Deadpool 2 2018

Box Office



119 min




In this explosive sequel, Wade Wilson - aka Deadpool - faces off against his toughest challenge yet: rediscovering his zest for life after a gruesome bovine attack. As he navigates a world without flavor, he must also confront ninjas, yakuza, and an unholy pack of canines in a quest to find the perfect blend of family, friendship, and adventure - all while battling to prove himself as the World's Best Lover.

In this explosive sequel, Wade Wilson - aka Deadpool - faces off against his toughest challenge yet: rediscovering his zest for life after a gruesome bovine attack. As he navigates a world without flavor, he must also confront ninjas, yakuza, and an unholy pack of canines in a quest to find the perfect blend of family, friendship, and adventure - all while battling to prove himself as the World's Best Lover.

Does Deadpool 2 have end credit scenes?


Deadpool 2 does have end credit scenes.






User Score

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User Score


7.6 /10

IMDb Rating



User Score

Plot Summary

The curtain opens on a scene of morose introspection as Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) sits amidst a haze of cigarette smoke, his mind wandering to the fates that befell fellow superheroes. His reverie is interrupted by the sound of a music box, its contents eerily reminiscent of Wolverine’s gruesome demise in “Logan”. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Deadpool carelessly flicks his cigarette into the air, allowing it to land with a soft whoosh in one of the nearby barrels of fuel. The resulting explosion sends shards of glass and debris flying everywhere, reducing Wade’s physical form to a pile of dismembered limbs.

As the dust settles, Deadpool proceeds to lambast Wolverine for meeting his demise on screen, boasting that he can outdo the X-Men’s most iconic member in his own movie. With this irreverent taunt still hanging in the air, we are transported back in time to an earlier era when Wade was reveling in his life as a mercenary, taking great pleasure in dispatching villains left and right.

It is during this period that he crosses paths with Sergei Valishnikov, a nefarious character who sets off a chain reaction of events that would alter Wade’s trajectory forever. After outmaneuvering Sergei’s goons and securing a ride from the hapless Dopinder (Karan Soni), Wade returns home to his loving partner Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) to celebrate their anniversary. The evening is filled with warmth and affection as Wade presents her with a sentimental skee ball token from their first date, only for Vanessa to reveal that she is ready to start a family with him.

Their euphoria is short-lived, however, as Sergei’s goons burst into their apartment, seeking to claim revenge. A fierce battle ensues, during which Wade dispatches the attackers but ultimately succumbs to his rage when Sergei shoots and kills Vanessa. Driven by an overwhelming sense of grief and responsibility, Wade gives chase to Sergei, who attempts to escape in a vehicle. The two engage in a high-speed pursuit that culminates with Sergei’s untimely demise at the hands of an onrushing truck.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, Wade succumbs to despair, blaming himself for Vanessa’s untimely passing. He seeks solace in the company of Blind Al (Leslie Uggams), who tries to guide him back from the brink of destruction. However, Wade remains mired in his grief, ultimately turning to substances as a means of self-medication. It is during this dark period that he experiences a series of vivid hallucinations, finding himself in an alternate realm where Vanessa awaits him in their apartment. Alas, even in this ethereal domain, Wade is unable to reach out and connect with the love of his life.

As the fragments of Wade’s physical form are recovered by Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and brought to the mutant academy, it becomes clear that his journey is far from over. With his physical form reassembled through the aid of advanced technology, Deadpool awakens, ready to embark on a new chapter in his life as a hero with a score to settle.

As Wade recuperates in the opulent mansion, he continues to indulge in his mischievous nature, pilfering Professor Xavier’s chair for a joyride and firing off witty remarks that only the most ardent X-Men fan could rival. A brief glimpse into the esteemed institution reveals the illustrious presence of Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart), Beast (Nicholas Hoult), Cyclops (Tye Sheridan), and Quicksilver (Evan Peters) in session, a poignant reminder of the esteemed mentors who shaped Wade’s early years.

Wade’s convalescence is also marked by reunions with Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and her endearing partner Yukio (Shioli Kutsuna). Colossus (Dan Stevens), ever the gentle giant, implores Wade to join the X-Men in order to heal his emotional scars. Initially hesitant, Wade eventually agrees to don the mantle of heroism alongside Negasonic and Colossus as they respond to a pressing mission.

