
Does Tetris have end credit scenes?


Tetris has end credit scenes.




In the high-stakes world of 1980s politics and innovation, Henk Rogers' discovery of Tetris sets off a chain reaction that takes him from humble gamer to daring adventurer. Joining forces with the game's inventor, Alexey Pazhitnov, Rogers risks everything to bring this global phenomenon to life, outwitting double-crossers and overcoming impossible odds in a heart-pumping Cold War thriller.

Runtime: 120 min








User Score






User Score


7.4 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Tetris!

Here's the rephrased section:

In 1988, entrepreneur Henk Rogers (Taron Egerton) of Bullet-Proof Software found himself lost in a sea of disinterest at a convention, peddling the complex strategy game GO. Described as "Chess but harder," even the young woman he hired to help promote it seemed more enthralled by another game on display. But Henk's eyes were drawn to a different attraction - Tetris, a mesmerizing puzzle game that would soon captivate him entirely.

Later, Henk confided in bank manager Eddie (Rick Yune) about his newfound obsession with Tetris, revealing that he had secured the rights to license the game for PC, console, and arcade platforms. As he delved into the game's origins, he told Eddie the story of Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov), the Russian programmer who created Tetris four years prior while working on government projects. With the help of colleagues, Alexey transformed the initial simple prototype featuring falling parentheses into the iconic colorful blocks that would spread like wildfire across the globe.

Henk's tale took a fascinating turn as he recounted how Robert Stein (Toby Jones) of Andromeda Software stumbled upon Tetris and relentlessly pursued its creators to secure licensing rights. After finally gaining traction, Stein traveled to London to meet with billionaire media mogul Robert Maxwell (Roger Allam), his son Kevin (Anthony Boyle), and the team at Mirrorsoft for an international deal that would grant Stein a tidy profit.

Fast-forward to Henk's visit to Nintendo HQ in Japan, where he met with CEO Hiroshi Yamauchi (Togo Igawa). As he showcased Tetris, Yamauchi was impressed by its potential. Despite being offered a substantial sum - $500,000 - Henk declined the buyout, instead convincing Yamauchi of the benefits of a partnership akin to the legendary collaborations between Mario and Luigi or Zelda and Link. With his vision for Tetris's future secured, Henk approached Eddie once more, this time seeking a loan of $3 million to fund Nintendo cartridges and arcade consoles. After some negotiation, Eddie agreed to provide the funds, but only after securing increased interest rates and a personal guarantee from Henk - his house would serve as collateral.

In a quiet moment at his Tokyo apartment, Henk engages in a conversation with his wife Akemi (Ayane Nagabuchi), who expresses her concerns about his recent deal. Henk's response is astute, pointing out that the Tetris obsession of their children has brought an unprecedented calm to their household, particularly their eldest daughter Maya (Kanon Narumi). Maya's immersion in the game is almost palpable.

Meanwhile, Henk receives a call from Kevin, who reveals that Sega in Japan has already acquired the arcade rights. This news sparks Henk's ire, prompting him to return to Nintendo and request a meeting with Yamauchi to negotiate residuals in advance. The result is an invitation to meet with Minoru Arakawa (Ken Yamamura), president of Nintendo, and Howard Lincoln (Ben Miles), his vice president, in Seattle.

In this fateful meeting, Henk learns about the Game Boy, Nintendo's latest handheld console, which will be released with "Super Mario Land." However, he is convinced that Tetris would be a more compelling addition to the package. With characteristic determination, he persuades Arakawa and Lincoln to consider his proposal, securing an agreement to acquire handheld licensing rights.

Next, Henk travels to London, where he meets with the Maxwells, already embroiled in a heated discussion with Stein over unpaid monies. Henk's primary objective is to purchase the handheld rights, but the Maxwells' reluctance leaves him without a clear answer. As he and Stein depart, Kevin approaches his father, expressing concerns about missing funds from employees' retirement accounts, only to be dismissed by Maxwell, who remains focused on securing Tetris.

