In this gripping sci-fi thriller, a risk management consultant must unravel the mystery behind a deadly attack on a scientist by a genetically engineered being. As they delve deeper into the isolated laboratory's dark secrets, the stakes escalate and the truth becomes increasingly sinister.

In this gripping sci-fi thriller, a risk management consultant must unravel the mystery behind a deadly attack on a scientist by a genetically engineered being. As they delve deeper into the isolated laboratory's dark secrets, the stakes escalate and the truth becomes increasingly sinister.

Does Morgan have end credit scenes?


Morgan does not have end credit scenes.






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5.8 /10

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Movie Quiz

Morgan Movie Quiz: Test your knowledge about the psychological thriller 'Morgan' and its complex narrative of synthetic life and human emotions.

Who plays the role of Dr. Kathy Grieff?

Plot Summary

As the doors slide open, Dr. Kathy Grieff (Jennifer Jason Leigh) steps into a secured room, her eyes scanning the sterile environment with a sense of trepidation. The air is thick with anticipation as she takes a seat across from Morgan (Anya Taylor-Joy), their meeting monitored by a network of surveillance cameras that capture every subtle movement. Kathy’s words are laced with caution as she reveals to Morgan that her attempts to secure freedom outside the confines of this facility have been met with failure, leaving Morgan’s curiosity piqued. In a flash of sudden violence, Morgan seizes control, her hands darting across the table like a snake striking its prey, and Kathy is left reeling from the brutal attack. The arrival of two medical professionals proves too little, too late, as they rush to sedate Morgan and restore order.

Meanwhile, Lee Weathers (Kate Mara), a seasoned risk management consultant, arrives at the facility to investigate this unsettling incident. Her initial meetings with Amy Menser (Rose Leslie), Morgan’s behaviorist, and Skip Vronsky (Boyd Holbrook), the team’s nutritionist, reveal a complex web of emotions and motivations surrounding Morgan’s creation. Lee’s subsequent visit with Dr. Simon Ziegler (Toby Jones) provides insight into the origins of this synthetic life form, which matured at an astonishing rate over six tumultuous months before assuming the appearance of a young woman. A chilling video montage showcases Morgan’s rapid emotional development, her bond with Amy serving as a lifeline to humanity.

As Lee delves deeper into the psyche of this enigmatic creature, she finds herself face-to-face with Kathy, who lies heavily medicated and shrouded in secrecy. The weight of guilt settles upon Kathy as she recounts the events leading up to Morgan’s brutal attack, painting a portrait of a being driven by primal emotions. A sense of sorrow hangs heavy over Kathy as she reminisces about Morgan’s former joy, now tempered by the harsh realities of her confinement.

Lee’s objective eye is piqued as Ziegler presents her with a candid video recording of the incident, leaving no doubt that Morgan’s emotional intelligence has surpassed even the most optimistic projections. The consultant’s stoic demeanor remains unchanged, yet a flicker of intrigue dances in her eyes as she meets Morgan personally, their conversation marked by an unsettling politeness and intellectual intensity.

Ziegler’s inquiry into Lee’s impression proves met with a dispassionate shrug, his expectations unmet by the consultant’s unwavering professional detachment. The seeds of curiosity have been sown, however, and Lee’s resolve to uncover the truth behind Morgan’s mysterious existence has begun to take root.

As the night wears on, Lee joins the team for dinner, where he encounters an eclectic group of individuals, including Drs. Darren and Brenda Finch (Chris Sullivan and Vinette Robinson), Ted Brenner (Michael Yare), and Dr. Lui Cheng (Michelle Yeoh). Notably, Morgan regards these medical professionals with reverence, deeming them her “mother figures.” Later, as Lee engages in a conversation with Skip outside, the atmosphere is tinged with an air of revelry, courtesy of Skip’s relaxed state, which has been indulged by one too many drinks. Amy, however, is not oblivious to their discussion, and it isn’t long before she overhears Skip’s confidences being shared with Lee. The revelation sparks a momentary lapse in judgment on Skip’s part, as he attempts to kiss Lee, only to apologize for the transgression shortly thereafter. Feeling betrayed, Amy retreats to Morgan’s cell, where she finds solace in her companion’s comforting presence, having previously turned off the cameras.

