
Does Till Death have end credit scenes?


Till Death does not have end credit scenes.

Till Death

Till Death


In this chilling thriller, a romantic getaway turns into a desperate fight for survival when Emma (Megan Fox) wakes up handcuffed to her deceased husband's lifeless body. Trapped in their isolated lake house, she must outsmart and outrun hired assassins to escape the sinister plot that has left her trapped in a living nightmare.

Runtime: 88 min

Box Office: $595K









User Score






User Score


5.9 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Till Death!

As Emma (played by) navigates the tumultuous waters of her marriage to Mark, a ruthless criminal attorney, she finds herself trapped in a toxic relationship that suffocates her soul. The anniversary celebration dinner with Mark is a jarring reminder of the emotional prison they've constructed together. Despite her own desires and longings, Emma's heart remains heavy with the weight of their loveless union.

The evening takes a gruesome turn as Mark presents Emma with a cold, metallic token - a steel necklace that serves as a cruel reminder of his control over her. The night wears on, marked by a sudden change in atmosphere as Mark apologizes for past transgressions and they engage in a fleeting moment of intimacy. However, the morning after brings a jarring awakening, as Emma finds herself bound to Mark's lifeless body, handcuffed to the man who has ruined her existence.

As she drags Mark's corpse across the lake house, Emma stumbles upon the devastating truth - her husband had destroyed her phone and removed every sharp object in the house, leaving her helpless. It is only through sheer determination that she eventually finds the SUV keys in the trash and manages to start the vehicle. But her journey is short-lived, as the radio broadcasts a taunting message from Mark's twisted mind, revealing his knowledge of Emma's affair with Tom (played by).

The revelation serves as a brutal wake-up call, as Emma realizes the true extent of her husband's manipulation and cruelty. Hours later, Tom arrives at the lake house, bearing news that sheds light on Mark's dark dealings - he was facing disbarment due to his illegal activities. As they begin to unravel the tangled web of deceit, a sense of unease settles over them, as they're confronted with the approaching sound of a truck in the distance.

The arrival of Jimmy (played by) and Bobby (played by), two men who seem to be working for Mark, brings chaos to the isolated lake house. As Emma watches in horror, Tom is brutally murdered by Bobby, a stalker who had previously attacked her and was recently released from prison after serving 10 years.

Emma finds herself on the run, evading the murderous duo as she flees to the safety of the boat shed. With Mark's corpse still bound to hers, she uses an anchor to cut herself free and hides just as Jimmy and Bobby enter the shed. As they reveal their true intentions - hired by Mark to kill her and retrieve a stash of diamonds - Emma listens in stunned silence, her mind racing with the implications.

As the desperate search for a way out unfolds within the confines of the house, Emma's resourcefulness is put to the ultimate test. She seizes upon a fuel can, only to have her plans foiled by Bobby's cunning sabotage, leaving their SUV rendered immobile. Undeterred, Emma navigates the labyrinthine attic, expertly manipulating events to lure her pursuers into a trap. With calculated precision, she dispatches Bobby with a makeshift club and secures Jimmy in a nearby room, momentarily gaining the upper hand. Emma then attempts to make a break for freedom, only to be thwarted once more by Bobby's timely intervention. As the situation spirals out of control, Emma manages to squeeze off a desperate 911 call on Tom's phone mere moments before being struck unconscious. When she comes to, she finds herself once again confined to Mark's lifeless form, her wrists shackled to his.

Bobby's malevolent intentions are laid bare as he reveals the safe's code to be none other than the anniversary of Mark's ill-fated proposal to Emma. Her refusal to cooperate sparks a chilling threat of physical torture, prompting Jimmy to intervene with a well-placed warning shot from Mark's gun. Emma, sensing an opportunity, agrees to reveal the code in exchange for her freedom. With Bobby momentarily incapacitated, she is uncuffed and sets about divulging the safe's secrets. However, the revelation only serves to further torment Bobby as he discovers the hacksaw contains a cryptic clue pointing to the diamonds' true location: Emma's own necklace, an ornamentation seemingly impossible to remove.

Enraged by this twist, Bobby turns his attention to Emma, his brutal tactics culminating in a vicious attack that leaves her leg bloodied and battered. In a stunning turnabout, Emma fights back with all her might, eventually subduing Bobby and re-cuffing him to Mark's lifeless form. As the desperate chase continues, Emma commandeers Tom's car, only to crash into the nearby boat shed in a bid to shake Bobby off their tail. Emerging from the wreckage, she finds herself face-to-face with her tormentor on the frozen lake, where a ferocious struggle ensues.

In the heat of battle, Emma manages to gain the upper hand once more, striking Bobby with the car and then fighting him off on the ice. In a stunning display of resilience, she stabs Bobby in the shoulder just as the ice beneath their feet gives way. Mark's corpse, still bound to Emma's wrist, plunges into the icy waters, dragging Bobby down with it. As the two men meet their demise, Emma seizes the opportunity to strike back at her tormentor, plunging a knife deep into Bobby's eye. With her adversary vanquished, Emma swims to the surface, finally free from the clutches of her captors. As she lies atop the ice, the sound of sirens growing louder in the distance, Emma removes her wedding ring and allows it to slip beneath the frozen lake's surface, a poignant symbol of her liberation.