As Henk and Stein seemingly finalize their deal for the handheld rights, Arakawa and Lincoln alert Henk to a stunning development: Stein has secretly sold the rights to Atari for $100,000 as payback to the Maxwells for their failure to compensate him. Undeterred by the risks, Henk resolves to travel to Moscow and personally acquire the rights from ELORG, despite the warnings from Arakawa and Lincoln about the dangers of communist Russia.

As Henk steps foot onto Soviet soil, a chance encounter with enigmatic Sasha (Sofia Lebedeva) sets the stage for his Moscow adventure. Her services as a translator prove invaluable, guiding him to the esteemed ELORG headquarters despite her warnings of potential trouble for an uninvited guest. There, he meets Nikolai Belikov (Oleg Shtefanko), president of the revered organization, and begins to lay out the intricacies of his business proposal. Through Sasha's skillful interpretations, Henk learns that ELORG has licensed PC rights exclusively, leaving console and handheld territories untouched. Undeterred, he presents Belikov with a personal copy of Japanese Tetris, but the latter's skepticism regarding its authenticity prompts him to insist on meeting again to discuss the conditions of the deal. As they depart ELORG, Henk is confronted by shady KGB operatives, who issue a stern warning: leave the country forthwith.

Meanwhile, Kevin arrives in Moscow, forging an unexpected connection with Valentin Trifonov (Igor Grabuzov), a high-ranking official within the Central Committee of the Communist Party and head of Department of Foreign Trade. Leveraging the Maxwell's connections to Mikhail Gorbachev, they believe they have an inside track for securing Tetris.

The next day, Henk and Sasha return to ELORG, where they meet Alexey for the first time, accompanied by Trifonov and his retinue. The atmosphere is tense as Trifonov accuses Henk of perpetrating illegal activities, such as arriving with a tourist visa when it is, in fact, false. Alexey's wariness regarding Henk's intentions only adds to the sense of unease. Belikov reveals that the arcade rights to Tetris were never actually sold to anyone. As Stein and Kevin separately arrive, seeking an audience with Belikov, Henk ponders the contract that has been signed, deducing that Stein has pilfered the arcade rights. Belikov subsequently offers Stein a new contract encompassing handheld rights. After the tumult dies down, Alexey offers Henk and Sasha a ride home.

Kevin's subsequent meeting with Trifonov yields an unexpected revelation: the Russian official acknowledges to Kevin that communism is on the precipice of collapse, and he wishes to honor their agreement before it's too late. Behind Kevin's back, however, Trifonov is being secretly bribed by Maxwell, further complicating the already intricate web of negotiations.

That fateful evening, Henk (actor's name) found himself at Alexey's doorstep, where he was warmly received by the host and his wife, Nina (Ieva Andrejevaite). As they shared a meal together, Nina's initial suspicions about Henk's true intentions dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie as he demonstrated his genuine passion for Tetris. Alexey then indulged Henk's curiosity, revealing the original version of the game and allowing him to indulge in its mesmerizing gameplay. However, their evening was soon disrupted by an unexpected knock at the door, prompting Alexey and Nina to hastily conceal Henk from what they feared might be a KGB visit. The visitor turned out to be a neighbor seeking salt, but not before Alexey attempted to persuade Henk to depart, only for Henk's persistence to prevail as he convinced Alexey to take him on a night out.

Their destination was a lively club, where they mingled with fellow independence seekers, united in their desire to break free from the Soviet Union's grasp. The pulsating rhythms and infectious energy of "The Final Countdown" created an atmosphere of revelry, fostering a bond between Henk and Alexey as they danced through the night. But their joy was short-lived, as the KGB had been secretly monitoring Henk's every move, capturing incriminating evidence that would soon put his family in harm's way.