Flashbacks often provide poignant glimpses into our protagonists’ pasts, and this instance is no exception. Amy takes Morgan on a stroll through the woods, pointing out the majesty of the ancient trees that have thrived for thousands of years. As they wander, their path intersects with a deer that has met an untimely demise, its body impaled in a gruesome manner. Moved by compassion, Morgan swiftly dispatches the deer with a merciful blow to the neck.

The next day, Morgan is scheduled for a psychological evaluation by Dr. Alan Shapiro (Paul Giamatti). Initially, Shapiro intends to conduct his assessment from outside Morgan’s cell, but he soon finds this approach woefully inadequate and decides to enter her space instead. His demeanor shifts from calm to confrontational as he poses a series of probing questions, testing Morgan’s resolve. He challenges her to imagine a scenario in which she orders the doctors to confine her once more or demands her termination. Morgan’s composure begins to fray, and tears well up in her eyes as she struggles to respond. Her gaze drifts inward, as if searching for an answer within herself. The weight of her uncertainty proves too much to bear, and Morgan’s emotions reach a boiling point. With a surge of primal energy, she lunges at Shapiro, biting down hard on his throat and tearing into the flesh. The medical team attempts to sedate Morgan, but she manages to escape. Lee, quick-thinking and resourceful, seizes a tranquilizer and gives chase, tracking her outside. As Morgan emerges into the open air, she is met with an unsettling sight: Amy, her face smeared with blood, stands before her. Just as Morgan’s anger is about to boil over, Lee intervenes, firing a dart that brings her down.

As the medical team prepares to carry out the termination procedure on Morgan, she becomes increasingly desperate, her tears of pleading falling like rain as she addresses Dr. Cheng with an uncharacteristic intimacy, referring to him as “Mother”. But Cheng’s response is a cold and unforgiving rebuke, leaving Morgan no choice but to surrender to the sedative’s effects and succumb to unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Darren’s conscience ultimately prevails, and he refuses to administer the lethal injection, instead allowing Lee to take matters into her own hands. With a sense of foreboding, Cheng departs the room, his eyes red-rimmed from suppressed emotion.

As the situation spirals out of control, Lee seizes the initiative, storming into the room with a determination that borders on madness. But Ted’s attempts to intervene only serve to enrage her further, and she unleashes a ferocious attack on him before being struck by a tranquilizer dart herself.

In the aftermath, Morgan awakens from her sedation to find herself surrounded by a group of desperate individuals - Darren, Ted, and Brenda - who are determined to escape the clutches of their captors. But Morgan’s own demons soon take center stage as she exacts a brutal revenge on those who have wronged her.

With a ruthless efficiency, she dispatches Kathy with a vicious kick to the face, snapping her neck like a twig. Zielger meets a similar fate at her hands, his body swaying limply from the ceiling as Morgan’s malevolent energy runs its course. And when Cheng attempts to record a video confession in his final moments, Morgan silences him once and for all, her suffocating grip bringing an end to his life.

Meanwhile, Brenda finds herself facing off against Morgan, but despite her valiant efforts to fight back, she ultimately falls prey to Morgan’s superior strength. As the dust settles on this blood-soaked tableau, Lee seizes the opportunity to break free from her cell and reunite with Skip, who implores her not to follow in Morgan’s footsteps.

With a sense of grim purpose, Lee takes to the wheel, pursuing Morgan and Amy as they make their escape. The two women engage in a high-speed chase through the woods, but Morgan’s malevolent driving skills ultimately prove too much for Lee, whose vehicle crashes into a tree with a sickening crunch. As Lee struggles to come to terms with her new circumstances, Skip appears on the scene, ferrying her to the location where Morgan and Amy are headed - a destination that promises only death and destruction.

As the intensity of their confrontation reaches a fever pitch, Lee seizes Skip’s rifle and attempts to deliver a fatal blow to Morgan. However, before she can pull the trigger, Morgan closes in, and the two engage in a brutal hand-to-hand combat sequence that sees Morgan gain the upper hand. After landing several decisive strikes, Morgan ultimately gains control, pinning Lee to the forest floor where she becomes entangled with a protruding root, which inflicts a gruesome injury. Morgan swiftly extricates herself from the struggle and reunites with Amy by the serene lake, who is struck by its majestic beauty. Meanwhile, Lee, after extracting herself from the root’s grasp, reappears, fueled by a newfound malevolence. She propels Morgan into the water, then holds her underwater until she succumbs to the pressure, her life extinguished. As the lifeless body floats to the surface, Lee emerges from the lake, pistol in hand, and proceeds to claim two more victims: Amy and Skip.

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