
Does Avengers: Infinity War have end credit scenes?


Avengers: Infinity War has end credit scenes.

Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War


When Earth's mightiest heroes converge to face an existential threat, a formidable foe emerges from the cosmos: Thanos, a malevolent force driven by a twisted desire to wield the Infinity Stones' omnipotent power. With reality hanging in the balance, the Avengers' very purpose is put to the ultimate test – can they save existence from the brink of destruction?

Runtime: 149 min

Box Office: $2.1B







User Score






User Score


8.4 /10

IMDb Rating




User Score

Check out what happened in Avengers: Infinity War!

The cinematic canvas shifts dramatically as we cut to the pivotal moment in space where the Asgardian evacuation ship lies ravaged by the ruthless assault of Thanos (Josh Brolin) and his formidable Black Order - Cull Obsidian (Terry Notary), Proxima Midnight (Carrie Coon), Ebony Maw (Tom Vaughn-Lawlor), and Corvus Glaive (Michael Shaw). Amidst the carnage, Thanos confronts Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and coldly demands the Tesseract, with the implicit threat of executing Thor (Chris Hemsworth) if his demand is not met. The cunning God of Mischief elects to spare Thor's life by handing over the artifact, but this brief respite is soon interrupted by the Hulk's (Mark Ruffalo) valiant yet futile attempt to take down Thanos.

As Thanos effortlessly dispatches the Hulk, Heimdall (Idris Elba) exhausts his remaining energies to propel the enraged green giant through the Bifrost portal and towards Earth. In a chilling display of power, Thanos impales Heimdall with ruthless precision before turning his attention back to Loki. The would-be traitor is met with a merciless suffocation as Thanos crushes the life from his neck, leaving Thor to mourn the loss of his brother in anguish.

The Tesseract's secrets are then laid bare as Thanos claims the Space Stone within, and he departs alongside his dark progeny, leaving behind the smoldering ruins of the Asgardian ship. The Hulk crashes onto the hallowed grounds of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City, transforming back into the beset Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) as Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wong (Benedict Wong) stumble upon him.

As Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) enjoy a leisurely jog, Tony's introspective musings are interrupted by the sudden appearance of Doctor Strange through a portal. The Sorcerer Supreme imparts a sense of urgency to Tony, accompanied by Bruce's dire warnings that Thanos is closing in.

As Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) ventures into the mystical realm of the Sanctum Sanctorum, he finds himself enthralled by Dr. Stephen Wong's (Benedict Wong) comprehensive account of the Infinity Stones' ancient history. The storied scholar meticulously recounts the intricate tales surrounding Power, Space, Soul, Time, Reality, and Mind, painting a vivid picture of why the formidable Thanos would seek to claim these powerful artifacts for himself. Tony's epiphany is swift, recognizing that he requires an alliance to tackle the impending threat. However, in his conversation with Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), he confides about the intricacies involved, stemming from the Avengers' tumultuous dissolution.

The tranquil atmosphere is shattered when a mysterious spacecraft descends upon the city, drawing the attention of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) during a school outing. As his spider-senses tingle, he quickly deploys Ned (Jacob Batalon) as a diversion, allowing Spider-Man to swing into action. Meanwhile, Maw and Obsidian arrive on the scene, targeting Tony, Bruce, Strange, and Wong in their quest to secure the Time Stone from the Sorcerer Supreme. Donning his Iron Man armor, Tony prepares for battle, while the other three utilize their unique abilities - Wizardly spells, mystical energy, and ancient arcane power.

However, Maw proves a formidable foe, utilizing telekinetic abilities to deflect attacks aimed at him. Bruce's attempts to tap into the Hulk's fury are thwarted, leaving him struggling to make an impact. Spider-Man arrives on the scene, tackling Obsidian with his agility and quick wit. Wong cleverly dispatches Obsidian through a mystical portal, simultaneously exacting a gruesome price for the villain's attempted retreat. As Maw reaches for the Time Stone, Strange has taken precautions, placing an enchantment that prevents Maw from grasping it - but not before capturing the Sorcerer Supreme.

