Wonder Woman 1984 2020

Box Office



151 min




As the iconic superheroine Wonder Woman, Diana Prince navigates her dual life in 1984's neon-lit landscape. By day, she delves into ancient cultures at Washington D.C.'s Smithsonian Institute. By night, she dons her legendary suit to vanquish villains and uphold justice, ever vigilant against evil forces threatening the world.

As the iconic superheroine Wonder Woman, Diana Prince navigates her dual life in 1984's neon-lit landscape. By day, she delves into ancient cultures at Washington D.C.'s Smithsonian Institute. By night, she dons her legendary suit to vanquish villains and uphold justice, ever vigilant against evil forces threatening the world.

Does Wonder Woman 1984 have end credit scenes?


Wonder Woman 1984 does have end credit scenes.






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5.4 /10

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Plot Summary

The curtain opens on Themyscira’s sun-kissed plains, where a spirited young Diana (Lilly Aspell) gallops her horse through an Amazonian athletic competition, accompanied by her aunt Antiope (Robin Wright) and Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen). Initially, Diana navigates the course with poise and skill, but a mishap sends her tumbling behind. Undeterred, she takes a calculated risk, expertly closing the gap to emerge among the first riders back in the arena. However, before she can seize victory with her trusty spear, Antiope intervenes, sternly reprimanding Diana for cheating. Despite her protests, her aunt and mother impart valuable wisdom on knowing when to win, emphasizing the importance of discipline and fair play.

The scene shifts to 1984, where a quartet of thieves, seemingly well-organized, attempts to pilfer a mall jewelry store believed to be a front for an illicit operation. However, their plan is foiled when it appears their cover has been blown, prompting one of the thieves to snatch a young girl and dangle her over a ledge in a desperate bid to avoid capture. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), now a seasoned hero, intervenes, using her wrist-mounted gauntlet and Lasso of Truth to apprehend the thieves and save the girl from certain harm. With the perpetrators neutralized, Wonder Woman swiftly dispatches them to the authorities before vanishing into the night, leaving onlookers bewildered by the mysterious savior.

In the intervening years, Diana has established a solitary existence while continuing to perform acts of heroism as Wonder Woman. Her personal effects, including mementos of dear friends like Etta Candy, serve as poignant reminders of her life before heroics. Despite her newfound independence, she remains deeply sentimental about Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), still longing for his return. By day, Diana serves as a senior anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, where she meets Dr. Barbara Minerva (Kristen Wiig), a newly hired zoologist and gemologist struggling to find her footing among her peers. Diana’s kindness towards Barbara is rewarded with an invitation to examine the enigmatic Dreamstone, said to grant wishes.

As the evening unfolds, Diana shares a meal with Barbara, reminiscing about Steve Trevor and confessing her own heart’s desire – that he may one day return. The night takes a darker turn when Barbara encounters harassment from a drunk individual, prompting Wonder Woman to intervene, effortlessly dispatching the aggressor. Later, as Barbara returns to her office, she cradles the Dreamstone in her hands, wishing herself transformed into someone as beautiful, strong, and confident as Diana.

As the morning sunshine illuminates the Institute’s corridors, Barbara awakens with an uncanny sense of agility and awareness, captivating her male counterparts. The doors swing open to admit Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal), CEO of Black Gold Cooperative, a fledgling oil company whose television advertisements have made him a household name among Barbara’s peers. He extends an invitation to Diana and Barbara to attend his gala at the museum, though his true motives are centered around the enigmatic Dreamstone in Barbara’s office. Lord returns to his company, where he finds himself facing the daunting task of managing a bare-bones operation devoid of employees save for Raquel (Gabriella Wilde), his diligent secretary struggling to keep up with an onslaught of phone calls as she waits for Alistair (Lucian Perez), his son, to arrive. As fate would have it, Lord must first navigate a meeting with the skeptical Simon Stagg (Oliver Cotton), who dismisses him as a con artist and questions his ability to succeed in the business world. Undeterred, Lord vows to prove himself to Alistair that he is capable of achieving greatness.

Meanwhile, Barbara undergoes a metamorphosis, transforming into a stunning beauty who turns heads at the gala. Diana, too, draws attention from various suitors, but her focus remains fixed on the world beyond, until one individual’s words pierce her heart: “I can save today, but you can save the world.” As she stands transfixed, the man approaches her, his voice echoing with an uncanny familiarity – it is as if Steve has returned to her in the flesh. Diana’s elation knows no bounds as she shares a long-overdue kiss with Steve, whose spirit now inhabits this stranger’s body.

