
Does Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness have end credit scenes?


Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has end credit scenes.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


As the fabric of reality unravels, Doctor Strange embarks on a perilous odyssey through the Multiverse, teaming up with enigmatic allies to battle a cryptic foe. This boundary-pushing adventure careens wildly between mind-bending realities, testing the Sorcerer Supreme's limits and blurring the lines between sanity and madness.

Runtime: 126 min

Box Office: $957M








User Score






User Score


6.9 /10

IMDb Rating

Check out what happened in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!

In a realm where the fabric of reality is woven with countless threads, the film begins its tapestry with Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) - or rather, his variant, Defender Strange - in a desperate sprint alongside teenager America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez). As they flee from a demonic entity hell-bent on destruction, Defender Strange's valiant attempts to ward off the beast are thwarted when he realizes that America's unbridled powers may be the key to their salvation. However, since she struggles to harness her abilities, he endeavors to siphon them from her, only for the demon to strike him down and launch a devastating attack on America. In a burst of energy, America's powers surge forth, birthing a star-shaped portal that offers a fleeting escape route. With seconds to spare, Defender Strange seizes the opportunity to save himself and America by yanking them through the shimmering gateway.

As reality snaps back into focus, Doctor Stephen Strange awakens from his vivid dream, dismissing it as a mere nightmare. He rises from bed, dresses, and ventures out to attend a wedding - only to be reunited with former colleague Nicodemus "Nic" West (Michael Stuhlbarg), who has also suffered the erasure of time following The Snap. As Strange exchanges pleasantries with Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams), now wedded to another, he confesses his deep regret at not being able to make their relationship work, but Christine reassures him that their union would have ultimately ended in heartache.

Outside, Strange witnesses chaos erupting on the streets as people scramble for safety. Donning the Cloak of Levitation, he soars into action, joining forces with Wong (Benedict Wong) to confront the behemoth Gargantos - an octopus-like monstrosity terrorizing the city. With Gargantos' eye ripped from its socket, America Chavez finds herself under siege once more, her powers now at a boiling point. As Strange and Wong close in on her, they discover that she has pilfered his Sling Ring, but ultimately surrender to its allure.

Over slices of pizza, America reveals the true extent of her abilities: the power to traverse any world within the vast multiverse, though she remains woefully unaware of how to harness this gift independently. The group also beholds the lifeless form of Defender Strange - a corpse marked by witchcraft that sends shivers down Wong's spine. As the pieces fall into place, Strange recognizes the identity he must seek out in order to unravel the mysteries surrounding America and his own alternate self, thus setting the stage for an epic journey through the realms of the multiverse.

In the midst of a tranquil existence with her artificially created sons Billy (Julian Hilliard) and Tommy (Jett Klyne), Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) finds herself stuck in an endless loop of lucid dreaming, where these very same boys still occupy her thoughts. The respite is short-lived, as the enigmatic Doctor Strange (actor not provided) interrupts her reverie, seeking her assistance in unraveling a mystifying threat that imperils the nation. As Wanda agrees to lend her expertise, she inadvertently reveals her deep-seated longing for a tangible connection with Billy and Tommy, whom she created in the realm of "WandaVision". Her subsequent decision to conjure forth the Darkhold (a tome of dark magic) sets in motion a chain of events that will reshape the very fabric of reality.

As Wanda's grip on her powers tightens, she demands that Strange transport America to the Kamar-Taj by the next day or risk facing the full fury of the Scarlet Witch. Strange and Wong work tirelessly to conceal America from prying eyes while preparing for an impending assault. However, their carefully laid plans are swiftly upended as a dark cloud descends upon the temple, and Wanda's wrath is unleashed.

Despite Doctor Strange's valiant efforts to reason with her, Wanda has already made up her mind, and she unleashes her formidable powers against him. The Kamar-Taj's defenders raise their shields in a futile attempt to repel Wanda's assault, but the Scarlet Witch proves too powerful, reducing the temple to rubble and claiming several lives.

As chaos ensues, Strange and Wong scramble to protect America from Wanda's wrath. In a desperate bid to contain her fury, Strange attempts to trap her within the Mirror Dimension, only for Wanda to devise an escape route. After besting Wong and setting her sights on America, Wanda's portal powers are inadvertently triggered, prompting Doctor Strange to leap into action and rescue America from certain doom. As they disappear through the swirling vortex, Wanda manages to strike the Cloak of Protection with a blast of energy, foreshadowing the epic battle that is yet to come.