In response, Spider-Man leaps onto Maw's ship, with Iron Man hot on his heels. The latter dispatches the Iron Spider armor to protect Peter and guide him back to Earth; however, our web-slinging hero has other plans, secretly stowing away on the spacecraft. As Bruce decides to mobilize the remaining Avengers, Wong remains behind to safeguard the Sanctum, aware that the true battle has only just begun.

As the Guardians of the Galaxy venture into the vast expanse, their eclectic crew - Peter Quill/Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), the deadly assassin Gamora (Zoe Saldana), the imposing Drax (Dave Bautista), the wise-cracking Rocket Raccoon (Bradley Cooper), Teenage Groot (Vin Diesel) in a perpetual state of innocence, and the enigmatic Mantis (Pom Klementieff) with her otherworldly abilities - respond to a distress signal from an Asgardian vessel. The ship's ruins are all that remain, strewn across the desolate landscape like skeletal remains, bearing testament to the devastating power of war. Thor, the mighty god, crashes through their windshield, his presence as jarring as it is unexpected. As they bring him onboard, the Guardians are introduced to a man out of place and time, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the tragedy that has befallen the Asgardians.

As Thor recounts his tale, the revelation of Gamora's connection to Thanos sends shockwaves throughout the group, forging an unbreakable bond between them. The common enemy driving their quest is Thanos himself, whose insatiable thirst for power and control has led him to seek the Reality Stone from Tanileer Tivan/The Collector (Benicio Del Toro). With this new information, Thor sets his sights on Nidavellir, where a powerful weapon capable of vanquishing the Mad Titan awaits. Uniting with Rocket and Groot, who seek to acquire their own arsenal of intergalactic armaments, the God of Thunder embarks on a perilous journey. Meanwhile, the rest of the Guardians head towards Knowhere, driven by a shared determination to prevent Thanos from realizing his malevolent designs.

In a world far removed from the cosmic battles unfolding in space, Vision (Paul Bettany) and Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) find solace in each other's company. As they stroll through the quiet streets of Scotland, their serenity is shattered by an unexpected attack orchestrated by Glaive and Midnight. Wanda, fueled by her anger and grief, unleashes her wrath upon the minions, while Vision stands steadfast as a bulwark against the forces seeking to claim the Mind Stone. In the midst of chaos, a figure emerges from the shadows - Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans), accompanied by Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie). Together, they repel the invaders, ultimately escorting Wanda and Vision aboard their ship as they set course for home.

In a haunting flashback, a young Gamora is torn from her mother's side as Thanos's armies overrun her homeworld. The brutal invasion is a grim precursor to the events that would shape Gamora's destiny, as she is taken captive by Thanos himself and presented with a dagger, an ominous symbol of the slaughter that has occurred and will continue to unfold.

As the Milano hurtles through the galaxy, Gamora turns to Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) with an enigmatic revelation: she possesses knowledge that Thanos remains oblivious to. In the event that he were to discover her secret, she implores Quill to take her life, sealing her fate forever. With this somber warning, the duo arrives at Knowhere, only to find Thanos employing his cunning tactics on Tivan (Dennis Haysbert) in search of the Reality Stone's location. Drax (Dave Bautista), poised to charge into battle, is instead subdued by Mantis' (Pom Klementieff) unorthodox abilities. Gamora seizes the opportunity to strike down Thanos, plunging a dagger into his neck and heart with precision. As she mourns her perceived victory, Thanos lies motionless, only for reality to reveal itself as an illusion crafted by the Mad Titan to gauge her emotional investment. The truth: he has already secured the Reality Stone, playing a Machiavellian trick on Gamora. With the Reality Stone in hand, Thanos seizes Gamora, leaving Quill helpless to intervene.

