
Does Hit and Run have end credit scenes?


Hit and Run does not have end credit scenes.

Hit and Run

Hit and Run


When nice guy Charlie Bronson abandons witness protection to drive his fiancé to LA for a life-changing chance, their road trip takes a wild turn. Pursued by feds and old gangster buddies, they must navigate a minefield of danger and awkwardness to get to the finish line.

Runtime: 100 min

Box Office: $17M








User Score






User Score


6.1 /10

IMDb Rating




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Check out what happened in Hit and Run!

As the curtain opens on this hilarious romp, we find Charlie (Dax Shepard) and Annie (Kristen Bell) in the midst of a passionate interlude, their bodies entwined as they savor the tender moments. Yet, despite the intimacy, it's clear that Annie is harboring some underlying anxiety, her troubled gaze betraying the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. Charlie, ever the charmer, whispers sweet nothings into her ear, assuring her that this fleeting instant is all she needs to worry about - and if she wants, he'll be by her side for the rest of his life. Annie's eyes well up with tears as the sincerity of his words washes over her, a poignant reminder of the depth of their connection.

Later that morning, Annie sets out on a mission to tackle an appointment at the local university, but not before a chance encounter with Randy (Tom Arnold), whose haphazard van is careening down the street. As Randy's befuddled expression contorts in an attempt to salvage his scalded coffee, the vehicle escapes his grasp and rolls away, leaving him scrambling to catch up. His frantic pursuit ultimately culminates in a comically inept attempt to disable the van, resulting in a hail of bullets that leave the nearby children's home with a pockmarked facade. Charlie emerges from their residence, bewildered by Randy's antics, and hastily ushers him inside before any further mayhem ensues.

Meanwhile, Annie arrives at her workplace, where her boss, Debby (Kristin Chenoweth), is beaming with excitement about an unprecedented opportunity that has presented itself. A prestigious institution is eager to establish a department dedicated to conflict resolution, and they're willing to make Annie the head of it - on one condition: she must relocate to Los Angeles. The dilemma weighs heavily on Annie's mind, as she knows that Charlie, currently in Witness Protection (WITSEC), cannot leave their current location without compromising his safety.

Debby, an unapologetic straight shooter, lays it all out for Annie, acknowledging the opportunity of a lifetime before her. She confesses that her own humble beginnings - state school, football games, and even date rape - have prepared her to recognize when she's being offered something truly special. Debby's words are laced with empathy, but ultimately, she leaves the decision in Annie's hands, urging her to seize this chance if it feels right.

As Charlie sits with Randy in their home, still grappling with the events that transpired outside, Randy reveals the reason behind his recent demotion from WITSEC: two unfortunate incidents where his gun was accidentally discharged. If another mishap occurs, he risks losing his job entirely. Randy blames his trusty pistol, claiming it wasn't the revolver he had requested. His frustration boils over as he points the gun at Charlie, who swiftly intervenes, disassembling the weapon to prevent any further accidents. Randy reprimands Charlie sternly, warning him never to touch his firearm again.

Meanwhile, Annie returns home to find Charlie having prepared dinner with tender care. She confides in him about a job offer that has left her torn and anxious, weighed down by Debby's ultimatum: accept the interview or face termination. Charlie is dismayed by the prospect of losing Annie, but he knows he cannot hold her back from pursuing her career goals. As they lie awake through the long night, they grapple with the uncertainty of their future.

The next morning, Annie pays a visit to the university in a last-ditch effort to salvage her job. Charlie, meanwhile, takes a solo drive out to the barn, where he lifts a tarp off an old car and sets out on a journey of his own. The silence between them is palpable, as they each navigate their respective paths.

At the university, Debby attempts to offer Annie some words of encouragement, assuring her that she will eventually move on from Charlie's departure. However, when Charlie arrives on the scene, it becomes clear that he has decided to defy the odds and head to L.A. despite the potential risks. For him, it represents a fresh start – a chance for them to blend in and build a new life together. As they set off into the unknown, Annie realizes she has forgotten one crucial item: her teaching certificate, left behind at the house of her ex-boyfriend Gil (Michael Rosenbaum).

