
Does Kong: Skull Island have end credit scenes?


Kong: Skull Island has end credit scenes.

Kong: Skull Island

Kong: Skull Island


In the depths of the Pacific, a team of scientists, soldiers, and adventurers venture onto a mythical island, cut off from civilization. Their quest for discovery sparks an epic showdown with King Kong, as human dominance is challenged by the primal forces that rule this untamed world. Survival becomes their ultimate mission.

Runtime: 118 min

Box Office: $567M







User Score






User Score


6.7 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Kong: Skull Island!

As the camera pans across the turquoise waters of the South Pacific, the sounds of chaos erupt in the midst of a war-torn landscape. It is 1944, and Lieutenant Hank Marlow (Will Brittain) finds himself hurtling towards an uncertain fate after his plane crashes onto the lush greenery of a mysterious island. The air is thick with tension as Marlow's parachute unfurls, depositing him gently onto the forest floor. Moments later, another soldier, Gunpei Ikari (Miyavi), descends from the skies, their paths destined to collide in a maelstrom of conflict.

The initial confrontation between Marlow and Ikari sets the tone for a series of intense skirmishes as they engage in a desperate bid for survival. The two combatants clash swords by a precipitous cliff face, each seeking to outmaneuver the other in a battle that rages on with no clear victor. Just when it seems that one will emerge triumphant, a massive, unseen force intervenes, plucking them from the brink of destruction and introducing them to an imposing behemoth: Kong.

Fast-forward to 1973, where the backdrop of Washington D.C. provides the stage for a new set of characters to take center stage. Government official Bill Randa (John Goodman) and geologist Houston Brooks (Corey Hawkins) arrive at Senator Willis's (Richard Jenkins) office, armed with an audacious proposal: to lead an expedition to the enigmatic Skull Island, where they believe secrets of untold proportions lie hidden.

Initially met with skepticism by Willis, Randa's persistence eventually wears him down, and the senator reluctantly agrees to provide funding for the venture. However, this is not without its conditions – namely, a military escort to ensure their safety. Little do they know that the stakes are about to get much higher as they assemble a team of experts, including Captain Earl Cole (Shea Whigham), Slivko (Thomas Mann), Reles (Eugene Cordero), Glenn Mills (Jason Mitchell), and Jack Chapman (Toby Kebbell), all under the command of the seasoned Colonel Preston Packard (Samuel L. Jackson).

As the expedition begins to take shape, Randa and Brooks set out to recruit a skilled tracker capable of navigating the treacherous landscape they're about to face. Enter James Conrad (Tom Hiddleston), a former British Special Air Service captain with an impressive résumé. Over drinks at a local watering hole, Conrad proves himself to be an unyielding force to be reckoned with as he effortlessly dispatches two would-be challengers.

It is here that the stakes are raised once more, as Conrad's keen instincts and battle-hardened experience lead him to question the wisdom of embarking on this perilous journey. He demands a substantial increase in compensation, citing the very real dangers posed by the unpredictable weather patterns and potential threats lurking within the depths of Skull Island. Will his concerns fall on deaf ears, or will they serve as a clarion call for caution in the face of uncertainty? The fate of this ill-fated expedition hangs precariously in the balance as the stage is set for a thrilling adventure to unfold.

Within the confines of her darkroom, photographer Mason Weaver (Brie Larson) pours over the exposed frames she had captured, her mind still reeling from the events that led her to this point. The phone's shrill ring pierces the silence, and with a sense of trepidation, she answers, only to be summoned to join an expedition at the Landsat company. Upon arrival, she is greeted by Packard and his team, including geologist San Lin (Jing Tian) and employees Victor Nieves (John Ortiz) and Steve (Marc Evan Jackson). As they assemble, Weaver's reservations about the mission grow, sensing that the military has ulterior motives hidden beneath the surface. Brooks takes center stage, outlining their objectives on Skull Island, a realm rumored to hold secrets yet unknown.

The team embarks on a perilous journey aboard a ship, navigating through treacherous waters and finally reaching the skies above the island. As they approach the clouds that encircle it like a shroud of mystery, Weaver's camera captures the ominous landscape. Upon landing, the team is met with an eerie silence, punctuated only by the sound of seismic charges detonating beneath their feet. The initial explosions give way to a sudden and violent assault from above, as trees begin to rain down upon them, sending choppers crashing to the ground. In the chaos that ensues, Kong, the behemoth of legend, emerges, its massive form looming large over the wreckage.

