
Does Twisters have end credit scenes?


Twisters has end credit scenes.




When a relentless storm chaser's past comes crashing back, Kate Carter must reconcile her fears with a chance to revolutionize the field. Leaving behind the screens of New York City, Kate reunites with her friend Javi in the open plains to test a cutting-edge tracking system, only to find herself face-to-face with...

Runtime: 2 h 2 m

Box Office: $221M







User Score


7.1 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Twisters!

In the heartland of Oklahoma, Kate Carter (character) - a driven college student - teams up with a group of fellow storm enthusiasts, including Javi, Addy, Praveen, and her boyfriend Jeb, to harness the power of technology in their quest to tame the fury of tornadoes. Armed with cutting-edge equipment, including a Dorothy V doppler, they attempt to disrupt the destructive force of these twisters by launching barrels of sodium polyacrylate solution into their midst. As Javi keeps watch from a safe distance, Kate, Addy, Praveen, and Jeb successfully deploy the solution into an incoming tornado, but as the tempest grows in intensity, the crew finds themselves caught in its deadly grasp. Abandoning their trusty truck, they make a desperate bid for shelter under a nearby bridge, only to be torn asunder by the EF5 tornado's devastating winds and swirling debris. The devastating loss of her teammates weighs heavily on Kate's heart, leaving an indelible mark that will shape her future endeavors.

Five years later, Kate has relocated to New York City, where she works at a NOAA office, grappling with the trauma of her past experiences. Javi, now a college graduate and a rising star in the world of storm chasing, arrives in the Big Apple as part of his team at Storm Par, offering Kate a one-week opportunity to join forces with him and test their innovative scanning system for tornadoes in Oklahoma. Still haunted by the memories of her fallen friends, Kate initially resists Javi's overtures, but is moved to act when she sees footage of a small town ravaged by a recent tornado. As Kate and Javi arrive on the scene, they reunite with the rest of the Storm Par team, including Scott, a shrewd businessman working closely with Javi. They are soon joined by other storm chasing crews, including the infamous Tyler Owens (character), aka the "Tornado Wrangler," who brings his own crew - Boone, Lily, Dexter, and Dani - along with Ben, a London journalist on assignment to document the world of American storm chasing.

Here's a rephrased version of the section:

As Storm Par's expedition sets out to confront their first tornado, which has taken aim at a nearby windfarm, the team splits into three distinct groups to deploy their scanning equipment. While two groups successfully set up shop, Kate's psyche betrays her, and she's overcome with PTSD symptoms, unable to assist Javi in setting up the third scanner. Instead, she abandons their post, fleeing from the twister in their truck. When the next tornado strikes, the Storm Par team manages to launch their scanning system, but the third scanner is swiftly destroyed by the intense winds. Kate and Javi barely escape with their lives as the tornado rages around them. As they regroup with Tyler's crew, now a mix of emotions swirl within Kate - she initially dismisses Tyler's team as self-serving opportunists hawking merchandise for personal gain, but soon discovers that the profits from their sales are actually channeled into disaster relief efforts. Her newfound understanding is tempered by a chance encounter with Marshall Riggs, a Storm Par investor who's secretly profiteering from the devastation by snapping up damaged land at bargain prices.

As Kate and Tyler's teams converge on a nearby motel, they're both invited to attend a rodeo in the area. Kate reveals her true Oklahoma roots to Tyler, who, in turn, confesses his past as a rodeo cowboy turned meteorologist following a series of injuries that left him reevaluating his priorities. When a massive tornado tears through the region, Tyler and Kate take refuge in an empty motel pool. In the aftermath, Kate's anger boils over when she confronts Javi about Riggs' shady dealings, prompting Javi to lash out at Kate for her role in their colleagues' demise.

Kate retreats to her family's farm in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, seeking solace from the chaos. Tyler soon follows, poring over Kate's research and notes on the tornado disruption experiment. Initially hesitant to retry the experiment due to lingering guilt over the loss of her colleagues, Kate eventually agrees to give it another shot after Tyler implores her not to let her past define her future. The next day, they set out to confront a passing tornado, releasing the solution in an attempt to dissipate the twister's fury. However, their efforts fall short, and Kate is left feeling stymied by their failure. With Javi's apologetic scanning data in hand, Kate hypothesizes a crucial change to the experiment, aiming to correct the oversight that had sabotaged their previous attempts.

As a Category 5 tornado bears down on El Reno, Kate joins forces with Tyler and his team, including Javi (played by) and Scott, to join the high-stakes chase. The trio's adrenaline-fueled escapades take them through the heart of Oklahoma, dodging debris and close calls at every turn. In a hair-raising sequence, Javi and Scott's vehicle careens precariously near a factory, narrowly avoiding disaster as a fire tornado erupts in the vicinity. As the intensity reaches a fever pitch, Javi makes a split-second decision to abandon the mission, leaving Scott behind, and quits Storm Par.

Meanwhile, Kate, Tyler, and their team spring into action to evacuate the townsfolk of El Reno, racing against time to usher them into safety. Amidst the chaos, a catastrophic train crash leaves Tyler's leg trapped beneath debris, but Kate and an arriving Javi come to his rescue, extricating him from the wreckage. As the trio takes refuge in a nearby movie theater alongside their colleagues and townsfolk, they watch in awe as the tornado wreaks havoc outside.

In a pivotal moment of recklessness, Kate seizes control of Tyler's truck and plunges it into the heart of the twister, determined to deploy the solution. After a tense struggle with the controls, she successfully launches the device, but her vehicle is flipped onto its side mere moments later. The tornado rips open the movie theater doors, threatening to sweep away Lily, but Tyler intervenes just in time, saving her as the solution takes effect and dissipates the twister's fury.

In the aftermath of their daring exploit, Javi drops Kate off at the airport, promising that research will continue on their groundbreaking experiment. As she prepares to depart, Tyler bids her farewell, expressing his hope that she'll stay in Oklahoma – a sentiment echoed by Kate as she quotes his own mantra: "If you feel it, chase it." But just as she's about to disappear into the airport, the PA system announces flight delays due to strong winds. Undeterred, Tyler gives chase, racing after Kate as they return to his car, ready for their next adventure together.