As Annie and Charlie arrive at Gil's doorstep, they're met with a mixture of curiosity and hostility. Gil's attempts to subtly gauge their relationship are palpable, his eyes darting between the two like a hawk sizing up its prey. When Annie mentions her impending departure for LA, Gil's expression turns incredulous, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "He's going to kill you and role-play with your corpse," he blurts out, his words laced with a desperate attempt to sound rational. Charlie's subtle warning serves as a chilling reminder of the gravity of Gil's concerns.

As they leave with the coveted albums and certificate in hand, Gil's gaze lingers on Charlie's car, his eyes zeroing in on the license plate. This seemingly innocuous detail will prove to be the catalyst for a series of events that will shake the very foundations of their relationship.

The drive to LA is filled with an air of nostalgia as Charlie shares stories about the car, which holds a special place in his heart due to the 1.5 years he spent working on it alongside his dad. The sentimental value attached to this vehicle serves as a poignant reminder of the complex emotions that can arise from even the most seemingly mundane experiences.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Officer Terry and his partner Angela are engaged in a conversation about a gay man finder app called Pouncer. This digital tool allows users to stake out known gay men for conversation and sex, serving as a means to connect with like-minded individuals. A call from Gil interrupts their discussion, and Terry agrees to run the license plate numbers, which lead him to discover that they're registered to Yul Perkins - an alias Charlie is all too familiar with.

As Gil delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Charlie's true identity, he makes a startling discovery: Yul was once a getaway driver for a group of bank robbers who turned state's evidence. His phone call to Alex Dimitri, the ringleader, sets off a chain reaction that will have far-reaching consequences.

Charlie and Annie stop for food, but their reprieve is short-lived. A call from Randy serves as a wake-up call, and Charlie must navigate a web of deceit and protocol to stay one step ahead of his pursuers. As they hit the road once more, Annie is left to wonder what secrets her companion may be hiding.

The conversation between Charlie and the stranger at the gas pump serves as a chilling reminder of the prejudices that still linger in our society. His flippant use of language only adds insult to injury, leaving Annie feeling frustrated and disillusioned. Charlie's attempts to defend himself fall flat, much like his earlier denial of the hurtful term. The promise to cut it out rings hollow, serving as a stark reminder of the long journey that lies ahead for this unlikely duo.

As Charlie and Annie pull over, they're met with an unsettling revelation: Gil has been tracking their every move. A tense standoff ensues as Charlie's anger simmers just below the surface. Annie intervenes, urging him to keep his cool, while Gil drops a bombshell - he knows Charlie's troubled past and mentions Alex, a name that sends shivers down their spines. Charlie warns Gil that if Annie leaves him because of his actions, there will be hell to pay: "I'll beat you to death, Gil!" the tension finally boils over. The two part ways, with Charlie opting for a different approach - using his wits and revving up his engine to outmaneuver Gil. The sound of revving exhaust fills the air as they hurtle down the country road, dodging other cars along the way.

Meanwhile, Alex is oblivious to the drama unfolding on the road. He's too caught up in a heart-to-heart with Neve (Joy Bryant) at the local grocery store. As they coo over a playful bulldog, their tranquility is disrupted by a gruff, large black man placing subpar dog food before them. Alex's distaste for the cheap kibble sparks a heated exchange, culminating in a chilling threat: "I'll knock out a nigger holding a baby." The agitated customer storms off, leaving Alex to ponder the weight of his words. Outside, Alex spots his own dog sans leash and seizes the opportunity to drive home his point about priorities. As he drags the man's dog back to the store, he poses an unsettling question: "Would you rather die than eat that shit?" The flustered customer refuses to compromise, even in the face of mortality - a stark contrast to Alex's own willingness to challenge societal norms. As they part ways, Alex can't help but mock his adversary for donning a tank top - a trivial matter in light of the profound insight he's gained.

As Charlie and Annie refuel at a roadside gas station, they're approached by a boisterous redneck (David Koechner) who takes an unusual interest in Charlie's vehicle. The couple engages in a conversation about the car, with Charlie growing increasingly defensive as Annie playfully teases him about its dimensions. He clarifies that he doesn't believe in teasing in relationships, insisting it's actually a subtle way to express one's true feelings without causing offense. Later that night, they arrive at their motel room, only to discover they've been given the wrong key - and find themselves face-to-face with a shocking naked orgy taking place in the adjacent room.