Their destination is an orphanage run by the Essex Corporation, touted as a facility dedicated to “curing” mutant children. However, upon arrival, they find 14-year-old Russell Collins, alias Firefist (Julian Dennison), wreaking havoc on the premises. Deadpool’s attempts at dialogue with Russell are met with resistance, but the Merc with a Mouth soon discovers that the young mutant is being brutally mistreated by the ruthless Headmaster (Eddie Marsan) and his loyal orderly.

With no regard for consequence, Deadpool takes matters into his own hands, dispatching the offending orderly in a gruesome display of violence. Colossus and Negasonic are left reeling in horror as Russell’s powers, previously suppressed, erupt in a burst of fiery fury. In the ensuing chaos, Wade and Russell are apprehended and fitted with collars designed to curb their mutant abilities.

In a jarring flash-forward, mercenary Cable (Josh Brolin) awakens to the devastation of his once-thriving home, now reduced to rubble. The tender memory of his wife’s teddy bear serves as a poignant reminder of his loss before he embarks on a journey through time.

Wade and Russell find themselves transported to the notorious Icebox, an Orwellian prison where mutants are held captive and brutalized. As they struggle to adjust to their new surroundings, Russell’s impulsive nature prompts him to seek out conflict with the facility’s largest inmate. Meanwhile, Wade’s attempts at detachment from his young charge are foiled by Russell’s unwavering dedication. Their brief respite is short-lived, as a trio of mutants led by the menacing Black Tom Cassidy (Jack Kesy) sets its sights on the duo, leaving them battered and bruised in the aftermath.

As Cable’s relentless pursuit of Russell reaches a fever pitch, he orchestrates an daring infiltration of the maximum-security prison, only to discover that Wade and his captive are nowhere to be found. Undeterred, Cable engages in a frenzied battle with the facility’s guards, ultimately tracking down his quarry to find Wade and Russell already gone. The mercenary’s search for answers is met with a mixture of hostility and enigmatic responses from Wade, who initially claims to be motivated by a desire to protect Russell, but later reveals that he couldn’t care less about the young mutant’s fate.

Fueled by frustration and anger, Cable takes out his aggression on Wade, disarming him and leaving him unconscious. As Wade slips into the mysterious realm, he finds himself once again confronted with the elusive Vanessa, who delivers a stinging rebuke for his continued failure to reconcile his troubled past. Undeterred, Wade resurfaces in the real world, his resolve hardened by his encounter with the enigmatic Vanessa.

Seeking solace in familiar surroundings, Wade heads to his favorite watering hole, where he confides in his loyal friend Dopinder and Weasel (TJ Miller) about his newfound sense of responsibility regarding Russell’s fate. Inspired by a shared passion for chaos and camaraderie, they hatch a plan to form an unconventional team of misfits, dubbed the “super duper fucking group.” This motley crew includes Bedlam (Terry Crews), capable of manipulating both electrical energy and the currents coursing through human minds; Zeitgeist (Bill Skarsgard), whose acid-spewing abilities make him a force to be reckoned with; Shatterstar (Lewis Tam), an alien with an inflated sense of superiority; Vanisher, whose very existence is shrouded in mystery; Domino (Zazie Beetz), blessed with an uncanny knack for good fortune; and Peter (Rob Delaney), an ordinary mortal drawn into the chaos by a whim.

Meanwhile, back in the Icebox, Russell discovers a potential ally in a hulking mutant with unparalleled physical strength, further complicating his precarious situation.

As the jet soars through the skies, Deadpool’s makeshift team, dubbed “X-Force” by their fearless leader, embarks on a perilous mission to intercept a truck hauling mutant prisoners, including the enigmatic Russell. In his inimitable style, Deadpool warns his comrades to be on high alert for the notorious Cable. The team springs into action, deploying parachutes as they leap out of the plane, but the strong winds that nobody bothered to check prove disastrous. Bedlam meets a gruesome end by slamming headfirst into a truck, Shatterstar is reduced to mere ribbons by helicopter blades, Vanisher meets a shocking demise via electrocution on wires (revealing his true identity as none other than Brad Pitt), and Zeitgeist becomes an unfortunate victim of a wood chipper. Peter’s attempts to rescue the hapless Zeitgeist only result in him suffering a gruesome acid burn that leaves his right side a smoldering ruin, while Zeitgeist himself is transformed into a human salsa. Amidst the chaos, Deadpool and Domino manage to survive, eventually catching up to the truck as it careens out of control. Domino seizes the opportunity to hijack the vehicle, while Deadpool engages Cable in an intense battle that leaves several mutants, including Black Tom, brutally slaughtered. This callous display prompts Deadpool to label Cable a racist, despite Black Tom’s Caucasian complexion.