As flames lick at the remains of their aerial transportation, Packard's gaze fixes on the towering figure above him, who in turn seems to regard him with an unblinking stare. The expedition then splits into two factions: those grouped around Weaver, including Brooks, Lin, and Nieves, while Randa, Packard, Mills, Cole, and other soldiers set out to locate Chapman, intent on using his arsenal against the behemoth they've awakened.

As the soldiers venture deeper into the island's treacherous depths, one unfortunate soul feels an unseen force descend down his throat - a giant spider leg, signaling the emergence of a colossal arachnid above. The rest of the group springs into action, frantically cutting off its legs as Mills struggles to free himself from the webbing that binds him. With a swift shot, Packard puts an end to the monstrous creature's reign of terror, and the surviving members are left to ponder their next move in this unforgiving environment.

As Chapman treks through the wilderness, he's struck by an eerie solitude, punctuated only by the distant rumblings of a river. It's here that Kong emerges from the water, his massive frame beset by the wounds of aerial assault. The mighty ape laps at the river's edge before encountering a gargantuan octopus, its sinuous tentacles ensnaring him. In a spectacle both gruesome and fascinating, Kong devours the cephalopod, then drags its lifeless form away, leaving Chapman to ponder the strange tableau.

Meanwhile, Conrad's group finds themselves surrounded by a tribe of native islanders, their defensive postures at odds with the hostile atmosphere. It is then that Marlow (John C. Reilly), an elder statesman with a wealth of knowledge about this mystical land, appears to broker a fragile peace between the warring factions. His words are laced with a deep understanding of the island's secrets, gained over a quarter-century of solitude. Kong, it seems, is revered by these islanders as a deity, protector of their kind against the subterranean horrors that have ravaged their population for centuries. The Skull Crawlers, ancient beasts awakened by the seismic charges, are the primary threat to Kong's existence and, by extension, the native way of life.

Chapman's journey next takes him through the forest, where he stumbles upon a seemingly innocuous log, only to discover it's actually a living creature. As he fires at this aberrant beast, it proves impervious to his attacks, vanishing into the underbrush before reappearing with devastating consequences – Chapman becomes its latest victim.

Conrad shares their plan to reach the island's northern shores within three days, hoping to secure rescue. Marlow, however, is skeptical about the feasibility of this endeavor on foot, offering instead to guide them through treacherous terrain via boat. His wisdom proves crucial as they set out, but not before Nieves falls prey to a flock of ravenous birds, torn asunder in mid-air.

As their boat navigates the island's labyrinthine waterways, Weaver is struck by the sight of a colossal water buffalo trapped beneath a wrecked chopper. Her attempts to free the beast are thwarted when Kong appears on the scene, effortlessly lifting the aircraft from its watery grave. The ape's piercing gaze lingers on Weaver, his expression as enigmatic as it is awe-inspiring – leaving her both fascinated and intimidated by this colossal force of nature.

As Marlow leads the expedition into the treacherous expanse known as The Forbidden Zone, the weight of history settles heavily upon them. This forsaken battleground, once the site of a brutal conflict between Kong's ancient lineage and the formidable Skull Crawlers, now lies scarred and still, its twisted remains a testament to the primal savagery that once ravaged this land. It is here that they stumble upon the gruesome remnants of Kong's family, their colossal forms eerily preserved in death.

But their somber reverie is short-lived, as a Skull Crawler emerges from the shadows, forcing them to seek refuge. The beast's malevolent presence is soon compounded by the discovery of Chapman's mangled skull and dog tags, a grim reminder of the horrors that have befallen this ill-fated expedition.

As they regroup and rearm, Packard and his men press onward, driven by their unyielding determination to exact revenge upon Kong for the lives lost. Marlow, Conrad, and Weaver, however, are consumed by a growing unease, sensing that their quest for vengeance is doomed to repeat the cycle of violence and destruction.

In the midst of this turmoil, Packard's fixation on Chapman's fate becomes an all-consuming obsession, leading him down a perilous path of retribution. With explosives at the ready, he sets his trap for Kong, unaware that the beast has already sensed their treachery. As the sun dips below the horizon, Conrad and Weaver stumble upon Kong, and in a moment of unexpected tenderness, Weaver reaches out to touch his massive face, earning a gentle response.