Meanwhile, Alex receives a cryptic call from Gil (character unknown), who claims to have a hazy notion of Charlie's whereabouts. As the night wears on, Annie presses Charlie about the name Gil used, prompting him to reveal that it's his real moniker. His father was an eccentric fan of Yul Brynner, and Charlie never quite warmed up to the name, opting instead for Charles Bronson as a WITSEC pseudonym.

Across town, Randy's van finally roars back to life, and he sets off in hot pursuit of Charlie. Terry and his partner spot him speeding down the highway and pull him over, with Randy hastily explaining that he's a Federal Marshal on the hunt for a key witness. Terry is willing to let him go provided he reins in his reckless driving.

As Randy continues on his mission, Angela discreetly flags him down, noting a suspicious entry on his Pouncer app - a subtle indication of his sexuality. Terry, ever the smooth operator, takes Randy aside and requests a peek at his phone, before sharing his own number with a sly grin: "I'm an 8, you're a 5." With that, Randy is back on the road, leaving Terry and Angela to their own devices.

Here's my rephrased version of the section:

As Charlie prepares for departure, Annie steps out of her shower and heads to the computer, her fingers hovering over the keyboard before deciding against searching for Yul Perkins. Meanwhile, Charlie is thwarted in his attempt to start the car when he discovers that it has been pilfered by the redneck who had earlier attempted to intimidate them. Frustrated, Charlie informs Annie that they will need to call a tow truck. On his way back into the room, he is met with a brutal and unexpected attack from Gil, who smacks him in the nose with a golf club, leaving it bloodied and swollen. The sudden violence is motivated by Gil's desire to prove to himself that Annie is indeed still alive, but Charlie is incensed by this betrayal and retaliates by knocking Gil unconscious.

As Charlie contemplates his next move, he is confronted by Alex, Neve, and another former crew member, who have been waiting in the lobby. Overwhelmed, Charlie formulates a plan, snapping a picture of the VIN number on a nearby vehicle before racing back into the room to inform Annie that they must leave immediately. He quickly downloads the information onto a universal key, and they make their escape. Unbeknownst to them, Alex has been searching for them, stumbling upon the wrong room where an orgy involving a group of elderly individuals is still in full swing (as Alex later quips, "that was disgusting!"). Meanwhile, Gil awakens from his slumber, determined to give chase.

As they hit the road, Charlie and Annie find themselves pursued by Alex and Gil as they navigate through an abandoned airfield. It's here that Charlie reveals his troubled past to Annie, confessing that he was once a getaway driver for a robbery crew. However, during one fateful job, Alex and another member of the gang shot a man, leaving Charlie with no choice but to turn state's evidence to protect himself and Neve, who had been his fiancée at the time. Neve, it turns out, was the mastermind behind the heists and would have faced life imprisonment if caught. Charlie's testimony was deemed unreliable, and the case eventually fell apart.

Annie struggles to process this revelation, particularly the fact that Charlie was once engaged to Neve. As they continue their high-stakes chase through the abandoned airfield, Randy suddenly enters the fray, his reckless driving causing him to slam on the brakes and crash a bowling ball through his windshield. The impact knocks him out cold, further damaging the vehicle and leaving it in disarray.

As Charlie and Annie momentarily escape Alex's grasp, their relationship reaches a boiling point. Annie receives an unexpected call from Debby, necessitating her presence at a previously rescheduled appointment, and she instructs Charlie to pull over. The tension between them becomes palpable as they engage in a heated argument about Charlie's deception regarding his past. Annie makes it clear that his dishonesty has irreparably damaged their bond, and she intends to find alternative means of reaching Los Angeles, ultimately turning to Gil for transportation.

Meanwhile, Terry and Angela arrive at the airfield, responding to Randy's frantic call during the earlier pursuit. As they struggle to locate him, Angela suggests employing the Pouncer app, which leads them to Randy's van. Initially, they assume he has succumbed to his injuries, only to be shocked as he regains consciousness and exits the vehicle, before collapsing once more.

Gil, still attempting to redeem himself in Annie's eyes, is met with little success during their drive. The tranquility is abruptly disrupted when Alex's crew ram their car off the road, rendering Gil unconscious. Alex's henchmen subsequently abduct Annie, using her as leverage against Charlie. As a consequence, Charlie receives a threatening phone call from Alex, demanding that he meet him or face dire consequences.

