In this uplifting comedy-drama, Maya Vargas, an unassuming value shop assistant manager, turns 43 and makes a bold wish: a promotion. When her résumé isn't enough to secure the job, she proves that street smarts can rival book smarts, showing Madison Avenue that it's never too late for a second act and that experience beats age.

In this uplifting comedy-drama, Maya Vargas, an unassuming value shop assistant manager, turns 43 and makes a bold wish: a promotion. When her résumé isn't enough to secure the job, she proves that street smarts can rival book smarts, showing Madison Avenue that it's never too late for a second act and that experience beats age.

Does Second Act have end credit scenes?


Second Act does not have end credit scenes.






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Movie Quiz

Second Act Quiz: Test your knowledge about the movie Second Act and its characters' journeys of self-discovery and ambition.

What milestone birthday is Maya Vargas approaching in the movie?

Plot Summary

As Maya Vargas (Jennifer Lopez) approaches the milestone birthday of 40, she’s faced with a harsh reality: her life hasn’t unfolded quite as she had envisioned. For the past 15 years, she’s been an integral part of the value grocery store in Queens, New York, where she’s implemented innovative programs like the “Monday Momz” initiative. Her long-time boyfriend Trey (Milo Ventimiglia) and best friend Joan (Leah Remini) are convinced that her dedication will finally pay off with a promotion to manager. However, Maya’s hopes are brutally dashed when she arrives at work to find an outside candidate, Arthur (Dan Bucatinsky), has been hired instead - a decision based on the assumption that her lack of higher education disqualifies her from consideration.

The sting of this disappointment is compounded by the realization that her life hasn’t lived up to the expectations she once had. At her surprise 40th birthday party, Maya confides in Joan and her godson Dilly (Dalton Harrod) about the unfulfilled dreams she’s harbored for years. She longs to have attended a prestigious university, pursued exciting endeavors, and experienced a life filled with purpose and adventure.

The catalyst for change arrives in the form of an unexpected job interview at Franklin and Clarke, courtesy of Dilly’s computer wizardry and his plan to set up resumes and interviews as a birthday gift. Maya is initially skeptical, but the prospect of working with the conglomerate’s top executives proves too enticing to resist. Her surprise meeting with Anderson Clarke (Treat Williams), one of the company’s most influential figures, leaves her reeling. He’s impressed by her resume, which boasts impressive credentials from Harvard and Wharton, as well as her philanthropic efforts and Peace Corps service.

Maya is torn between her initial skepticism and the allure of this new opportunity. As she navigates the unfamiliar terrain of corporate life, she’s paired with Zoe (Vanessa Hudgens), Anderson’s daughter and a high-powered executive. Their initially chilly demeanor towards Maya gives way to tension when she delivers unvarnished feedback on Franklin and Clarke’s beauty product lines, which had been struggling to meet expectations.

As Maya receives the offer letter, she’s initially torn between accepting the consulting job and her own doubts. Her trusted friend Joan reveals the truth about Maya’s interview, where a fib led to an impressive first impression. When Arthur’s difficulties resurface, Maya seizes the opportunity to quit, citing her newfound confidence as the reason. Trey, however, is anxious about Maya’s decision, given the initial deception that secured her the position. His concerns are rooted in his long-held desire for a family, which Maya has consistently resisted discussing. The tension between their conflicting desires eventually culminates in a heart-wrenching breakup.

As Maya embarks on her new role, she’s surprised to find herself tasked with revamping the beauty product line. Her vision of an all-natural range clashes with Zoe’s insistence that they can’t abandon their existing products, which would be too costly to replace. The two executives agree to set up competing teams, each given a 10-week deadline to develop and pitch a new product. As part of her compensation package, Maya receives a lavish wardrobe makeover and a luxurious apartment upgrade. Joan takes the opportunity to probe Maya about her recent breakup with Trey, suggesting that she’s been punishing herself for the past by avoiding discussions about having children.