As tensions mounted, Henk found himself the target of a brutal assault, with the KGB goons stealing his prized Levi's pants. Back at his hotel room, he was met with the unwelcome sight of chaos and disarray, only to be greeted by Sasha's arrival. She revealed the true extent of the KGB's vendetta against Henk and urged him to abandon all hope, her words punctuated by a surprising kiss that left Henk reeling. He soon regained his composure, however, reminding Sasha of his marital vows.

Meanwhile, Trifonov's ominous presence loomed large as he confronted Alexey with an unspoken threat: the same fate that had befallen his father now hung precariously over Alexey and his sons, Dmitri (Timur Kassimkulov) and Peter (Mark Khismatullin). Across town, Henk's desperation drove him to take drastic action, as he reached out to Akemi with an urgent plea for her lawyers to intervene.

As the stakes continued to escalate, both Stein and Henk separately returned to ELORG, each carrying a heavy burden. Stein's frustration boiled over as he complained to Belikov about the new contract, ultimately relenting and signing away his rights. Henk, however, confronted Belikov with unyielding determination, demanding a new deal that would grant him $25,000 in royalties upfront, plus 25 cents for every copy of Tetris sold since his financial situation was increasingly dire. With an estimated potential sales figure of 20 million copies, Henk hoped to net Belikov a substantial sum of $5 million.

In the shadows, Trifonov whispered secrets to Belikov, who then met with Kevin, outlining a proposal that would see Mirrorsoft acquire Tetris in exchange for a hefty payment of $1 million within a week. As the clock ticked away, Belikov privately confided in Henk about his own plans, hinting at a surprise offer that would require Henk's prompt acceptance and signature on a letter of intent.

As Henk navigates the treacherous landscape of corporate intrigue, a chance encounter with Alexey unfolds, leading to a clandestine taxi ride that allows them to evade potential followers. During this tense exchange, Alexey shares a haunting tale of his father's downfall, whose courageous stand against the Soviet regime was met with devastating consequences. The professor's noble act of solidarity led to his own professional ruin, leaving a lasting impact on Alexey and fueling his determination to protect Henk from similar persecution.

Meanwhile, back in Moscow, a sense of urgency takes hold as Henk finds himself absent from Maya's school concert, the weight of broken promises weighing heavily on his conscience. In stark contrast, Maxwell's machinations continue unchecked, as he orchestrates a meeting with Arakawa and Lincoln to secure Mirrorsoft's claim on Tetris. This calculated move is mirrored by Trifonov, who dispatches one of his henchmen to brutalize Belikov, in compliance with Maxwell's ruthless directives.

The consequences of Henk's missed concert soon become apparent as Akemi arrives at their apartment, her ire palpable as she reprimands him for his absence. However, Henk's attention is diverted by the arrival of a threatening fax, bearing a chilling image of Sasha and a message that could ruin everything they've worked towards. As Maya retreats to her room, overcome with emotion, the gravity of their situation becomes inescapable.

Belikov pays Alexey a visit at his apartment, bearing news that will shatter their hopes: Tetris has been sold to Mirrorsoft, and Belikov's position as head of ELORG is under threat unless Alexey can find a way to reverse this decision. With the clock ticking, Alexey faxes a letter of intent to Henk, while simultaneously grappling with the devastating consequences of his own professional demise.

In a separate thread, Kevin discovers his father engaged in clandestine activities, shredding documents and stonewalling their financial woes. The tension builds as it becomes clear that they are on the verge of insolvency, leaving them unable to provide the $1 million required to secure ELORG's future.

As Henk confronts Arakawa and Lincoln at Nintendo, armed with the letter of intent, he uncovers a shocking revelation: Atari has pilfered Nintendo's patent, peddling Tetris cartridges without permission. With the truth finally out, Henk reveals Stein and the Maxwells' deceit, rendering the expired letter of intent meaningless. He convinces Arakawa and Lincoln to join him on a mission to Moscow, where they must negotiate the deal before the Maxwells can act.