The meeting between Charlie and Alex proves to be a tense and emotional confrontation. Alex unleashes his anger and betrayal at Charlie, who counters by revealing the circumstances that led him to choose between Neve and Alex. Charlie's words are met with Alex's revelation of a horrific experience in prison, where he was subjected to violent assault. The news leaves Charlie stunned and sympathetic, but his attempts to offer comfort only serve to exacerbate the situation.

Alex's demands for the stash of money that Charlie had secretly set aside prompt them to embark on a journey to retrieve it. En route, Alex discreetly contacts Randy, who learns the location of the funds – his father's farm. As Terry drives with Randy behind him, they come across Gil, whose vehicle has been totaled in an apparent accident. Gil fills Terry in on the situation, revealing that Annie is currently in Alex's custody.

As Terry and Randy continue their pursuit, they decide to combine forces with Gil, joining him in the van as they work together to rescue Annie from Alex's clutches.

As Charlie (no actor mentioned) rings the bell at the farm, he delivers a candid confession to Annie: it's been four long years since his father, Clint Perkins (Beau Bridges), has seen him due to shame over past misdeeds. The reunion is met with hostility as Clint's anger boils over, knocking his son to the ground. Charlie's father is incensed that his son, Yul, has turned to a life of crime, and the fact that he used their family's car for getaways only adds insult to injury. Alex forces them all outside to uncover a hidden stash of cash, during which Clint reveals the location of a dune buggy stashed away in the barn. As they dig up the loot, Charlie's father hands over a plan to turn the currency into a tidy profit using market fluctuations. However, this newfound wealth comes with a catch - Alex intends to use Annie as collateral. But before he can make his move, Clint takes matters into his own hands, knocking out Alex and proceeding to administer some much-needed justice to his henchman.

As tensions escalate, Charlie grabs hold of Annie, and they make a break for the dune buggy in the barn. The engine roars to life as they crash out into the open, pursued by Alex who unleashes a hail of gunfire. Randy and Terry, hot on their heels in another dune buggy, provide an unexpected assist when Randy asks Terry to lend him his revolver - and promptly hits Alex with a perfectly aimed shot, forcing them to abandon the chase. With the dust settled, Charlie and Annie bring the dune buggy to a stop, Charlie vowing to get Annie to LA on time despite her desire to distance herself from him.

Annie's sentiments soon shift as she realizes her feelings for Charlie still linger. Together, they hit the road in their trusty dune buggy, ready to face whatever the future may hold. Meanwhile, Alex is stretcher-bound and headed for a hospital visit, while Nev finds himself under arrest. The authorities, led by a cameo appearance from Jason Bateman as one of the higher-ranking agents, take Randy and Terry's statements - although they're not too pleased with Randy's rough-and-tumble demeanor. Despite this, they acknowledge that Randy's heroic actions in apprehending Alex alone will likely secure his release from Witness Protection and potentially earn him a spot with the U.S. Marshals.

As Charlie and Annie finally arrive at the university on time, the former delivers the same soothing words he spoke to Annie at the film's beginning, and they share a tender kiss - their bond renewed. Annie heads into her interview, ready to take the next step in her journey. The curtain closes on this cinematic adventure as Charlie and Annie look out upon a bright future together.

As the credits conclude, a dual narrative unfolds, offering a glimpse into the lives of our protagonists in the aftermath of the film's climax. The first scene finds Randy (actor name) and Terry, now an established couple, mentally preparing themselves for a crucial encounter as they approach the imposing structure of the U.S. Marshals building. With Randy stepping out of their van, oblivious to its sudden departure without him, they embark on this pivotal journey together. Their determination and resolve are palpable as they steel themselves for what lies ahead.

The second credits sequence shifts the focus to Annie, whose interview with Professor Sandy Osterman is about to take a peculiar turn. Upon knocking on his office door, she's met with a haze of smoke that fills the air, courtesy of Sandy's (actor name) indulgence in cannabis. As the fog clears, it becomes apparent that this enigmatic figure is, in fact, Debby's brother - a revelation that has been the subject of her mocking throughout their lives. Annie, ever the empathetic and perceptive individual, sets out to ease Sandy's insecurities through a thought-provoking analysis. Her words of wisdom have a profound impact on him, and he becomes enamored with her unique ability to understand and connect with others. As a result, he offers Annie a position as head of her own department, a testament to the power of her compassion and insight.