As the dimensional odyssey of Strange and America continued to unfold, they found themselves transported to the realm of Earth-838, a universe teeming with mystique. In this world, Strange proposed that they seek out the alternate America, hoping that she could offer valuable insights into her powers. However, America remained steadfast in her conviction that there was only one version of herself across the multiverse. Undeterred, they resolved to locate the other Strange, who possessed knowledge crucial to their quest for the ancient Book of Vishanti - a tome capable of countering the nefarious Darkhold and halting Wanda's destructive path.

As they navigated this new realm, America's craving for sustenance led her to procure what she believed were free pizza balls from a vendor. Unbeknownst to her, the unsuspecting peddler (Bruce Campbell) was left feeling bewildered by her mistake. Strange, however, seized the opportunity to employ his magical prowess, imbuing the vendor with an unexpected affinity for self-punishment. With their hunger sated and their vendor's ire assuaged, they proceeded onward, traversing portals that projected memories from distant pasts.

As they walked, America chanced upon a series of memory pads, each one revealing fragments of her own history. She beheld herself as a child, surrounded by loving mothers, whose warmth and affection triggered an unforeseen burst of portal energy - the same phenomenon that had once ripped them apart. Strange, meanwhile, caught glimpses of his own past, reliving moments of tenderness with Christine, including the poignant gift of a watch that held significant sentimental value.

Their journey eventually led them to a statue honoring the Earth-838 version of Strange, only to discover that he had met a heroic demise while battling Thanos. Undaunted by this revelation, they pressed onward, seeking the Sanctum Sanctorum, where they encountered Baron Karl Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor), the Sorcerer Supreme of this realm. Initially, Mordo's demeanor seemed more affable than that of his counterpart from their own universe, but Strange and America soon realized that his hospitality was merely a ruse, as he drugged their tea and took them captive.

Meanwhile, back at the Kamar-Taj, Wanda's relentless pursuit of the Darkhold led her to attempt dreamwalking, entering the mental realm of her Earth-838 counterpart in an effort to reconnect with Billy and Tommy. However, Sarah (Sheila Atim), a lone survivor, managed to evade Wanda's wrath by destroying the Darkhold at the cost of her own life. Enraged and empowered by this discovery, Wanda coerced Wong into revealing what else he knew about the ancient tome, threatening to unleash a torrent of violence upon any sorcerer who dared defy her. Wong eventually relented, disclosing that the original Darkhold could be found within the sacred temple nestled deep within a mountain range.

In a shocking turn of events, Strange finds himself in a cell, only to discover that his alternate universe counterpart, Christine, has taken charge of multiverse research. Mordo arrives to escort Strange to meet the Illuminati, a team of heroes from various parallel universes. This esteemed group consists of Peggy Carter/Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell), Black Bolt (Anson Mount), Maria Rambeau as Captain Marvel (Lashana Lynch), Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic (John Krasinski), and their leader, the renowned Professor Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart). Each member of this elite team harbors deep-seated mistrust towards Strange, as his alternate universe counterpart had betrayed their world's trust by using the Darkhold to nearly bring about an incursion that destroyed their reality. Despite 838-Strange having contributed to defeating Thanos, his actions ultimately led to his own downfall, and the Illuminati was forced to eliminate him. In their eyes, Strange is perceived as a greater threat than Wanda.

Meanwhile, Wanda and Wong stumble upon a mysterious temple, where they are recognized by various guardians who have immortalized her image within its walls. As she delves deeper into the temple, Wanda finds herself drawn to the Darkhold once more, allowing her to enter the body of her 838-self. She then infiltrates the Illuminati's stronghold, effortlessly dispatching their robotic guards. The team soon finds themselves outmatched as they face off against Wanda. With calculated precision, she silences Black Bolt by removing his mouth, causing any words he speaks to implode within his skull. Next, she reduces Mr. Fantastic to nothingness. Captain Carter puts up a valiant fight before being struck down by Wanda's own shield, which impales her abdomen and ultimately proves fatal. Captain Marvel then attempts to resist, but is crushed beneath the weight of a descending statue.

