
Does Triangle of Sadness have end credit scenes?


Triangle of Sadness does not have end credit scenes.

Triangle of Sadness

Triangle of Sadness


In this scathing comedy-drama, Ruben Östlund masterfully skewers the excesses of wealth and beauty. A pampered model couple finds themselves adrift in a sea of opulence on a luxury cruise, where the boat captain's unpredictable antics reignite the primal struggle for survival among the shipwrecked passengers.

Runtime: 147 min

Box Office: $26M









User Score






User Score


7.3 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Triangle of Sadness!

The curtain opens on a casting agency where male models gather, their chiseled physiques and confident postures notwithstanding. Lewis Taylor, the interviewer with an air of superiority, peppers them with queries about their profession and expectations, his condescending tone a palpable presence. As they strike poses for photographs, Carl, one of these aspiring Adonises (Harris Dickinson), is summoned to meet with the casting agents, who scrutinize every feature, fixating on his so-called "triangle of sadness" – the space between his eyes. This momentary assessment sets the tone for a film that delves into the complexities of relationships, identity, and the cutthroat world of social media influencers.

As Carl navigates this treacherous landscape, he finds himself entangled in a romantic entanglement with Yaya (Charlbi Dean), a stunning model and influencer who has built her following on her captivating beauty. The couple attends a high-profile fashion show, where Yaya walks the catwalk, her presence electrifying the crowd. Later, over dinner, their disagreement about financial responsibilities turns into a heated debate about gender roles, with Carl's frustration simmering just below the surface. When Yaya offers to settle the bill, her credit card is declined, forcing Carl to take the reins – a small act of rebellion that belies his deeper insecurities.

The argument continues as they hail an Uber, their conversation veering into the very fabric of their relationship. The driver's words of wisdom – "You should fight for Yaya if you really love her" – resonate with Carl, who follows Yaya up to their apartment, his emotions in turmoil. As they retreat to their sanctuary, the tension dissipates, only for Yaya to reveal a truth that shatters Carl's understanding: she is merely using him as a means to boost her social media presence and ultimately secure a coveted spot as a trophy wife. Carl clings to the hope that true love will prevail, but Yaya's words are a harsh reminder of the superficiality that pervades their world.

The couple's odyssey continues on a luxury yacht, where they mingle with the rich and famous, all vying for attention in a sea of self-promotion. The chief stewardess, Paula (Vicki Berlin), dispenses wisdom to her staff: "Say yes to everything the guests ask for, no matter how ridiculous." Carl and Yaya indulge in a photo shoot, their poses and smiles calculated to garner likes and followers. However, when Carl's gaze falls upon a shirtless crew member, he becomes fixated on the notion that Yaya is interested in someone else – a suspicion he feels compelled to verify with Paula. The latter attempts to intervene, but Captain Thomas (Woody Harrelson) has retreated to his cabin, leaving her words of wisdom unheeded. As the yacht glides through the waves, Carl's insecurities and fears are left bobbing on the surface, threatening to capsize their already precarious relationship.

As the models' excursion to the dining hall unfolds, Carl's camera captures Yaya in a series of playful poses amidst the tantalizing aromas of pasta. The atmosphere is lively as they encounter an eclectic assortment of characters, including the enigmatic Dimitry (Zlatko Buric), his wife Vera (Sunnyi Melles), and their companion Ludmilla (Carolina Gynning). Dimitry's entrepreneurial ventures are revealed when he candidly shares that he "sells shit" - a euphemism for his substantial holdings in the fertilizer industry. Meanwhile, across the room, the British couple Winston (Oliver Ford Davies) and Clementine (Amanda Walker), proprieters of a weapons manufacturing business, engage in conversation with Therese (Iris Berben), whose husband Uli (Ralph Schicha) discloses that she has been afflicted by a stroke, leaving her able to communicate only through a single phrase.

As night descends, Carl and Dimitry indulge in libations while observing Jarmo (Henrik Dorsin), a solitary businessman fixated on Yaya and Ludmilla at the bar. Jarmo attempts to strike up a conversation by feigning anticipation of a woman's arrival, all the while Carl and Dimitry watch with a mixture of disdain and amusement as he struggles to win over the women.

The next day, Vera lounges in the jacuzzi, where she encounters Alicia (Alicia Eriksson), a member of the ship's crew. Vera invites Alicia to join her in the pool, but the latter is hesitant due to her duties, which dictate compliance with the guests' requests. As the crew is eventually invited to join the poolside revelry, Paula expresses reservations, fearing that the kitchen staff's absence will compromise the food's quality. Despite this, everyone proceeds to the pool. Paula attempts to garner Thomas's attention, but he emerges from his quarters in a state of intoxication, indifferent to the commotion.