Meanwhile, Peter and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) converge their efforts to rescue Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), who finds himself trapped and tormented by Maw's (Tom Vaughan-Lawlor) relentless assault. Drawing inspiration from the cinematic masterpiece "Aliens", Peter devises a plan where Tony creates a breach in the ship, allowing the vacuum of space to drag Maw out, where he freezes into an icy tomb. As Strange teeters on the brink of being sucked out, Peter intervenes, and Tony seals the hole. United in their determination to thwart Thanos' destructive path, the trio joins forces as Tony officially initiates Peter into the fold of Avengers.

Thanos becomes increasingly aware that Gamora has uncovered the location of the Soul Stone, despite her vehement denials. To extract this information, he subjects Nebula (Karen Gillan) to a gruesome display of torture, fragmenting her body into disparate pieces. As Thanos delves deeper into Nebula's memory logs, he uncovers the truth: Gamora discovered the map to the Soul Stone but chose to destroy it, leaving the location unknown. Prodded by Thanos' relentless cruelty, Gamora finally concedes that the stone lies on the planet Vormir. With this knowledge, Thanos sets his sights on Vormir, accompanied by Gamora, while Nebula manages to escape and sends out a distress call to Mantis, urging her to meet on the distant planet of Titan.

As Thanos (Josh Brolin) and Gamora (Zoe Saldana) arrive on Vormir, they encounter the enigmatic Red Skull (Ross Marquand), who has been transported to the planet via the Tesseract. The keeper of the Soul Stone reveals that the stone can only be obtained through a devastating sacrifice - the loss of a loved one. Gamora mocks Thanos' emotional detachment, believing him incapable of attachment and thus unable to obtain the stone. However, Thanos' eyes betray his true feelings as he reveals his deep love for Gamora, confessing that he cannot relinquish what he desires a second time. The anguish in his voice is palpable as he watches Gamora attempt to take her own life with the dagger, only to transform it into bubbles at his command. With heavy heart, Thanos seizes Gamora and propels her off the cliff, momentarily transported to a realm where he finds the coveted Soul Stone nestled within his palm.

Meanwhile, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Rocket (voiced by Bradley Cooper), and Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) press on towards Nidavellir. As they approach, Rocket presents Thor with a new eye, a gesture of goodwill to compensate for the one taken by Hela. Upon landing on the planet, they find it shrouded in darkness and devoid of life. The trio is ambushed by Eitri (Peter Dinklage), the sole survivor of Nidavellir's destruction at Thanos' hands after completing the Infinity Gauntlet. Thor offers his assistance to revive the planet, hoping to forge a new weapon.

In an Avengers hideout, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/War Machine (Don Cheadle) confers with General Ross (William Hurt) regarding the imprisoned heroes now on the loose. Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans), Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), and Vision (Paul Bettany) reassemble, with Bruce Banner/Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) finally reunited with his comrades. The primary concern is destroying the Mind Stone to prevent Thanos from claiming it. Steve reveals that he knows someone who can aid their cause.

In Wakanda, T'Challa/Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and Okoye (Danai Gurira) present Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan) with a revolutionary vibranium arm.

On Titan, Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Tom Holland), and Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) encounter Quill/Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), and Mantis (Pom Klementieff). Initially, they clash in a brief battle, mistakenly believing one another to be working for Thanos. As they realize their mutual enemy, they strive to devise a strategy to take down the Mad Titan. However, Stephen's use of the Time Stone reveals millions of possible outcomes, with only one resulting in their ultimate triumph.

