
Does Run Rabbit Run have end credit scenes?


Run Rabbit Run does not have end credit scenes.

Run Rabbit Run

Run Rabbit Run


As a fertility specialist, Sarah's grasp on the natural order begins to unravel as her daughter's peculiar behavior hints at supernatural forces. Confronting an unsettling truth from her own troubled past, Sarah must reconcile her scientific certainties with the eerie uncertainty that threatens her family's very existence.

Runtime: 100 min










User Score






User Score


5.0 /10

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Check out what happened in Run Rabbit Run!

As the sun rises on a new day, Sarah (a divorced fertility doctor) is met with an eerie sense of unease as she celebrates her daughter Mia's seventh birthday. The festivities are marred by the discovery of a mysterious rabbit at their doorstep, which Mia grows increasingly attached to. As night falls, the family gathers together - Peter (Mia's father), Denise (Peter's new partner), and Toby (Denise's three-year-old son) - but tensions simmer beneath the surface. The evening takes a dark turn when Toby inadvertently hits Mia on the head, prompting Sarah's ire and Peter's calming influence.

As the night wears on, Sarah's frustration boils over as she attempts to dispatch the rabbit by sending it over their garden wall. However, the rabbit bites her, and Sarah realizes that Mia had witnessed her attempt to get rid of the unwanted visitor. The next morning, a sense of foreboding settles in as Mia's behavior becomes increasingly erratic. She begins to wear a makeshift rabbit mask, refusing to remove it even when asked by Sarah.

Mia's school day is marked by episodes of unresponsiveness and fearful hiding in playground tubes, which she denies are triggered by bullying. Her words reveal a deep-seated longing for her grandmother, Joan, whom Sarah is estranged from - a mystery that Mia has never solved. As Sarah delves deeper into the enigma, she finds herself plagued by vivid nightmares and an increasingly infected hand.

Mia's fixation on seeing Joan reaches a fever pitch, prompting Sarah to take her to the assisted living home where her grandmother resides. The encounter is marred by confusion as Joan, suffering from dementia, mistakes Mia for "Alice", sparking a strong reaction from the child. Sarah forcibly separates them, injuring Mia's hand in the process - an act that resonates with her own hand, now swollen and infected.

As the days pass, Sarah becomes increasingly entangled in a web of uncertainty. She discovers disturbing drawings on Mia's homework and realizes that all of her daughter's artwork shares these same eerie elements. It is then that Sarah turns to Mia, demanding answers about her strange behavior. Mia responds with a chilling declaration: she is Alice.

In the face of this revelation, Peter suggests a trip to Sarah's childhood home, where she reveals the truth about her sister Alice, who vanished at the age of seven. Mia refuses to accept this narrative, instead insisting that Sarah bullied her - a claim that only adds fuel to the fire of Sarah's growing paranoia and hallucinations. As the situation spirals out of control, Sarah's actions become increasingly erratic, culminating in an unintentional act of violence against Mia with scissors.

As Sarah's psyche teeters on the brink of collapse, fragmented memories from her troubled childhood begin to resurface. In a jarring blend of reality and fantasy, she becomes convinced that her sister, Alice (in her mind, indistinguishable from Mia), is still very much alive. The past and present collide as Sarah relives the traumatic events of her youth: the cruel confinement of Alice in the shed, the desperate attempts to escape, and the tragic consequences of her own actions.

Peter's arrival at the ravaged family home finds Sarah in a state of disarray, her mind lost in a sea of anxiety. The once-tidy space now bears the scars of her mental turmoil, with broken photos and scribbled markings on the floor serving as stark reminders of her fragile grip on reality. As Peter assists Sarah in her search for Mia, she becomes increasingly consumed by visions of Alice's watery demise, her imagination running wild with the terror she once inflicted.

Seeking solace and closure, Sarah pays a visit to her mother, Joan, at the nursing home, finally confessing the dark truth about Alice's fate. With a heavy heart, Sarah returns to her childhood home, where she confronts Mia/Alice, acknowledging the harm she caused and the lies that followed. But instead of the forgiveness she craves, Mia's words cut deep: "You're a monster." As the night wears on, Sarah's anguish only intensifies, and in the morning's harsh light, she gazes out the window to behold a haunting tableau: Mia and Alice, hand in hand, walking calmly towards the very cliff that had witnessed Alice's demise.