As the dust settles, Russell unleashes his powerful mutant ally, Juggernaut (yeah, you heard me right!), who single-handedly demolishes the truck and sends it crashing through a nearby bridge. Deadpool can’t help but geek out at the sheer awesomeness of Juggernaut, only to have his enthusiasm brutally cut short as he’s torn in half by the behemoth’s mighty fist.

As Deadpool returns to Blind Al’s abode, where his still-growing legs are slowly reconstituting themselves, Weasel, Dopinder, and Domino converge on the scene. Cable arrives shortly thereafter, bearing grave news: according to his temporal visions, Russell will eventually evolve into a ruthless killing machine, driven by the memory of their first murder committed in tandem with Juggernaut. This future self will ultimately be responsible for the brutal slaying of Cable’s family, prompting him to travel back in time to eliminate Russell before he can start down this dark path.

Deadpool convinces his friend Cable to grant him a chance to reason with Russell before he’s silenced forever. Before embarking on this emotional mission, Deadpool commandeers Dopinder’s ride for a trip to the X-Mansion to solicit the aid of Colossus, still reeling from the senseless slaughter that has left their friendship in tatters. Seeking to appeal to Colossus’s better nature, Deadpool implores him to join forces with Russell, hoping to steer the troubled mutant away from his impending descent into madness.

As the unlikely quartet of Deadpool, Cable, Domino, and Dopinder converges on the orphanage, their mission to thwart Russell and Juggernaut’s nefarious plans becomes all too real. Dopinder, taken aback by Juggernaut’s formidable physique, beats a hasty retreat back to his cab, leaving the trio to confront the deadly duo head-on. Meanwhile, Deadpool attempts to reason with Russell, only to be ignored as he charges forth to take down the Headmaster. The orderlies, sensing impending doom, arrive on the scene and are promptly dispatched by the three mutants, who prove an unstoppable force in combat.

Just as it seems the situation is spiraling out of control, a sleek jet materializes above, bearing Colossus, Negasonic, and Yukio to the rescue. Together, they turn their attention to Juggernaut, engaging him in an epic battle that showcases his incredible strength. However, despite Colossus’s valiant efforts to hold his own against the behemoth, Juggernaut proves too powerful, leaving the team desperate for a new strategy.

Enter Yukio, whose quick thinking and resourcefulness prove instrumental in turning the tide of battle. With her trusty rope, she binds Juggernaut’s legs together, effectively crippling him. Meanwhile, Colossus seizes an opportunity to get dirty, inserting a loose electrical wire into Juggernaut’s behind – a move that leaves the villain writhing in agony. Negasonic, meanwhile, uses her powers to propel Juggernaut into a nearby pool, rendering him powerless and effectively ending the fight.

As Russell’s destructive rampage reaches its climax, Deadpool intercepts him, attempting to reason with the troubled soul and steer him away from the path of vengeance. However, Russell refuses to listen, unleashing a barrage of attacks against the Merc with a Mouth. Despite being struck down, Deadpool manages to attach one of Cable’s suppressing collars around his neck just in time for the X-Force leader to take aim at Russell. With a heroic leap into harm’s way, Deadpool absorbs the bullet intended for Russell, sacrificing himself to save the orphanage and potentially alter the course of events.

As the life drains from his body, Russell is overcome with remorse, cradling Deadpool’s lifeless form as he weeps uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Cable gazes upon the vanishing bloodstains on Fandango’s teddy bear, a poignant reminder that their efforts have indeed changed the future for the better.

As Deadpool slips away into the afterlife, he finds himself reunited with Vanessa, his love, in a realm where he is once again whole and unblemished by the horrors of his existence. The two share a tender moment, exchanging words of wisdom and reflection on Wade’s remarkable journey. Though Vanessa ultimately reminds him that his time has not yet come, Deadpool accepts his fate with a sense of peace.