As Lord navigates the gala, he finds himself drawn to Barbara, and their mutual attraction culminates in a seductive encounter that ultimately yields him access to her office. With the Dreamstone within his grasp, Lord absconds with it, transporting it back to his own office where he indulges in its power, causing the artifact to disintegrate as he absorbs its energy.

Diana follows Steve’s spirit back to its host’s apartment, where they spend a night rekindling their bond. The next morning, she takes him on a journey through Washington, D.C., revealing the world as it has evolved since his passing. Their odyssey culminates in a visit to the Smithsonian Institution, where Diana hopes to bridge the gap between past and present, her heart heavy with the weight of Steve’s words: “I can save today, but you can save the world.”

As Max’s ambition grows, he decides to put his powers to the ultimate test by infiltrating Stagg’s corporate stronghold and cunningly manipulating him into making a wish that would boost their respective business fortunes. With calculated precision, Max seizes control of Stagg’s assets and, in a stroke of genius, orchestrates the FBI’s sudden arrival to apprehend Stagg on charges of tax evasion, effectively erasing him from the scene. Returning to his office, Max finds Raquel overwhelmed by the deluge of investor calls pouring in. He intervenes, coaxing her into making a wish that brings forth an influx of new employees, signaling the start of Black Gold’s rapid expansion.

Meanwhile, Diana and Steve embark on a perilous mission to uncover the secrets of the enigmatic Dreamstone, seeking out Barbara for answers only to discover that she had unwittingly loaned Max the powerful artifact. The duo then breaks into Black Gold, where they stumble upon the Latin-inscribed bracelet left behind by the stone, which holds ominous connotations in Diana’s eyes - a dark omen hinting at malevolent intentions. As they learn that Max is bound for Cairo, they commandeer a jet from the Smithsonian to track him down. Steve, after decades of dormancy, takes to the skies once more, but their clandestine operation is compromised when authorities spot them attempting to clear the runway. Diana swiftly employs her powers to cloak the jet, conjuring an invisible aerial presence that effortlessly clears the path.

Barbara, emboldened by her newfound strength and abilities, ventures out of her office to test the limits of her powers. Her path crosses with a familiar figure - the same drunken individual who had previously attempted to assault her. Undeterred, Barbara employs Diana’s violent technique, unleashing a ferocious kick that sends the would-be assailant crashing into the street, leaving him unconscious and helpless.

As the Egyptian desert sun beats down on Cairo, Max orchestrates a duplicitous meeting with Emir Said Ben Abydos (Amr Waked), cleverly manipulating him into wishing for the return of his ancestral land to its rightful owners, while simultaneously excluding anyone deemed inferior. This insidious move allows Max to seize control of Emir’s oil reserves and loyal guards, rendering him powerless as a magical barrier materializes, keeping citizens at bay. As Max and his cohorts make their escape, Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) and Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) chance upon them on the road, leading to a high-stakes chase. Wonder Woman leaps into action, using her unparalleled combat skills to fend off Max’s henchmen and attempt to apprehend the cunning villain himself. Steve proves to be a worthy ally, working in tandem with Diana to keep their foes at bay as she strives to reach Max.

When she finally confronts him, demanding the ancient stone, Max responds with a smirk, “You’re looking at it.” In the midst of chaos, Wonder Woman must utilize her extraordinary abilities to rescue two imperiled children from certain doom as trucks careen towards them. Although she narrowly avoids being crushed by the vehicles, Diana’s heroic instincts kick in, allowing her to guide the children to safety. However, Max has already vanished into the shadows.

Seeking guidance, Diana delves into Barbara’s research and discovers that the stone has traversed civilizations long since reduced to ruin. The trio then visits a mysterious individual posing as a shaman, Babajide (Ravi Patel), who furnishes them with an ancient tome containing inscriptions eerily similar to those found on the stone. As Diana’s eyes widen in horror, she realizes that this is the work of Dolos, a malevolent deity infamous for granting wishes at a terrible cost – much like the mythical Monkey’s Paw. This revelation explains why Diana’s wish to bring Steve back to life is slowly draining her powers.

In light of these dire circumstances, Steve proposes a grim choice: either destroy Max or find a way to get everyone involved to renounce their desires. The conflict within Diana and Barbara is palpable – for Diana, it means sacrificing her chance to reunite with Steve, while for Barbara, it implies surrendering her own powers.

As the mystical energy coursing through the stone continues to warp reality, its manifestation in Max’s physical form becomes increasingly devastating. The strain of maintaining control over his burgeoning empire takes a toll on him, culminating in an explosive outburst when he’s forced to confront the prospect of caring for Alistair once more - prompting the young boy to make a hasty exit. In the aftermath, Max convenes with other entrepreneurs and leaders, leveraging their collective influence to further amplify his powers as he becomes increasingly entrenched in the world of wish-granting.