As Thor's determination reaches a fever pitch, he dares to defy the odds by attempting to harness the power of Nidavellir's rings, even resorting to channeling the beam directly into his own being. This reckless endeavor exacts a heavy toll on his bodily form, yet Eitri's skilled hands manage to shape the malleable metal into the fateful hammer, Stormbreaker, which not only reinvigorates Thor's divine energies but also forges an unbreakable bond between Groot and the mighty weapon. Meanwhile, as T'Challa marshals his Wakandan forces, including M'Baku (Winston Duke) and the stalwart Jabari, in anticipation of Thanos's impending arrival, a desperate bid to extract the Mind Stone from Vision's lifeless form commences under Shuri's (Letitia Wright) watchful eye. The very fabric of Wakanda is soon breached by an onslaught of twisted creatures, with only a handful breaching the defenses before succumbing to T'Challa's calculated counterattack. In a bold move, he deliberately weakens the dome, allowing the monstrous invaders to flood in and engage his warriors in brutal combat. Bruce, meanwhile, dons the Hulkbuster suit, his rage and frustration simmering beneath the surface as he confronts the formidable Obsidian, ultimately dispatching the beast with precision-crafted force.

As Thanos arrives on Titan's ravaged landscape, he shares a somber tale of woe with the enigmatic Doctor Strange, recounting the once-thriving planet's collapse due to scarcity and desperation. His twisted solution? Genocide on a cosmic scale, which he deceptively rationalizes as "mercy". The Avengers launch a daring ambush against Thanos, seeking to wrest the Infinity Gauntlet from his grasp, only for Nebula's dramatic arrival to shatter their plans. Mantis, meanwhile, attempts to subdue Thanos using her empathic abilities, but the Mad Titan's unyielding strength proves too great to overcome. As Tony Stark, Peter Parker, and Doctor Strange combine forces to remove the Gauntlet, Quill's anguish and fury boil over upon discovering Gamora's absence from the scene. Mantis's reading reveals Thanos's grief-stricken state, prompting Nebula's grim realization that he has indeed claimed her sister as a casualty of his campaign. Quill's rage ignites, shattering Mantis's hold on Thanos and rendering their strategy null and void. In response, Thanos unleashes the full fury of the Gauntlet, obliterating one of Titan's moons and hurling it toward the heroes with devastating force. Tony Stark, undaunted, engages Thanos in a valiant but doomed struggle, only to be impaled by his own sword. Just as the Mad Titan prepares to deliver the final blow, Doctor Strange sacrifices the Time Stone, allowing Thanos to vanish into the ether.

As the battle rages on in Wakanda, Thor joins forces with Rocket and Groot, their bond strengthened by Bifrost's powerful energy coursing through them. Stormbreaker proves a formidable ally, decimating the enemy with its massive might. Meanwhile, Wanda's anguish grows as she witnesses her friends fall to the ground, leaving Vision vulnerable to capture. With a burst of rage, Wanda joins forces with Natasha and Okoye to take down Midnight, ultimately sending her crashing into a merciless mechanism that reduces her to rubble. Glaive makes a fatal mistake in targeting Vision, only to be impaled by his own scythe as the android exacts swift justice.

However, the arrival of Thanos brings an unprecedented level of devastation. Despite their valiant efforts, the Avengers struggle to lay a finger on the Mad Titan. Steve's attempt to take him down ends with a crushing blow, leaving him reeling. Wanda's reluctance is palpable as she destroys the Mind Stone and Vision, her words of love and devotion torn from his lips by Thanos' cruel manipulation. The villain then resurrects Vision using the Time Stone, only to claim the Mind Stone for himself and deliver a fatal blow.

As Thanos' powers grow, Thor leaps into the fray, impaling him with Stormbreaker in a final, futile attempt to stop the destruction. Yet, Thanos merely shrugs off the attack, snapping his fingers to unleash the devastating consequences of the Infinity Stones. The Gauntlet falters, but the stones themselves remain intact.

As the dust settles, Thanos vanishes into another realm, where he confronts a young Gamora. Her questions regarding success and cost are met with a cold, calculating response: "Everything." Meanwhile, back in reality, the world is left to mourn the loss of beloved heroes. The once-proud warriors of Wakanda crumble to dust, as do T'Challa, Sam, Wanda, Groot, and most of the Wakandan army. On Titan, Drax, Mantis, and Quill meet a similar fate.