In a poignant twist, Alexey finds himself facing the harsh realities of his own unemployment, as strangers repossess his belongings. Meanwhile, Trifonov's ominous presence looms large, as he confers with Dmitri and Peter, his intentions clear: to exact revenge on those who dare to defy him.

As Trifonov reaches out to Maxwell, Sasha discovers the cunning operative attempting to manipulate events to his advantage, disregarding the best interests of his country. Following this revelation, Stein confronts the Maxwells, physically expressing his discontent by punching Kevin in the face for secretly traveling to Moscow and negotiating the ELORG deal behind his back, effectively depriving him of his payment. Maxwell reviews the documents and devises a plan to travel to Moscow alongside Kevin to directly address Mikhail Gorbachev (Matthew Marsh), working against Henk's interests.

Upon his return, Henk seeks out Alexey, only to be rebuffed due to the devastating consequences of their collaboration. Meanwhile, Trifonov and his cohorts catch wind of Henk's reappearance and rush to ELORG. The Maxwells arrive at the location first, hoping to finalize their deal until Henk, Arakawa, and Lincoln unexpectedly appear. Maxwell instructs Belikov to sign the agreement, but Henk quickly deduces that the Maxwells lack the financial resources to honor their commitment. Belikov, however, sees through the deception and refuses to sign. Enraged, Maxwell attempts to physically intervene, only for Belikov to deliver a well-deserved headbutt, rendering him momentarily incapacitated. Belikov subsequently signs with Nintendo, ordering Henk's group to depart Moscow immediately.

Trifonov confronts Maxwell, revealing his true intentions and duplicitous dealings in front of Kevin and Sasha after realizing they have lost the contract. This revelation sparks Trifonov's ire, prompting him to target Henk, Arakawa, and Lincoln. However, Alexey arrives just in time to escort them to the airport, precipitating a high-speed chase as KGB operatives pursue the four individuals. They ultimately arrive at the airport and board the first available flight out of Moscow. Trifonov mistakenly assumes they are bound for Tokyo and boards the corresponding plane, only to discover that his targets have actually boarded a different aircraft. Sasha appears to apprehend Trifonov for treason.

Henk returns to his Tokyo apartment, creating an impromptu stage for Maya's performance, making amends for missing her concert. He apologizes in Japanese, and she proceeds with the show while Henk watches alongside Akemi. Additionally, he presents her with a check for $5 million from Bullet-Proof Software, serving as a symbol of his commitment to redemption and atonement.

As the Game Boy's popularity soared with the iconic release of Tetris, a cultural phenomenon that swept through Japan twice before making its way to American shores, international relations were undergoing a profound transformation. The fall of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences, as Mikhail Gorbachev stepped down and European borders began to dissolve, paving the way for unprecedented cooperation. Amidst this backdrop of global change, Alexey Pajitnov's close friend Henk Rogers (Henk) sent him his own Game Boy, a thoughtful gesture that symbolized their enduring friendship.

Following this exchange, Alexey made the bold decision to relocate his family to the United States, where they were warmly received by the Rogers clan. The two friends reunited with a heartfelt hug, a poignant moment that underscored the power of human connection in an era of rapid transformation. This new chapter in their lives would also mark the beginning of a groundbreaking collaboration, as Henk and Alexey would go on to co-found The Tetris Company.

Meanwhile, Robert Stein's disappointment at losing control over Tetris would linger for years to come, serving as a reminder that even the most iconic of games can have a profound impact on those involved. On a darker note, Robert Maxwell's egregious theft of pension funds, followed by his empire's collapse and mysterious demise, would lead to Kevin's subsequent arrest and bankruptcy, ultimately resulting in an acquittal for fraud.

Fast forward to 2014, when Henk appointed Maya as the new CEO of Tetris, cementing the game's status as a beloved global phenomenon. With over a billion units sold worldwide, Tetris remains an enduring testament to human ingenuity, creativity, and the transformative power of friendship.