Meanwhile, the consequences of his actions begin to unfold, as an irate mob converges on the company’s headquarters, protesting the far-reaching implications of his oil reserve acquisitions. As tensions escalate between nations, Max seeks guidance from his trusted driver, who facilitates a clandestine meeting with none other than the President of the United States (Stuart Milligan). It is here that Max learns of a game-changing satellite capable of broadcasting a signal worldwide - an opportunity he seizes upon to grant an astonishing number of wishes.

As the city teeters on the brink of chaos, Diana takes Steve aside to illuminate the daunting task ahead: stopping Max. She regales him with the tale of Asteria, a legendary Amazon warrior who sacrificed herself to safeguard her people, a story that has left a profound mark on Diana’s own history. Possessing Asteria’s armor, Diana had once wielded its power.

The arrival of Wonder Woman at the White House, mere moments after Max’s meeting with POTUS, sets the stage for a tense confrontation. With security and Max’s goons closing in, Wonder Woman valiantly fights to hold her ground against overwhelming odds. Amidst the fray, Barbara arrives to defend Max, refusing to relinquish her newfound powers. The ensuing battle sees Barbara prove herself a formidable force, severely weakening Wonder Woman as she notes to Barbara that her wish-granted abilities are gradually eroding her inherent kindness and humanity.

As the companions part ways, the scene shifts to reveal Diana’s anguish and Steve’s unyielding resolve. With an air of resignation, he accepts his fate, surrendering any hope of a second chance at life in order to empower Diana with the strength necessary to save the world from the impending threat. Her eyes welling up with tears, Diana utters her final farewell to Steve, vowing to renounce love forevermore. However, Steve’s words linger, imparting a glimmer of optimism - that she will eventually rediscover the power of love.

Diana, now freed from her self-imposed curse, revives her powers and takes to the skies, effortlessly manipulating her iconic lasso as if learning the art of flight. As she soars through the air, she closes in on Max’s helicopter, intent on intercepting his transmission before it’s too late.

Meanwhile, Barbara, having exacted a final wish from Max, has transformed into The Cheetah - an apex predator unlike anything the world has ever seen. Her powers amplified to an exponential degree, she proves a formidable foe for Diana as they clash in a thrilling battle.

The fight culminates with a dramatic twist: the nearby electrical tower collapses, sending them plummeting into the lake below. As they struggle to surface, Diana implores Barbara to reconsider her newfound ferocity, but it’s too late. The Cheetah refuses to relent, prompting Diana to intervene, pulling her underwater just as a stray wire strikes the water, electrocuting the villainess.

As Barbara weakens, Diana rushes to her aid, eventually dragging her to safety before hastening to Max’s location.

As Max’s omnipotent broadcast resonates globally, humanity succumbs to the intoxicating allure of instant gratification, unleashing a maelstrom of unbridled desires that amplify his already considerable power. Meanwhile, Alistair finds himself entangled in the burgeoning chaos as the United States and the Middle East teeter on the brink of war. Diana intervenes, attempting to reason with Max and persuade him to renounce his wish, but he has by now succumbed to the corrupting influence of limitless power. Utilizing her legendary Lasso of Truth, she broadcasts a heartfelt plea to humanity, imploring them to reconsider their wishes and restore balance to the world.

As Max’s psyche becomes increasingly consumed by visions of his troubled past – including the childhood torment inflicted by his abusive father, the ridicule he suffered at the hands of American peers when he moved to the U.S., and the humble beginnings that spawned his entrepreneurial endeavors – he begins to feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility. His thoughts turn to Alistair, and he sets out to find him, driven by a newfound sense of purpose.

Finally, Max reaches a breaking point, renouncing his wish and thereby reversing the devastating consequences that had befallen humanity. Cheetah, freed from her magical constraints, reverts back to Barbara, while Max reunites with Alistair in the streets, confessing his inadequacies as a father who has always striven to earn his son’s approval. To his surprise, Alistair reveals a deep affection for him, acknowledging that he has always loved his father.

Months later, around Christmas time, Diana wanders alone once more, her gaze falling upon the man whose persona Steve had previously inhabited. They exchange warm small talk, and as she takes in the idyllic scene unfolding before her – children at play, families rejoicing – a sense of hope begins to stir within her.

As Wonder Woman, she resumes her watchful vigil over humanity, ever vigilant and always ready to defend those she has sworn to protect. Just as the credits roll, a subtle tremor shakes the ground, and a pillar teeters precariously before being caught by an enigmatic figure. A mother approaches, expressing gratitude for the stranger’s selfless act, only to reveal that it is none other than Artesia (Lynda Carter, the original Wonder Woman), who has spent countless years devoting herself to the noble cause of saving lives.

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