
Does Thor: Ragnarok have end credit scenes?


Thor: Ragnarok has end credit scenes.

Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok


In this action-packed adventure, Thor's quest to reclaim his hammer and save Asgard from destruction becomes a fight for survival as he faces off against an unexpected foe - the Incredible Hulk. With Ragnarok looming, the God of Thunder must use his wit and cunning to outsmart the ruthless Hela and restore balance to his realm.

Runtime: 130 min

Box Office: $855M







User Score






User Score


7.9 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Thor: Ragnarok!

As the curtain draws open on this cosmic adventure, we find Thor (Chris Hemsworth), still reeling from the aftermath of Avengers: Age of Ultron, grappling with his own sense of purpose and identity. The God of Thunder's woes are compounded by his recent estrangement from Jane (although he insists it was a mutual parting). Amidst these existential crises, Thor is suddenly summoned to confront the fire demon Surtur, who prophesies the impending doom of Asgard in the form of Ragnarok - a cataclysmic event that would bring about the complete destruction of his homeland. Surtur's ominous warning sets Thor on a quest for answers, and he seizes the opportunity to escape and destroy Surtur using his trusty hammer Mjolnir, claiming the crown as his own.

Upon returning to Asgard, Thor is met with an unsettling sight: Heimdall (Idris Elba), once the stalwart sentry of the Bifrost Bridge, has been replaced by the hapless Skurge (Karl Urban). The explanation for this sudden shift in power dynamics lies in Odin's (Anthony Hopkins) accusations of treachery against Heimdall, leading to his hasty departure. Thor's search for answers leads him to a grand statue of Loki (Tom Hiddleston), as well as the enigmatic presence of Odin himself, lounging in the midst of a theatrical performance celebrating Loki's "heroic sacrifice" against the Dark Elves.

As the truth begins to unravel, Thor forces Loki to abandon his disguise and reveals that he had manipulated events to send Odin into exile, depositing him in a New York retirement home. However, before they can devise a plan to rescue their king, Loki is suddenly drawn through a portal, leaving behind a cryptic message with an address. Following the trail, Thor arrives at the doorstep of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), who agrees to aid his quest for Odin's whereabouts on the condition that all Asgardians vacate Earth. With Thor's reluctant consent, Doctor Strange embarks on a research expedition, teleporting Thor across the Santum in a series of disorienting leaps. The sorcerer finally locates Odin's hiding place in Norway and frees Loki from his endless descent into the abyss. Enraged, Loki turns on Doctor Strange, only to be unceremoniously dispatched through another portal by the exasperated sorcerer, leaving Thor to ponder the next move in his quest for Odin.

As the curtain of fate draws to a close, Odin's frail form stands atop a Norwegian cliffside, freed from Loki's insidious spell. The All-Father reveals his mortality, confessing that Ragnarok looms on the horizon in the guise of Hela (Cate Blanchett), his firstborn daughter consumed by darkness. He shares with Thor and Loki the long-buried truth about their sister, sealed away for eternity but now resurrected. With a heavy heart, Odin apologizes to Thor for past failures before passing into the great beyond, leaving behind a bereft Thor and a calculating Loki.

The momentary silence is shattered as Hela emerges from her prison, engaging the brothers in brief, stilted conversation. Unfazed by their pleas, she effortlessly dispatches Mjolnir with a flick of her wrist. Recognizing the futility of resistance, Loki asks to be returned to Asgard, but Hela's icy grip on reality sees him expelled from the portal, followed shortly by Thor. The goddess then sets her sights on Asgard, claiming its Bifrost Bridge as her own.

At the palace, she wreaks havoc, slaughtering Volstagg (Ray Stevenson) and Fendral (Zachary Levi), cajoling a terrified Skurge into her service. Her rampage continues unchecked until the entire palace guard falls to her unyielding might. Meanwhile, Thor finds himself deposited on a desolate planet, a refuse-filled wasteland where he is quickly overwhelmed by scavengers.

Enter Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), a hard-drinking bounty hunter with a penchant for roughing up would-be foes. She captures Thor and delivers him to the Grandmaster's (Jeff Goldblum) eccentric domain, where he is forced to confront his own mortality in the arena. The God of Thunder learns that Loki has been ensconced on this planet for weeks, ingratiating himself with the Grandmaster through his cunning guile.

As Thor languishes in the dungeons, befriending a resourceful rock-creature named Korg, he discovers that all who have dared challenge the champion have met their maker. Hela, meanwhile, seeks to claim Asgard's vaults as her own, employing a living flame to resurrect her army of the dead – a force that will stop at nothing to conquer the realms. The Bifrost sword, once wielded by Heimdall, now rests in his hands, serving as a beacon for the fleeing Asgardians seeking refuge from Hela's wrath.

As the mighty Thor steps into the arena, his anticipation is palpable. But instead of facing some unknown warrior, he finds himself pitted against a formidable foe from his own past - none other than the Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). The god of thunder is ecstatic to see his old ally, now transformed into the rage-filled behemoth that has left destruction in its wake. Thor's initial enthusiasm quickly gives way to concern as he attempts to reach the human within the monster, hoping to reawaken Bruce Banner and end the mindless rampage.

However, Hulk's unyielding ferocity proves too much for even Thor's formidable strength, leaving the god of thunder battered and bruised. As the crowd cheers on their favorite gladiator, Loki is visibly unsettled by the creature that had once bested him in a battle for dominance over Earth. The tension builds as Thor finally finds his footing and begins to fight back with renewed vigor.

