rain awakens, her voice barely audible as she whispers "I'm not dead yet." Her words are followed by an ominous scratching sound emanating from the train's metal skin - a warning that Matt, seated nearby, can't ignore.

The door to the cockpit bursts open, and Kaplan meets his untimely demise at the hands of the relentless Licker. The creature's body tumbles through the opening, only to be met with Alice's swift and merciless gunfire, which merely slows its advance. Undeterred, the Licker continues its assault, wrapping its tongue around Alice's leg before she stabs it in a desperate bid for survival.

As Matt prepares to dispatch the Licker by kicking it out of the train, Rain reanimates once more - this time as a snarling zombie. With a swift shot to the head, Matt puts an end to her suffering, but not before she bites his arm. The train's floor door slides open, and the Licker tumbles onto the tracks below, where it's crushed beneath the wheels and subsequently incinerated.

With the creature finally vanquished, Alice seals the floor door, severing the Licker's tongue and ending its reign of terror once and for all.

As Matt and Alice narrowly escape the impending doom of the emergency doors closing behind them, they find themselves face-to-face with a group of heavily protected scientists. Matt's words tumble out in a desperate bid to expose the Umbrella Corporation's sinister activities, but his warning is cut short as he collapses to the floor, wracked by pain and clutching at his arm. The scientists swoop in, whisking Matt away to subject him to the ominous-sounding Nemesis program. Their concern is palpable as they discover his infected state and the pulsating wounds on his arm, a grim indicator of his status as a carrier of the T-Virus.

Meanwhile, Alice finds herself at the mercy of these same scientists, who are determined to quarantine her in order to detect any signs of the virus. But their plans are foiled when they reveal their intention to return to the Hive to uncover the secrets that lie beneath its surface. The scene shifts abruptly as Alice awakens to find herself trapped in a sterile white room, surrounded by an array of medical equipment and monitoring devices. With a surge of adrenaline, she rips free from the restraints, her eyes blazing with determination.

Alice's next stop is the mirror, where she unleashes a primal scream at the top of her lungs, demanding to be released from this sterile prison. As she spins around, a shadowy figure flits by the opposite side of the room, its face obscured from view. Her gaze settles on the door, and with a burst of resourcefulness, she employs a needle to hack into the code opener. The doors slide open, revealing the desolate surroundings of Raccoon City Hospital.

As Alice exits the hospital, she's met with a bleak landscape devoid of human life or signs of struggle. The once-thriving city is now a post-apocalyptic wasteland, its streets littered with debris and ruin. A newspaper headline screams out from the pavement: "The Dead Walk!" - a stark reminder that the T-Virus has escaped the Hive's confines to infect every last inhabitant of Raccoon City.

With her newfound freedom comes a sense of desperation, driving Alice to seek out a means of survival in this treacherous new world. Her gaze falls upon an abandoned police cruiser, and with calculated purpose, she claims its pump-action shotgun as her own. As the camera pans out, Alice stands tall, the shotgun held at the ready, amidst the ruins of Raccoon City.