In the midst of this desolate landscape, Steve holds Tony's hand as Peter slowly succumbs to the inexorable force of extinction. Strange follows suit, leaving the two remaining survivors, Tony and Nebula, to face an uncertain future on the ravaged Titan. On Earth, Steve stands alone, his gaze frozen in despair as he watches his friends disintegrate before him.

The curtain closes with Thanos basking in the glow of a distant sunrise, his malevolent satisfaction a stark contrast to the devastation he has wrought. As the credits roll, we are treated to an eerie silence, punctuated only by the faintest hint of hope: Nick Fury's (Samuel L. Jackson) desperate cry for help as Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) meets her own demise in a flash of disintegration.

As the Mad Titan Thanos embarks on a perilous quest to harness the limitless power of the Infinity Stones, the fabric of reality begins to unravel. His ruthless pursuit of dominance commences with the brutal acquisition of the Power Stone, leaving Xandar in ruins and claiming the lives of Heimdall and Loki among the Asgardian survivors. This devastating act sets off a chain reaction, prompting Thor's collision course with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

In a bid to vanquish his nemesis, Thor joins forces with Rocket Raccoon and Groot to forge an unyielding weapon capable of defeating Thanos. Meanwhile, the remaining Guardians head to Knowhere in pursuit of the Reality Stone, only to discover that it has already fallen into the grasp of their formidable foe. Thanos's next move is to claim Gamora, leveraging her knowledge of the Soul Stone's whereabouts and leading him to the mysterious planet Vormir.

There, he encounters the enigmatic Red Skull and is forced to make a heart-wrenching decision: sacrificing Gamora in exchange for the coveted Soul Stone. As the stakes grow higher, Tony Stark teams up with Doctor Stephen Strange and Peter Parker to thwart Ebony Maw's attempt to steal the Time Stone from Strange's possession.

Their combined efforts culminate in a confrontation on Titan, where they face off against Thanos and his formidable Black Order lieutenants: Cull Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, and Corvus Glaive. The battle rages on, with T'Challa leading the charge against Thanos's forces in Wakanda.

The tide of war turns as Thor arrives on the battlefield, wielding the mighty Stormbreaker. However, a catastrophic misstep by Peter Quill allows Thanos to claim the Time Stone from Strange, setting the stage for his ultimate triumph. The Mad Titan then sets his sights on Wakanda, where he wrenches the Mind Stone from Vision's cranium, defying Wanda's valiant efforts to destroy it.

As the heroes on Titan struggle against Thanos, Quill's impulsive attack only serves to fuel his foe's power. Strange reluctantly surrenders the Time Stone, and Thanos proceeds to wield its might. With the Infinity Stones now in his possession, he unleashes their collective energy, snapping his fingers and irreparably altering the universe.

The devastating consequences of his actions are felt across the globe, claiming the lives of beloved heroes like T'Challa, Falcon, Wanda, Bucky, Quill, Mantis, Drax, Groot, Strange, and Peter. The surviving Avengers are left to grapple with the crushing loss and desolation that has befallen their world. As Thanos retreats to a distant planet, basking in the glow of his monumental triumph, the remnants of humanity are left to confront the bleak reality of their existence.

As the dust settles on the ruins of Washington D.C., the somber reality sets in: even the most stalwart guardians have fallen prey to the chaos. Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Maria Hill, two stalwarts of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s highest echelons, meet their demise alongside their comrades, a sobering reminder that no one is invincible in the face of catastrophic destruction. But before succumbing to the same fate as their fallen allies, Fury seizes a fleeting moment to issue a desperate plea for assistance to an unlikely savior: Captain Marvel (Brie Larson), a hero whose unparalleled abilities and storied exploits make her the last, best hope against the abyss that threatens to consume them all.