The company rowing team, which Maya listed on her resume, becomes an unexpected challenge when Anderson asks her to lead the crew at a high-profile event. Despite her best efforts, Maya’s inexperience leads to a catastrophic boat crash, but Anderson’s good humor and lack of concern only add to the embarrassment. Meanwhile, Ron, another colleague, begins to investigate Maya’s references, sensing that something is amiss. The stakes are raised when Maya is asked to converse in Mandarin at a dinner with a Chinese distributor – an endeavor made more complicated by Joan’s veterinarian friend, who provides whispered translations in her ear, causing some comical misunderstandings. Following the dinner, Zoe softens slightly and offers to share her previous research on all-natural products with Maya, marking a small but significant thaw in their working relationship.

In a pivotal moment of revelation, Anderson summons Zoe to his office, where he shares a life-altering truth with her. Meanwhile, Maya’s visit to Zoe’s apartment uncovers a hidden chapter in the latter’s past - one marked by artistic ambitions and a passion for creation that was put on hold when she left art school to support her father following her mother’s passing. The surprise discovery is that Zoe has recently learned a profound secret: Maya is, in fact, her biological mother, who had been living in foster care at the time of adoption. As the two women reunite and form an unbreakable bond, they spend countless hours together, strengthening their connection and celebrating the serendipity of their encounter.

As fate would have it, Anderson’s search for Zoe’s birth mother led him to Maya’s online profile, where he was impressed by her credentials and subsequently extended an invitation for her to interview at the company. This fortuitous turn of events ultimately resulted in Maya joining the team, where she quickly made a name for herself with her innovative ideas.

With Maya’s creative spark now integral to the company’s all-natural product line, her team continues to work tirelessly to perfect their formula. Meanwhile, Zoe’s assistant Ariana and product scientist Chase finally give in to their romantic feelings, sealing their relationship with a tender kiss at the company Christmas party.

However, not everyone is convinced of Maya’s vision. Ron, ever the skeptic, warns her that her product will be a “disaster,” sparking an epiphany within Maya to draw inspiration from nature’s resilience - specifically, the silver ginkgo tree plants that miraculously survived the devastating aftermath of Hiroshima. As the two sides present their products, the stage is set for a dramatic showdown.

In the midst of this professional turbulence, Maya crosses paths with Trey at Joan’s birthday celebration, where he reveals his knowledge of Zoe’s true identity and chastises Maya for not being open about her connection to Zoe from the outset. His words serve as a poignant reminder that no relationship can be built on deception, setting the stage for a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth.

As Anderson delivers the astonishing news to Maya that her innovative product has earned a coveted spot on a prestigious televised platform, Ron is privy to the truth: Maya’s resume is an elaborate fabrication. With trepidation, Ron prepares to confront Anderson about the deception, but Maya seizes the opportunity to confess the truth during her electrifying presentation. Apologetic yet unyielding, she reveals the reality behind her ascent, acknowledging that her fibs allowed her to seize opportunities she would have otherwise never had. In a bold move, Maya tenderly apologizes to Anderson and Zoe before walking away from it all.

As the dust settles, Zoe approaches Maya outside, her emotions raw and her words laced with hurt. Maya insists that her actions weren’t motivated by malice, but rather a desperate bid for survival in a competitive landscape. Zoe’s anger simmers just below the surface as she confronts Maya about abandoning her once again, only to be met with a poignant reminder: no relationship can flourish on a foundation of lies.

A year has passed since those tumultuous events, and Maya has transformed Monday Momz into a thriving venture, with Dilly’s invaluable support. Her former Value Store friends now work alongside her, and she has even managed to maintain cordial ties with Anderson. Trey reappears in her life, his forgiveness conditional upon her solemn promise to never again resort to deception. As they reconnect, he broaches the topic of starting a family, prompting Maya to declare that Trey himself is her everything – and so, the possibility of parenthood becomes a natural extension of their love.

Meanwhile, Zoe returns from art school in London, her creative spirit rejuvenated. Maya seizes the opportunity to rekindle their friendship, extending an olive branch as they embark on a revitalizing run together. The path ahead may be uncertain, but for these two women, the power of forgiveness and the promise of a fresh start offer a beacon of hope.

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