As dinner approaches, the guests gather once more in the dining hall, where Thomas receives a specially prepared plate distinct from those served to the other attendees. The evening takes a dark turn as people begin to exhibit signs of nausea, prompting them to vacate their seats and seek relief in their rooms. Soon, the ship is beset by chaos as the plumbing system malfunctions amidst the turmoil, unleashing torrents of vomit and feces throughout the vessel's corridors. Amidst this tumult, Thomas and Dimitry succumb to intoxication and engage in a boisterous debate over communism and capitalism via the ship's public address system.

As the sun rises over the ravaged ship, the aftermath of chaos becomes eerily apparent. Winston and Clementine's fates are sealed when a grenade, manufactured by their own hands, detonates at their feet, claiming their lives. The pirates, emboldened by this sudden turn of events, launch a brutal assault on the vessel, culminating in an explosion of unprecedented ferocity.

Part 3: The Island

A small coterie of survivors - Carl, Yaya, Dimitry, Jarmo, Therese, Paula, and ship mechanic Nelson (Jean-Christophe Folly) - manage to escape the carnage, washing up on the shores of a mysterious island. As the group struggles to find shelter from the impending storm, tensions rise when Dimitry accuses Nelson of being a pirate due to his unaccounted-for presence earlier in the day. The accusation is tinged with racial undertones, hinting at deeper societal issues.

As night descends, the survivors are jolted by an unseen predator, prompting a frantic search for aid that ultimately proves futile. Come morning, a lifeboat drifts ashore, bearing Abigail (Dolly De Leon), a ship's cleaning lady who brings with her the promise of sustenance and solace. Her arrival sets off a chain reaction as she tends to the group's physical needs, displaying a quiet authority born from her resourcefulness.

As evening falls, Abigail kindles a fire and cooks an octopus, its tender flesh a testament to her ingenuity. The group watches in rapt attention as she sips her own broth, her eyes glinting with a steely resolve. When Abigail begins to hoard food for herself, Paula's concerns are met with a curt reminder that the cleaning lady has earned her keep by providing sustenance and warmth.

As the group settles into their new reality, Carl and Nelson catch wind of Abigail's hidden stash and, under the cover of darkness, pilfer pretzel sticks from her bag. Their nocturnal raid is soon discovered, prompting Abigail to assert her dominance over the group. Any food she catches will be hers alone; they must fend for themselves.

Dimitry's grief is momentarily interrupted by the arrival of Vera's lifeless form on the shore. He takes a moment to pay his respects before succumbing to the temptation of her diamond necklace, a symbol of luxury and excess in this desolate new world. Abigail, meanwhile, discovers her pilfered pretzels and exacts a stern warning: any further thievery will result in the group being forced to find their own sustenance.

As Carl's hunger pangs intensify, Abigail takes pity on him, inviting him to share her lifeboat quarters, where she has fashioned a cozy sanctuary.

As Carl's increasing affinity for Abigail sparks a palpable tension with Yaya, the dynamics between the trio begin to fray. Meanwhile, the other survivors venture into the woods, where they stumble upon an unlikely encounter - a donkey, its fate hanging precariously in the balance. Jarmo takes it upon himself to put the animal out of its misery, but his initial attempt falls short, leaving the creature to suffer a agonizingly slow demise before he finally brings it down with a heavy blow. The gruesome spectacle leaves Jarmo consumed by remorse, while Dimitry and Nelson revel in his success, their excitement tempered only by the gravity of their situation.

As tensions simmer beneath the surface, Yaya informs Carl that she's planning a hike, and Abigail chooses to accompany her, leaving Carl to remain behind in the lifeboat. Unbeknownst to them, Therese is left struggling to connect with a passing merchant, his offerings tantalizing but ultimately out of reach due to their precarious circumstances.

As Yaya and Abigail explore the island, they stumble upon an unexpected discovery - an elevator by the beach, revealing that they've been stranded on an island resort all along. Their initial euphoria is short-lived, however, as Abigail's growing resentment towards Yaya's relationship with Carl reaches a boiling point. With a heavy heart, she approaches her nemesis, a massive rock poised and ready to strike. But just as the moment of truth arrives, Yaya extends an olive branch in the form of a job offer, prompting Abigail to dissolve into silent tears.

As the credits roll, Carl is seen sprinting wildly through the woods, desperate to catch up with Yaya and Abigail before they slip beyond his grasp.