But Packard's machinations are soon revealed, as he lures Kong into a trap that ultimately proves disastrous. The beast, its flames-flecked fur ablaze, exacts a terrible vengeance upon Steve and another soldier before collapsing in defeat. As the group prepares to make their escape, Conrad and Weaver implore their comrades to recognize the crucial role Kong plays in keeping the Skull Crawlers at bay.

Their words fall on deaf ears, however, as Packard remains resolute in his quest for revenge. It is then that a gargantuan Skull Crawler bursts forth from the earth, sending the group scrambling for safety. In the chaos that ensues, Packard stands firm, refusing to back down even as Kong crushes him beneath its mighty fist.

As the Skull Crawler's relentless pursuit sends the survivors scrambling towards the shore, Cole makes a valiant effort to stall its progress by detonating two grenades in a heroic sacrifice. However, the monster's whip-like tail catches him off guard, and despite his best efforts, Cole meets his fate in a blaze of explosives. The Skull Crawler continues its relentless charge until Kong, ever the stalwart protector, bursts onto the scene and confronts the beast head-on. Weaver seizes the opportunity to strike back with a flare gun, blinding the monster, while Kong uses his incredible strength to grab hold of it and hurl it into the nearby wall. In a stunning turn of events, Kong's actions inadvertently send Weaver tumbling into the river, but he quickly recovers and rejoins the fray, teaming up with Kong to take down the Skull Crawler once and for all. With their monstrous foe defeated, Kong tenderly sets Weaver back on solid ground beside Conrad before departing, leaving his friends to ponder the true extent of their harrowing ordeal.

As the survivors - now a tight-knit group consisting of Conrad, Weaver, Marlow, Brooks, Lin, Mills, Slivko, and Reles - prepare to depart Skull Island aboard a boat, three helicopters swoop in to provide a safe passage. Meanwhile, Kong remains vigilant, keeping watch over his domain from a distance, letting out a mighty roar as he pounds the ground with his fist.

The film's credits roll, revealing Marlow's triumphant return to Chicago, where he's finally reunited with his wife and meets his grown son for the first time. As he settles in for a relaxing Cubs game, the tension builds once more, as Conrad and Weaver find themselves facing interrogation by Monarch officials Brooks and Lin.

The room is dimly lit when Brooks reveals a shocking truth: Kong was never the sole monster inhabitant of this world. The true extent of their discovery unfolds before them like a slideshow, featuring cave drawings depicting other legendary creatures - Mothra, King Ghidorah, Rodan, and none other than the behemoth himself, Godzilla. As the credits fade to black, the audience is left with an eerie sense of foreboding, as the roar of Kong and Godzilla echoes through the darkness.


Government agent Bill Randa (actor name) leads a perilous expedition to Skull Island, accompanied by a military team led by Col. Preston Packard, tracker James Conrad, and photojournalist Mason Weaver (actor name), all in an effort to prove the existence of monsters that Randa's company Monarch has been researching.

As the expedition team ventures deeper into the heart of the island, they suddenly find themselves face-to-face with the towering Kong, a gargantuan ape who unleashes his fury upon their chopper-dropped payloads. The aerial assault awakens an unholy horde of Skull Crawlers, malevolent lizard creatures that had been slumbering beneath the surface. Amidst this chaos, Conrad and his crew stumble upon Hank Marlow (actor name), a grizzled veteran who has been stranded on the island since the Second World War. With Marlow's guidance, the survivors manage to escape the island's treacherous terrain, while gaining valuable insight into Kong's motivations - namely, the ape's fierce protection of his territory.

However, Packard's desire for vengeance takes center stage as Kong brutally eliminates most of his men. Seething with anger, Packard attempts to exact revenge by detonating explosives, only to be thwarted when Kong crushes him mercilessly. The survivors are then forced to flee from the largest and most terrifying Skull Crawler yet, a behemoth that seems destined to consume them whole. With Weaver's resourcefulness and a timely assist from Kong, the beast is vanquished in a gruesome display of apish ferocity, its entrails ripped asunder by the mighty ape. As the dust settles, Kong surprisingly allows the survivors to depart, their lives spared.

In the aftermath, Conrad and Weaver find themselves detained by Monarch, a shadowy organization with far-reaching ambitions. Two of their crewmates, Brooks and Lin, rummage through files that reveal a shocking truth: Kong was never alone in his island domain, as giant monsters of legendary proportions - Mothra, King Ghidorah, Rodan, and the mighty Godzilla among them - have long roamed the planet, leaving an indelible mark on human history.