In a stunning twist, Cable uses the last charge of his time travel device to rewind to the fateful day when he first arrived at the orphanage alongside Deadpool and Domino. Upon discovering the token hidden within Deadpool’s suit, the mercenary can’t help but tease his friend for using his own sacrifice against him. As the two share a warm hug, Cable reveals that he had given up his last charge to save Deadpool, prompting the merc to retaliate with a playful jab.

The trio departs, leaving behind the devastation and despair of the orphanage. However, their resolute stride is momentarily interrupted by the arrival of Dopinder, who arrives in a cab to deliver a crushing blow to the ungrateful Headmaster. As the dust settles, Deadpool proudly declares that these mutants are his family, walking away from the ruins alongside his new allies.

As the credits roll, Negasonic and Yukio find themselves tasked with repairing Deadpool’s time travel device, a endeavor they soon regret as they hand it over to its eager owner (Deadpool). With a mischievous glint in his eye, Deadpool sets off on a journey through the fabric of time, determined to alter the course of events. His first stop is a fateful night when Vanessa is brutally murdered by Sergei, and with lightning-fast reflexes, he takes out the assailant, sending shockwaves throughout the timeline. Next, he leaps forward in time to prevent Peter’s gruesome demise, his actions weaving a complex tapestry of cause and effect. But it isn’t until he finds himself standing in the shoes of his younger self during the making of “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” that Deadpool takes matters into his own hands, dispatching the proto-Deadpool with ruthless efficiency. The ultimate target of his meddling is Ryan Reynolds, who at the time was on the cusp of accepting a role in Green Lantern - and only just escapes being silenced by Deadpool’s timely intervention.

Meanwhile, back in the present, Wade Wilson’s world is turned upside down when one of his escaped targets breaks into his apartment, taking the life of Vanessa. Consumed by grief and anger, Deadpool lashes out in retaliation, but ultimately finds himself succumbing to depression and despair. As he contemplates a life without purpose, Colossus intervenes, offering him a chance to join the X-Men once more. This time, however, it’s not just about personal redemption - it’s about protecting Russell Collins, a mutant boy being brutalized by the sadistic Headmaster at an orphanage filled with terrified children. Joining forces with Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus, Deadpool sets out to rescue Russell from his tormentors, but their mission is soon hijacked by a mysterious mercenary named Cable, who has traveled back in time to prevent Russell’s future self from becoming a remorseless killer responsible for the deaths of his own family. As alliances are forged and broken, and X-Force takes shape, it becomes clear that Deadpool’s crusade will not be without its casualties - and that the stakes have never been higher.

As the heroes converge at the orphanage, a coalition of unlikely allies joins forces to thwart Russell’s destructive plans. Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and her partner Yukio link up with the X-Men, readying themselves for an epic showdown. Meanwhile, Deadpool tries to reason with Russell, attempting to quell his murderous fury and guide him towards a more compassionate path. Alas, his efforts prove futile, and Russell’s rampage reaches its climax as he prepares to deliver the final blow. It is then that Cable takes aim, firing a shot that sends Russell reeling – but not before Deadpool intervenes, donning a device that strips him of his mutant abilities and renders him mortal. As Russell beholds the selfless sacrifice, his malevolent intentions falter, and he begins to see the error of his ways.

The scene shifts as Cable travels back in time to alter the course of events, determined to prevent Deadpool’s demise. Upon his return, the Headmaster attempts to belittle the mutants, but Dopinder intervenes, using his vehicle to deliver a crushing blow that silences the condescending authority figure once and for all. In the aftermath, Deadpool comes to terms with having found an unexpected sense of belonging among his newfound comrades.

As the credits roll, Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Yukio work tirelessly to repair Cable’s time travel device – only for Deadpool to swoop in and claim it as his own. With this new technology at his disposal, he embarks on a series of daring missions, using his newfound temporal capabilities to rescue Vanessa from certain doom, save an ordinary bystander named Peter, and even dispatch the fake Deadpool from “X-Men Origins” – all while killing two birds with one stone by ridding the world of Ryan Reynolds’ potential involvement in Green Lantern.

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