As the chaos unfolds, Strange eggs Mordo on, goading him into attacking and freeing himself from his confinement. Mordo seizes the opportunity, only to find himself stranded and alone.

Wanda's quest for domination continues as she discovers America and Christine, who are attempting to escape with Christine's guidance. Professor Xavier attempts to delve into Wanda's mind, seeking to extract her 838-self from Scarlet Witch's control. However, Wanda's grip proves too strong, and she brutally snaps Charles's neck.

With the Book of Vishanti now within their grasp, Strange and his companions make a hasty retreat. Christine leads them to a door that the 838-Strange knew how to open, which they manage to unlock using the broken watch as the key. They enter the dimension holding the sacred text, only to find Wanda hot on their heels. In a fit of rage, she destroys the book and captures America before banishing Strange and Christine into another universe.

As the fabric of reality unravels, Christine and Strange find themselves lost in a dystopian New York, where the very essence of existence has been warped by the corrupting influence of the Darkhold. Within the Sanctum Sanctorum, they encounter Sinister Strange, a twisted variant of their own hero, who has succumbed to the temptation of the ancient tome. Sinister Strange's sinister intentions are matched only by his cold calculation, as he demands Christine's presence in exchange for granting Strange access to the Darkhold's power. The ensuing battle between good and evil is marked by the most unexpected weapon: magical music notes that echo through the chambers, culminating in Sinister Strange's impalement.

As the dust settles, Christine re-joins Strange, who has resolved to dreamwalk himself into the very heart of reality. He delves into the mind of the deceased Defender Strange, transforming him into a shambling corpse that slowly gains sentience. This unholy union enables Zombie Strange to open a portal to the temple, only to be beset by legions of damned souls seeking to drag him down into their abyssal realm. Christine and Zombie Strange join forces to vanquish these spectral forces, leveraging the power of the undead to pull themselves toward salvation.

Meanwhile, Wong valiantly fends off the temple guards, her determination to protect her friends and allies unwavering. As America begins to break free from Wanda's grasp, she unleashes a torrent of magical fury, honing her powers in preparation for the epic struggle ahead. The 838 universe serves as a surreal backdrop, where Billy and Tommy are torn asunder by their mother's monstrous form, now consumed by the darkness. Scarlet Witch's rampage is eventually halted when her 838 counterpart intervenes, offering words of comfort to the tormented soul.

As Wanda's grip on reality begins to slip, America seizes the opportunity to guide her toward redemption. Together, they navigate the treacherous landscape, ultimately culminating in Wanda's decision to bring down the temple upon herself, ensuring that every iteration of the Darkhold will be forever destroyed.

In the aftermath of their shared ordeal, Strange and Christine share a poignant moment of introspection, as the sorcerer confesses his enduring love for her, acknowledging that this bond transcends the boundaries of reality. Though they part ways on amicable terms, America's arrival serves as a harbinger of new beginnings, as the sorcerers rebuild the Kamar-Taj and welcome their newest member to their ranks.

As the fabric of reality is rewoven, Strange reflects on his journey, recognizing that Christine has become an integral thread in the tapestry of his existence. In a moment of profound gratitude, he acknowledges that her presence has enriched his universe, and she reciprocates with her own expression of appreciation, solidifying their bond as the very foundation upon which their shared reality is constructed.

Here's a rephrased version of the section:

As Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) meticulously tends to the mystical timepiece gifted by Christine, it appears that he's poised to reclaim his sense of normalcy. However, this brief respite from chaos is short-lived, as he succumbs to an overwhelming emotional tide and collapses to his knees in a poignant display of vulnerability. His transformation is eerily reminiscent of the Sinister Stranger's, as a third eye materializes on his forehead, serving as a haunting harbinger of the turmoil that lies ahead.

Mid-Credits Scene: Strange's solitary stroll down the street is interrupted by the enigmatic sorceress Clea (Charlize Theron), who reveals that his actions have inadvertently created an incursion. Alarmed, she summons the Dark Dimension and extends an invitation for him to join her, which he accepts with a mix of trepidation and fascination.

Post-Credits Scene: The hapless pizza ball vendor's self-inflicted torment finally comes to an end, leaving him visibly relieved as the darkness recedes and the world returns to its mundane rhythms.