A flash of inspiration strikes when Thor conjures a vision of Odin, channeling the raw power of the Nine Realms' gods into a burst of lightning that illuminates the arena. Though he gains the upper hand, the Grandmaster's sudden intervention - motivated by a desire to preserve the entertainment for his audience - sees Thor stunned and helpless. In Asgard, Hela's malevolent presence hangs heavy as she orders Skurge to execute a random mortal, hoping to break the will of those who remain.

Skurge, torn between loyalty and compassion, hesitates at the precipice of destruction. Just as all hope seems lost, a courageous soul steps forward, revealing the location of Heimdall - a glimmer of defiance in the face of unimaginable terror that refuses to be extinguished.

As Thor delves into the complexities of Hulk's (Mark Ruffalo) existence, he discovers that his friend has been trapped in a prolonged state of green-skinned fury for an astonishing two years. The revelation sparks a sense of urgency within the God of Thunder, who seeks to capitalize on this rare window of opportunity. He turns his attention to Valkyrie, an Asgardian warrior with a tragic past, whose own brush with mortality at the hands of Hela has left her with a deep-seated trauma.

Initially resistant to Thor's pleas for assistance, Valkyrie is eventually swayed by the God's determination and the prospect of finding closure. Her transformation from bitter survivor to willing ally is nothing short of remarkable, as she joins forces with Thor in his quest to reclaim Asgard. Meanwhile, Banner (Mark Ruffalo), still grappling with the weight of his own identity, is torn between the desire to remain human and the fear of succumbing to the monstrous alter ego that has haunted him for so long.

As the stakes grow higher, Thor finds himself facing a formidable foe in Loki (Tom Hiddleston), whose Machiavellian machinations threaten to upend their fragile alliance. In a tense standoff, Thor confronts his treacherous brother, who has once again demonstrated an alarming lack of moral fibre. With a heavy heart and a hint of resignation, the God of Thunder acknowledges that Loki's inherent nature will forever preclude him from embracing redemption.

In a bold display of strategic foresight, Thor outwits Loki by activating a shocking device that renders his brother temporarily powerless. As the dust settles, Thor stands victorious but forlorn, his hopes for Loki's reform dashed by the realization that his sibling will never transcend his self-serving inclinations. With the fate of Asgard hanging precariously in the balance, Thor must now confront the daunting challenge of reclaiming his rightful place as its ruler.

Here's the rephrased section:

As the Grandmaster's decadent vessel drifts away, Thor, Banner, and Valkyrie seize control of the ship and make their escape through the infamous Devil's Anus passage. Their daring heist allows them to narrowly evade the clutches of the Grandmaster, but not before they're forced to confront the brutal realities of his hedonistic empire. Meanwhile, in Asgard, Thor arrives just as Hela is poised to destroy the remaining refugees who managed to escape through the Bifrost Bridge. The God of Thunder engages her in a fierce battle, but even his mighty strength proves insufficient against her dark powers, and he's left reeling from the loss of an eye. Seeking guidance, Thor has a vision of Odin, who reminds him that his true power lies not with Mjolnir, but within himself. The All-Father imparts wisdom, suggesting that anywhere people survive is, in effect, Asgard - a notion that resonates deeply with Thor as he begins to grasp the full extent of his abilities.

Inspired by this newfound understanding, Thor unleashes a thunderous lightning bolt, sending Hela flying and shattering her hold on the realm. As Valkyrie and Heimdall valiantly attempt to hold off the forces of Hel, Loki seizes the initiative, rallying Korg and other escapees as they scramble to evacuate the Asgardians. Meanwhile, Banner transforms back into the Hulk, clashing with one of Hela's monstrous hounds in a battle that rages across the ruins of Asgard.

In the aftermath, Skurge makes the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life to ensure the survival of those fleeing Asgard. As the remnants of the godly society make their way to safety, Thor joins forces with Valkyrie and Loki, aware that Hela's power is growing stronger still. It becomes clear that the only way to stop Ragnarok is not to prevent it, but to bring it about, a revelation that sends Thor on a quest to fulfill his destiny.

With Loki by his side, Thor sets out to complete the ritual, sending his brother down into the vaults to ignite the flames of Surtur's skull. As Loki escapes with the Tesseract, Surtur is reborn, and the god of fire sets about laying waste to Asgard - a destruction that ultimately allows the surviving Asgardians to escape.

As the dust settles, Thor assumes his new role as leader, aware that his people must now rebuild on distant shores. With a mix of sadness and determination, he orders his ship to set course for Earth, where a fresh chapter in the God of Thunder's journey awaits.

Post-Credits Scene:

In a stunning turn of events, the Grandmaster (actor's name), notorious for his relentless pursuit of Thor (actor's name), makes an unexpected landing on a desolate planet, littered with the remnants of a once-thriving civilization. As he emerges from the wreckage, he finds himself face-to-face with a motley crew of scavengers, each bearing the scars of a life ravaged by exploitation and oppression. With a hint of admiration, the Grandmaster acknowledges their valiant struggle for freedom, declaring a begrudging truce in the process.

The grandiose figure, once the epitome of power and control, is met with a mixture of skepticism and hostility from his new acquaintances, who are all too familiar with the harsh realities of survival on this unforgiving world. Yet, as they engage in a tense standoff, it becomes clear that beneath their rough exteriors lies a deep sense of resilience and determination. The Grandmaster's uncharacteristic display of empathy serves as a poignant reminder that even the most hardened individuals can exhibit moments of humanity.

As the dust settles on this unexpected encounter, the scene fades to black, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating what other surprises may be in store for them in future installments.